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70 Cards in this Set

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Congestive Heart Failure
Most Used
Poor Absoprtion/Metabolism
Congestive Heart Failure
Good Abospriton/Metabolism
Congestive Heart Failure
IV/Hospital/Intense Cases
Congestive heart failiure
The heart fails to pump enough blood out to the arteries or to keep up with venous return
The hearts own needs for oygenation are not being met (arteriolar sclerosis is the common culrpit)
Fixed Angina
Decrease Deman due to exercise or exertion
Variant Angina
Decreased Supply and spasm
Unstable Angine
When a fixed/variant angina suddenly changes its tune generally leading to an MI
Organic Nitrates (nitrogylcerin)
Dilate vessels to decrease preload to heart and stop plaque build up (angina)-Drug taken during sleep-contraindicated with erecticle dysfunction drugs
Beta Blockers
Kills the sympathetic system causing a more relaxed state (end in -olol) block intracellular calcium meaning less stress on heart and blocks vasconstrictive Renin II
Renin 2
Bodies most powerful circulating systemic vasoconstrictor
Calcium Channel Blockers
(Angina) Stop intracellular calcium that causes crossbridiging in muscles-
Nifedipine (procardia)
"For the heart" Angina-Calcium Channel Blocker-used for variant verision of angina-targets smooth muscle and peripheral resistace-reflex tachy
Verapimil (calan)
Angina-decreases Targets Cardiac Musclet-no reflex tachy-do not mix of digoxin for congestive heart failure
Diltizem (cardizem)
Angina-Stable/Variant-less side effects and effectivity-drug of choice-
Stable Angina
Increased Demand (treat Verapimil)
Variant Angina
Decreased Supply (treat with nifedpine)
Cardiac Output
Stroke Volume x Heart Rate
Arterial Pressure
Cardiac Output x Total Peripheral Restistance
Adrenergic Neuronal Blockers (block norepi)-Can cause depression-
Adrenergic Neuronal Blockers (block norepi transmission)-Does not cause depression-causes lethargy
Central Sympathlytic-For mild hypertension-cause sexual dysfunction-sedation-edema
Peripheral Sympthalytics (beta blockers)
(block norepi secretion) good for post MI patients and asthmatic patients via B2 blockers
Propanolol, timolol, nadolol
Non selective beta blockers- (timolol key in glaucoma drops)
meteprolol and atenolol
selective beta 1 blockers (HTN)
Pindolol and acebutolol
partial agonists (HTN)
Non selective alpha blockers (HTN)
-Zosin drugs
Selective alpha blockers-second line drug with diuretic for hypertension
First line drugs against HTN causes kidneys to secrete more urine by holding onto more sodium and fluids follow sodium
Diuretic (HTN)
Furosemide (lasix)
Diuretic (HTN)-Loop Type
Diuretic (HTN)-Potassium Sparing
"pril" Ace Inhibitors
Blocks Angiotensin to Angiotensin 2-Angiotensin 2 is a vasoconstrictor
Direct Renin Inhibitor (aliskiren)
Decrease Renin = Decreased Angiotensin 2-can cause birth defects
Angiotensin 2 Receptor Blockers
"Sartan" can cause birth defects-MOA is obvious
Direct Vasodilator (HTN)w/ preeclmapsia (HTN in pregnancy)
Direct Vasodilator (HTN) can cause edema and reflex tachy
LDL, HDL, Total Cholestrol, Trig #'s
LDL <100
HDL >60
Total <200
Questrin Colestid and Welchol
Bile acid sequestrants which are the stupidest shit ever (LDL decreasors)
HMG-COA Inhibitors "Statins"
Decreased LD+Trig/ Increased HDL
Nictonic acid (niaspan)
Reduce VLDL production in liver therefore decreased LDL+Trig/Increased HDL
Fibric Acid Derivitatves
Fibr or Tri in there name tells you that they are fibric acid derived and treat triglcyerides only
Cholestrol Absorption Inhibitors (ezetimibe)
small intestine absoprtion of cholestrol is blocked to decrease LDL only (do not use with statins)
Red RIce Yeast
same as statin
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Lovaza Rx- great for triglycerides and providing HDL
Anti Platelet-Irreversible-Gi problems
Plavix (clopridgol)
Anti Platelet-Irreversible-Gi Problems-Alternative to those allergic to Apirin
Anti platelet for acute coronary problems AKA these are the most powerful anti platelets
Anti Coagulate-Inhibits Vitamin K coagulates, need to measure INR constantly
Dabigatran (pradaxa)
Anti Coagulate-Direct Thrombin Inhibitor- Complience is key for this drug-no INR problems
Anti Coagulate-Targets XA factor
Anti Coagulate-Targets thrombocin and XA factor and can be allergic to people since its pig derived
destorys clots by activating natural plasminogen to plasmin reduction system-3 hour time window
Anti Arrythmic Agents Type 1
Sodium Channel Blockers
Anti Arrythmic Agents Type 2
Beta Blockers
Anti Arrythmic Agents Type 3
Block K+ Outflow (blocks calcium inflow in return)
Anti Arrythmic Agents Type 4
Ca2+ Channel Blockers that work directly on the heart
Amiodarone-Type 3 AA
Major AA Agent USED-56 day half life-extends action potential
Drnedarone-Type 3 AA
Similar to amiodarone with fewer side effects
Verapimil-Type 4AA
Stable Angina+Calcium Channel blocker in heart= AA-Causes constipation
Anti Coagulate-Targets XA factor
Anti Coagulate-Targets thrombocin and XA factor and can be allergic to people since its pig derived
destorys clots by activating natural plasminogen to plasmin reduction system-3 hour time window
Anti Arrythmic Agents Type 1
Sodium Channel Blockers
Anti Arrythmic Agents Type 2
Beta Blockers
Anti Arrythmic Agents Type 3
Block K+ Outflow (blocks calcium inflow in return)
Anti Arrythmic Agents Type 4
Ca2+ Channel Blockers that work directly on the heart
Amiodarone-Type 3 AA
Major AA Agent USED-56 day half life-extends action potential
Drnedarone-Type 3 AA
Similar to amiodarone with fewer side effects
Verapimil-Type 4AA
Stable Angina+Calcium Channel blocker in heart= AA-Causes constipation