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53 Cards in this Set

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3 types of lipids
SIMPLE LIPIDS (fats, oils, waxes)
fatty acids
biosynth of fatty acids occurs on what pathway
Biosynthesis via acetate-malonate pathway
all natural fatty acids- cis or trans double bonds?
even or odd # carbons?
cis double bonds
even number carbons
important autocrine compound created from fatty acids
primary vs secondary hyperlipidemia
primary- inherited
secondary- endocrine or nutritional imbalance
where does atherosclerosis occur?
occurs in intima of the large/medium arteries-->leads to occlusion
lipids are compounds that are composed by a high # of...
hydrogens and carbons
formation of monoglyceride (draw) and state precursors
carboxylic acid + glycerol (3 ols)
diglyceride formation precursors
monoglyceride + carboxylic acid
fats and oils are made from what 2 compoundS?
oils vs fats
oils- liquid at RT
fats- derp
saturated, mono-unsaturated, and poly-unsaturated refers to what, specifically?
the number of hydrogens attached to the hydrocarbon tails of the
fatty acids as compared to the number of double bonds between carbon
atoms in the tail.
fats from animals a.k.a...
solid or liquid at RT?
saturated fat
all hydrogenated

solid- can pack together
Naturally-occurring unsaturated vegetable oils- cis or trans bonds?
all cis

if fried starts to become trans... (heated repeatedly- LIKE FRENCH FRIES)
waxes- structure
Esters of long chain fatty acid +
monohydric alcohols
conjugated (complex) lipids consist of what atoms? (5)

even or odd?

odd #
4 types of complex lipids and their structural components
lecithins - phosphatidyl choline
cephalins - phosphatidylethanolamine
sphingomyelins- sphingosines
lipoproteons (proteins...?)
Phospholipids are made from what 3 parts
glycerol + 2 fatty acids + phosphate group (in place of third fatty acid) with some othe rmolecule attached to its other end
lipoproteins are ______ found where?
macromolecules found in plasma
main function of lipoproteins
xport lipid material in the aqueous blood (cuz lipids not soluble in water)
lipoproteins contain what 6 compounds?
cholesterol ESTERS (waxes?)
proteins (apoproteins)
some carbs
4 groups of plasma lipoproteins (indicate sizes)
VLDL (next biggest)
LDL (smaller)
HDL (smallest therefore densest)
chylomicrons (biggest)
fat absorption pathway...billion steps...
fat absorbed (via bile acids) --> chylomicrons --> blood--> picks up ApoC/E --> lipoprotein lipases -->hydrolyze TGs off which goes to adipose tissue to be stored -->lose ApoC-->the rest of chylomicron remnants goes to liver--> becomes VLDL --> then released as IDL? --> LPL acts on IDL --> becomes LDL -->LDL receptors on extrahepatic cells pick up this LDL in the blood
ApoB48 - integral or peripheral? found on what?
integral protein on chylomicrons
ApoC= what is it
found on what (3)
peripheral protein that get attached to chylomicrons, HDL, VLDL
VLDL/IDL/LDL have what integral Apo protein?
HDL- made where? (2)
which integral apoprotein?
made in liver and to a lesser extent the gut

function of HDL
empty; collect triglycerides from adipose and take to liver
found on what (2)
peripheral protein that gets attached to chylomicrons and IDLs

binds receptors in liver/whatever cells
excess cholesterol in cells does what 2 things?
inhibits biosynthesis of cholesterol
inhibits synthesis of LDL receptors
which one (chylo, VLDL, LDL, HDL) has the most TGs?
which one (chylo, VLDL, etc) has the most cholesteorl esters
chylomicrons- role
xport ingested fat from guy cells (enterocytes) to adopose tissue then to the liver
VLDL produced where? role
produced in liver
transport fat from liver to other tissues
LDL role
xport cholesterol to the body
how are lipoproteins measured? (parameters and methods) (2)
size/density- by ultracentrifugation
vary in charge- electrophoresis
most dangerous lipoprotein
PATHWAY- occurs where? building block?
cytoplasm of liver cells
acetyl CoA
acetyl CoA comes from?
4 components (and quantity) needed to make a fatty acid (palmitic acid- a 16 carbon saturated fatty acid)
7x malonyl CoA + acetyl CoA (has 2C and -SH)

(malonyl is 3 carbons)
14 H+
4 byproducts of fatty acid synthesis
CO2, H2O, CoA, NADP+
converstion of acetyl CoA to malonyl CoA (3 components, and 1 enzyme)
acetyl CoA + HCO3- + ATP

acetyl CoA carboxylase
2 dietary fats
fatty acids- usage by body and converted to what?
used as energy source, then converted back into TGs
fatty acids- can be made endogenously?
congealing point definition
temp at which oil turns into a wax (solid)
comparing congealing points (for compounds with same # carbons): unsaturated vs saturated
the less unsaturated one always has a lower congealing point (double check)
go over pathway shit
2 most common saturated fatty acids (and how many carbons)
palmitic acid (C16)
stearic acid (C18)
palmitic acid- whats it look like, where is it found (2), significance, other name
found in animals and plants (herp palm trees)
white solid
first fatty acid produced during lipogenesis from which longer fatty acids can be produced
hexadecanoic acid
stearic acid - other name, how do you extract this?
octadecanoic acid

treating animal fat with water at high pressure/temp or from veggie oil hydrogenation
oleic acid- saturated or unsat? other name? know all the coommon names of these unsaturated ones
unsat (all cis)
cis-9-octadecenoic acid
unsaturated acid structures
--know and how to name