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257 Cards in this Set

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Do not DELEGATE what you can EAT







Down (Na+)

Down (tension),

Down (blood vol),

UP (Ka+)

Down (GLY)

HypoNatremia, HyPOtension, decreased blood vol., HyperKAlemia, HypoGLYcemia



UP (Na+)

UP (tension)

UP (Blood Vol)

Down (Ka+)


HyperNatremia, Hypertension, High blood pressure, HypoKalemia, Hyperglycemia

No Pee, no K+

Check ruing output without urine output do not give Potassium (K+)

eleVate -VEINS

dAngle Arteries



A- appearance (color all pink, pink and blue, blue (pale))

P-pulse (>100, <100, absent)

G- Grimace (cough, grimace, no response)

A- Activity (flexed, flaccid, limp)

R-Respiration (strong cry, weak cry, absent)

Transmission -Based Precautions:


My- measles

Chicken - Chicken Pox/Varicella (disseminated)

Hez- Herpez Zoster Shingles


Private Room

Negative pressure with 6-12 air exchanges/ hr


N95 for TB


Private Room or cohort


S- sepsis

S-scarlet fever

S-Streptococcal pharyngitis

P-parvovirus B19




D- Diptheria (pharyngeal)


R- Rubella



M-mycoplasma or meningeal pneumonia

An- Adenovirus

Contact Precaution: VCHIPS

Gloves, gown, wash hands

v-Varicella Zoster

C- cutaneous Diptheria

H-Herpez simplex




Contact Precautions: Mrs. wee

M-multidrug resistant organism

R-Respiratory infx

S-Skin infx

W- wound infx

E-enteric infx

E-Eye infx

Pulmonary Embolism:


chest pain

Difficulty breathing



Sense of impending doom

Turn patient to LEFT side and lower the HOB

Woman in Labor w/ Un-reassuring FHR

Late decels, decreased variability, fetal bradycardia,etc.

1)Turn on LEFT side

2) give O2

3) stop pitocin

4) increase IV fluids

Tube Feeding with Decreased LOC

Turn to the RIGHT side (promotes emptying of the stomach) with the HOB elevated to prevent aspiration

During Epidural puncture

side lying

After Lumbar puncture (also oil based myelogram

pt lies in flat supine (to prevent headache and leaking of CSF)

Pt with Heat stroke

Lie flat with legs elevated

During continuous bladder irrigation (CBI)

Catheter is taped to thigh so leg should be kept straight no other positioning restrictions

After Myringotomy

Position on side fear after surgery (allows drainage of secretions)

After Cataract Surgery

pt will sleep on unaffected side with night shield for 1-4 weeks

After Thyroidectomy

Low or semi-fowler's

support head, neck, and shoulders

Infant with Spina Bifida

position PRONE (on abdomen) so that sac does not rupture

Buck's traction (skin traction)

elevate foot of bed for counter traction

After total hip replacement

don't sleep on operated side

dont flex hip more than 45-60 degree

don't elevate HOB more than 45 degree

Maintain hip abduction by separating thigh with pillows

Prolapse Cord

Knee to chest position or Trendelensburg

Infant with CLEFT lip

position on back or in infant seat to prevent trauma to suture line

while feeding

hold in upright position

to prevent dumping syndrome

post op. ulcer/stomach surgeries -

eat in a reclining position, lie down after meals for 20-30 min (also restrict fluids during meals, low CHO and fiber diet, small frequent meals)


Elevate for first 24 hours on pillow (do not elevate), position prone daily to provide for hip extension

Below the knee amputation

foot of bed elevated for the first 24 hrs., position prone daily to provide for hip extension

Detach retina

Area of detachment should be in the dependent position

Administration of enema

position in left side lying (sims) with knee flexed

After supratentorial surgery (incision behind the hairline)

Elevate HOB 30-45 degrees

after infrtentorial surgery (incision at nape of neck)

position pt flat and lateral on either side

During internal radiation

on bed rest while implant in place

Autonomic dysreflexia/hyperreflexia


pounding headache, nasal congestion, goose flesh, bradycardia, hypertension, profuse sweating

place client in sitting position (elevate HOB) first before any other implementation


bed rest with extremities elevated 20 degrees knees straight, head slightly elevated (modified trendelenburg)

Head Injury

elevate HOB 30 degrees to decrease ICP (normal ICP 1-20 above 20 treatment)

Peritoneal Dialysis when outflow is inadequate

turn pt from side to side before checkin for kinks in tubing

Lumbar Puncture

after the procedure, the client should be placed in supine position for 4 -12 hrs. as prescribed

Demorol for Pancreatitis

not morphine sulfate

Myasthenia Gravis

worsens with exercise and improves with rest

Myasthenia crisis

A positive reaction to Tensilon-will improve symptoms

Cholinergic Crisis

Caused by excessive medication: stop medication

GIVING tensilon test will make it worse

Head injury medication

mannitor (osmotic diuretic)- crystalizes at room temp so always use FILTER NEEDLE

Prior to a liver biopsy

It is important to be aware of the lab results for pro thrombin time (20-45) (max 112)

From the A** (diarrhea)


From the Mouth (voMitus)

Metabolic Alkalosis


Slowed physical and mental function , sensitivity to cold, dry skin, and hair

Grave's disease/HYPERthyroidism

Accelerated physical and mental function, sensitivity to heat, fine soft hair

Post thyroidectomy

Semi-fowle's, prevent neck flexion/hyperextension, trace at bedside







S-stridor (decreased Ca+)

HIGH CALCIUM high (Norm: 9-11)

Low phosphorous diet (3.0-4.5)


Fatigue, muscle weakness, renal calculi, back and joint pain (Increased CALCIUM)

Low Ca+ (9-11)

high phosphorus diet (3.0-4.5)

Diabetes Insipidus (decreased ADH)

excessive urine output and thirst, dehydration, weakness, adm. Pitressin

SIADH (increased ADH)

Change in LOC, Decreased deep tendon reflexes, tachycardia, n/v, headache, adm. Declomycin, diuretics


Increased temp, rapid weak pulse, increase reap. hypotension, anxiety, urine specific gravity >1.030 not dilute


bounding pulse




peripheral edema


Urine specific gravity <1.010



Muscle weakness


Increase K (raisins, bananas, apricots, oranges, beans, potatoes, carrots, celery)

HyperKalemia (murder)

Muscle weakness

Urine (oliguria/aniuria)

Respiratory depression

Decreased cardiac contractility

ECG changes




muscle cramps,

increased ICP,

muscular twitching,


osmotic diuretics and FLUIDS


Increased temp


Lack of coordination

abd pain


absent tendon reflexes

sedative effect on CNS





Spasms and stridor


muscle weakness

lack of coordination

abdominal pain


Absent tendon reflexes

sedative effect on CNS









dig toxicity


depresses the CNS


facial flushing

muscle weakness

absent deep tendon reflexes

shallow respiration



Hypo NA



dark pigmentation

decreased resistance to stress



wgt loss

GI distress





prone to infection

muscle wasting






buffalo hump

Addisonian Crisis



abd. pain

extreme weakness



decreased BP


Hypersecretion of EPI/norepi, persistent HTN, increased HR hyperglycemia



pounding headache

avoid stress

frequent bathing and res breaks

avoid cold stimulating food

surgery to remove tumor

Neuroleptic malignant syndrom (NMS)

NMS is like S&M:

-you get hot (hyperpyrexia)

-Stiff (increased muscle tone)

-sweaty (diaphoresis)

-BP, Pulse, and respirations go up and

-you start to drool

never get pregnant with a German

dangerous when you get pregnant with german measles

when drawing up regular insulin and NPH together remember:


Regular comes before the NPH

Tetralogy of Fallot: HOPS

Drop (child drops to the floor or squats)

defect, septal

right ventricular hypertrophy

overriding aorta

Pulmonary stenosis

MAOI's that are used as antidepressants

weird way to remember: pirate say ARRR so think;




PANAMA - metallic bitter taste


check pulse,

less than 60 hold

check dig levels (0.5-2)

& potassium (3.5-5.0)


tx of GERD and kidney stones

watch out for constipation


Tx of anxiety and also itching

Watch for dry mouth, given preoperatively commonly


Given for conscious sedation

watch for respiration depression and hypotension

PTU and Tapazole

prevention of thyroid storm


tx. of parkinsons



urine may turn reddish brown occasionally causes: drowsiness


Tx of parkinson

Sedative effect also


tx of parkinson and extrapyramidal effects of other drugs


tx. of post op

N/V and for nausea associated with gastroenteritis

Timolol (timoptoc

tx. of glaucoma



Don't take if allergic to sulfa drugs

common SE: diarrhea

Drink plenty of fluids

Gout meds

Probenecid (Benemid)


Allopurinol (Zyloprim)

Apresoline (hydralazine)

tx of HTN or CHF

Report flu like symptoms

Rise slowly from sitting

Lying position

Take with meals


tx of irritable bowel

Assess for anticholinergic side effects

Calan (verapamil)

Calcium Channel Blocker

Tx of HTN, angina

Assess for constipation


tx of duodenal ulcers

Coats the ulcer

so take before meals


Tx of asthma or COPD

Therapeutic drug level 10-20


Is the Antedote to tylenol and administered orally


tx of glaucoma, high altitude sickness

don't take if allergic to sulfa drugs

Indocin (NSAID)

tx of arthritis (osteo, rheumatoid, gouty) bursitis and tendonitis


tx of hypothyroidism

May take several weeks to take effect

Notify doctor of chest pain

Take in the AM on empty stomach

Could cause hyperthyroidism


Tx of alcohol w/d don't take alcohol with this

very bad N/V

Oncovin (vincristine)

tx of leukemia give IV only


Tx of scabies and lice (scabies) apply lotion once and leave on for 8-12 hrs. (lice) use the shampoo and leave on for 4 min. with hair uncovered then rinse with warm water and comb with a fine tooth comb


tx after menopause estrogen replacement


Tx of seizures

therapeutic drug level 10-20


tx. schizophrenia

Assess for EPS


tx of ADHD

Assess for heart related side effects

report immediately

child may need drug holiday b/c it stunts growth

Dopamine (Inotropine)

Tx of Hypotension


Low cardiac output

poor perfusion to vital organs

monitor EKG for arrhythmias

monitor BP

FHR patterns in OB





V-variable decels C-cord compression cause

E-early decals H- head compression caused

A-accels O-Okay, not a problem

L-late decels P-placental insufficiency can't fill

For cord compression, place the mother in the trendelenberg position because this removes pressure of the presenting part off the cord. If her head is down, the baby is no longer being pulled out of the body by gravity

If the cord is prolapsed, cover it with sterol saline gauze to prevent drying of the cord and to minimize infection

For late decels., turn the mother to her left side, to allow more blood flow to the placenta

For any kind of bad fetal heart rate pattern, you give O2, often by mask

when doing an epidural anesthesia hydration before hand is a priority

Hypotension and bradypnea/bradycardia are major risks and emergencies

Never check the monitor or a machine as a first action always assess the patient first. For example listen to the FETAL heart tones with a stethoscope in nclex land. Sometimes its hard to tell who to check on first, the mother or the baby

It's usually easy to tell the right answer if the mother or baby involves a machine. If you are not sure who to check first, and one of the choices involves the machine that;s a wrong answer

IF a baby is posterior presentation sounds are heard at the sides

if baby is anterior the sounds are heard closer to midline between the umbilicus and where you would listen to a posterior presentation

If the baby is breech

the sounds are high up in the funds near the umbilicus and where you would listen to a posterior presentation

Ventilator alarms;


H-high alarms = O- obstruction due to increase secretions, kinks, pt coughs, gag or bites

L-low alarm = D-disconnection or leak in ventilator or in pt airway cuff, pt stops spontaneous breathing

Blood sugarS

HOT AND DRY sugar high (hyperglycemia)

Cold and clammy need some candy (hypoglycemia)

ICP vs. SHOCK have opposite V/S

ICP- Increased BP, Decreased PULSE, decreased RR

Shock- decreased BP, Increased PULSe, increased RR

Cor pulmonae

Right heart failure caused by left ventricular failure (pick edema, JVD, if it is a choice)

Heroin withdrawal

neonate irritable, and poor sucking

Jews do not eat

meat and milk together

brachial pulse

pulse area CPR on an infant

Test child for lead poisoning around

12 months of age

bananas, potatoes, citrus fruits

source of potassium


Cultures are obtained before starting

any IV antibiotics

a pt with leukemia may have epistaxis (nose bleeds) b/c of

low platelets (150,000-450,000)

Best way to warm a newborn

skin to skin contact covered with a blanket on mom

when a pt comes in and she is in active labor

the nurse first action is to listen to the FHR

Phobic disorders

Use systemic desensitization

Hyperthyroidism Think:

Michael Jackson Thriller:



Bulging EYES

Up all night

Heart beating fast


Used to decrease secretions


An antiemetic used to reduce nausea


Is commonly used tranquilize given to reduce anxiety before O.R.


is used for pain control

Do not give demerol to pt with sickle cell crisis

Iron injections should be given Z-track

So they do not leak into SQ tissues



E-Erb's point


Man- Mitral

APE to Man

Oh (olfactory I)

Oh (Optic II)

Oh (Oculomotor (III)

To ( trochlear IV)

Touch (Trigeminal V)

And (Abducens VI)

Feel (Facial VII)

A (Auditory VIII)

Girls (Glossopharyngeal IX)

Vagina (vagus X)

And (Accessory XI)

Hymen (hypoglossal XII)



S-Sensory, M-Motor, B-Both











Hyper NA tremia (135-145)

Skin flushed


Low grade fever



2-3 mo. -turns head side to side

4-5 mo.-grasps, switch and roll

6-7 mo.- sit at 6 and waves bye bye

8-9 mo.- stands straight at eight

10-11 mo. belly to butt

12-13 mo. twelve and up, drink from a cup


Hepatitis-ends in a VOWEL, comes from the BOWEL (HEP. A)

Hep B- Blood and bodily fluids

Hep C- is just like B

Apgar measures HR, RR, Muscle tone, Reflexes, skin color

each 0-2 points

8-10 you're ok

0-3 resuscitate

Glasgow coma scale: EYES, verbal , Motor

It is similar to measuring dating skills, max 15 points one can do it if below 8 you are in coma

4.So to start dating you gotta open your eyes first, if you are able to do spontaneously and use them correctly to see whom you are dating you earn a 4.

3. If she has to scream on you to make you open them then you get a 3

1. you don't car to open even if she tries to hurt you


Talk to him/her if you can:

4. You are oriented in situation and catches up to what you are saying you get a 4

3. if you like her to try not to be confused or get inappropriate words 3

2. if you just make incomprehensible sounds 2

1. no verbal response 1


6. if you move well and appropriate 6

motor response

the person who hyperventilates

experiences respiratory alkalosis

avoid salt substitutes when taking

DIG (0.5-2) and K (3.5-5.0) supplements because many are potassium based

signs of hypoxia





increased resp. (monitor ABG's)

Addison's disease

needs to "ADD" hormone

Cushing's syndrome

Have extra "cushion" of hormones

Dumping syndrome

Increase fat and protein, small frequent meals, lie down after meal to decrease peristalsis, wait 1 hr after meals to drink

For blood types: "o" is the universal donor (remember "o" in donor)

AB is the universal recipient (every one wants an AB average)

Disseminated Herpes zoster is airborne precautions

As to localized Herpes Zoster is Contact precautions. A nurse with localized herpez zoster Can care for pt as long as the pt are NOT immunosuppressed and the lesions must be covered!

Fat soluble vitamins are

Just remember DEAK

give NSAIDS, corticosteroids, drugs for bipolar, cephalosporins, and sulfonamides with food

Food and drugs

Ativan is the treatment of choice for

Status elipticus

when using a bronchodilator inhaler in conjunction with a gluccocorticoid inhaler

Administer bronchodilator first


Increases the risk of digoxin toxicity and decreases the effects of lithium and dilantin

INtal, an inhaler used to treat allergy induced asthma may cause bronchospasm

think: Into the Asthmatic lung


causes peripheral neuritis

Peptic ulcers caused by H. Pylori are treated with

Flagyl, Prilosec, and Biaxin

This treatment kills bacteria and stops production of stomach acid, but does not heal ulcer

Weighted NI (Nasointerstinal tubes) must float from stomach to intestine

Don't take the tube right away after placement, may leave coiled next to the pt on HOB. position patient on RIGHT to facilitate movement through pylorus

Diaphragm must stay in place for 6 hours after intercourse

They are also fitted so must be refitted if you loose wgt. or gain a significant amount of wgt

best time to take growth hormone PM

best time to take steroids, diuretics, aricept= AM

carafate (Sulcrafate) before meals

mucosal barrier; constipation

Tagamet with food

H2; messes with elderly people be careful

antacids take

after meals

long term use of amphojel

binds to phosphates, increase Ca+ , robs the bones, leads to increased Ca+ resort ion from bikes and weak bones


Ulcers r/t brain injury

Cushing's triad r/t ICP in BRAIN

HTN, bradycardia, Irregular Respiration

Thyroid storm

is hot (hyperthermia) PTU given

Myxedema coma is COLD


Glaucoma intraoccular pressure is greater than the normal (22 mmHg)

give miotics to constrict (pilocarpine) no atropine

Non dairy sources of Ca+ include

Rhuarb, sardines, collard greens

you can pedal the rough edges of a plaster cast with take to avoid skin irritation

with low back aches, bend knees to relieve

Push fluids with Allopurinol

Flush the uric acid (2.5-8) out of the system

BUN 8-25 / Uric Acid 2.5-8

Koplick's spots are red spots with blue center

Characteristic or Prodromal stage of Measles

usually in mouth

INH can cause peripheral neuritis, take bit B6 to prevent; also hepatotoxic

Peripheral neuritis: tingling in fingers and fingertips


Red organge tears and urine, also contraceptives don't work


messes with your eyes

Apply eye drop

to conjunctival sac and afterwards apply pressure to nasolacrimal duct/ inner can thus

Pancreatitis patients

put them in a fetal position


GUT rest
Prepare antecubital site for PICC

They will probably be getting TPN/Lipids

Trendelenburg test= for varicose veins

if they fill proximally = varicosity

Rule of 9's


arm= 9 each (18)

torso= 36

legs = 36


When giving Kayaxalate we need to WORRY about

Dehydration (K has an inverse relationship with NA)

Yougurt has live cultures

do not give to immunosuppressed pt

Itching under cast area

cool air via blow dryer, ice packs for 10-15min

Never use anything to scratch the area

Murphy's sign

pain with palpitation of gall bladder area seen with CHOLECYSTITIS

Cullen's sign

Ecchymosis in the umbilical area seen with PANCREATITIS

Truner's sign

flank Grayish blue (turn arounds to see your flank) PANCREATITIS

McBurnies point

pain in the RLQ indicative of appendicitis


Divertivulitis, low residue, no seeds, nuts, peas


appendicitis, watch for peritonitis

Guthrie Test

Test for PKU, baby should have eaten source of protein first

shilling test

test for pernicious anemia

how well one absorbs Vit B12

Allen's test

Occlude both ulnar and radial artery until hand blanches then release ulnar and radial artery until hand blanches then release ulnar. If the hand pinks up, ulnar artery is good and you ban carry on with ABG/Radial stick as planned. ABGs must be put on ice and whisked to the lab

Its ok to have abdominal cramps, blood tinged outflow and leaking around site if the Peritoneal Dialysis cath was placed in the last 1-2 wks.

Cloudy outflow never normal

amniotic fluid yellow with particles

meconium stained

Hyper reflexes

UPER motor neuron issue "your reflexes are over the top"

Absent reflexes

Lower motor neuron issue


Given at 28 weeks, 72 hours pos partum, IM, Only given to Rh Negative mother

Vit K is to Coumadine

As Protamine Sulfate is to Heparine as Ca+ glucose is to MgSo4 as mucomyst is to acetaminophen as Amicar is to TPA

Order of assessment





except with abdomen




then palpate

Latex Allergies

Assess for allergies to bananas, apricots, cherries, grapes, kiwi, passion fruit, avocados, chestnuts, tomatoes, peaches

myesthenia gravis

is caused by a disorder in the transmission of impulses from nerve to muscle cell

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

is a condition in which there is a degeneration of motor neurons in both the upper and lower motor neuron systems

Transesophogeal Fistula (TEF)

esophagus doesn't fully develop (this is a surgical emergency

The 3 C's of TEF in the newborn:




MMR vaccine is given SQ

not IM

Red-unstable; occluded airway, actively bleeding see first

Yellow- stable, can wait an hour for treatment, burns, see second

Green- stable, can wait even longer to be seen "walking wounded"

Black- unstable clients that will probably not make it, need comfort measure

DOA - dead on arrival

Greek heritage - they put an amulet or any other use of protective charms around their baby's neck to avoid "evil eye" or envy of others

4 y/o kids cannot interpret time in relationship to a known Common eVENt


Mom will be back after supper

anaphylactic reaction to baker's yeast is contraindication for HEP B vaccine

ask for allergy to eggs before flu shot

ask for anaphylactic reaction to eggs or neomycin before MMR

When nitroprusside, monitor thiocynate (cyanide) normal value should be 1, >1 heading toward toxicity

If kid has a cold, can still give immunizations

SARS (severe acute reps. syndrome) airborne + contact (just like varicella)

Hep. A is contact precautions

Tetanus, Hep B, HIV, are STANDARD precautions

william's position

Semi Fowler's with knees flexed (inc. knee hatch) to relieve lower back pain

signs of a fractured hip:

external rotation, shortening, adduction

Fat Embolism

Blood tinged sputum (r/t inflammation), increasing ESR, respiratory alkalosis (not acidosis r/t tachypnea), hypocalcemia, increased serum lipids, "snow storm" effect on Chest X-ray

pager's disease

tinnitus, bone pain, enlargement of bone, thick bones

NO vitamin C with Allopurinol

IVP required bowel prep so they can visualize the bladder better

Acid ash diet- cheese, corn , cranberries, plum, prunes, meat, poultry, pastry, bread

Alk Ash diet- milk, veggies, rhuarb, salmon

orange tag in triage is non emergent psych

Greenstick fractures, usually seen in kids bone breaks on one side and bends on the other

Insomnia is a side effect of thyroid hormones: Increased met. rate, your body is to busy to sleep as opposed to the folks with hypothyroidism who may report somnolence (dec. met rate, body is slow and sleepy)

botox for strabismus. Patch the good eye so that the weaker eye to get stronger

Tidal Vol. is 7-10 ml/kg

COPD patients Remember: 2 LNC or less (hypoxic not hercapnic drive), PaO2 of 60-ish and SaO2 90% is normal for them b/c they are chronic CO2 retainers

Neostigmine/Atropine (anticholinergic to reverse effect of pancronium

Ampho B causes hypoKalemia (amongst many other things... gotta premeditate before giving) pt will most likely get a fever

Test 4 hypersensitivity before administration of asparginase

Take Vermox with high fat diet (increase absorption)

Amphojel and Renegal take with MEALS

Kidney glucose threshold is 180

Stranger anxiety is greatest at 7-9 month, separation anxiety peaks in toddlerhood

MMR is a SQ shot

Lyme s found mostly in Conneticut

Asthma and arthritis -swimming is best

Asthma has intercostal retractions be concerned

Tardive dyskinesia -irreversible-involuntary movements of the tongue, face and extremities, may happen after prolonged use of antipsychotics


motor restlessness, need to keep going, tx with antiparkinson's meds, can be mistaken for agitation

when drawing an ABG you need to put the blood in a heparinized tube, make sure there are no bubbles, put on ice immediately after drawing, with label indicating if the pt was on room air or how many liters of O2

Remember to perform the allen's test prior to doing an ABG to check for sufficient blood flow

Before going for Pulmonary function test (PFT's), a pt's bronchodilators will be withheld and they are not allowed to smoke for 4 hrs, prior

for a lung biopsy, position pt lying on side of bed or with arms raised up on pillows over bedside table, have pt hold breath in mid expiration, chest x-ray done immediately afterwards to check for complication of pneumothorax, sterile dressing applied

for lumbar puncture, pt is positioned in lateral recumbent fetal position, keep pt flat for 2-3 hrs. afterwards, sterile dressing, frequent neuro assessments

EEG, hold meds for 24-48 hrs. prior, no caffeine or cigarettes for 24 hrs. prior, pt can ea,t pt must stay awake night before exam, pt may be asked to hyperventilate and watch a bright flashing light, after EEG, assess pt for seizures, pt will be at increased risk


Used for glaucoma, can cause hypoKAlemia


uses for ADHD, may alter insulin needs, avoid taking with MAOI's, take in morning (insomnia possible side effect)


used for retinitis caused by cytomegalovirus, pt will need regular eye exams, report dizziness, confusion, or seizures immediately

INH, used to treat and prevent TB, do not give with dilantin, can cause phenytonin toxicity, monitor LFT's, give B6 along with, hypotension will occur initially then resolve

rifampin, or TB, dyes bodily fluids orange

If mixing antipsychotic (ex. haldol, thorazine, prolixin) with fluids, meds is incompatible with caffeine and apple juice

haldol preferred anti-psychotic in elderly, but high risk extrapyramidal side effects (dystonia, tarditive dyskinesia, tightening of jaw, stiff neck, swollen tongue, later on swollen airway) monitor for early signs of reactions and give IM benadryl

Risperdal, antipsychotic, doses over 6 mg can cause tarditive dyskinesia, first line antipsychotic in children

Levodopa, for parkinson's, contraindicated in pts. with glaucoma, avoid B6

Sinemet, for parkinson's, contraindicated with MAOIs

hydroxyurea, for sickle cell, report GI symptoms immediately, could be a sign of toxicity

Zocor, for hyperlipidemia, take on empty stomach to enhance absorption, report any unexplained muscle pain, especially fever

Decorticate is toward the "core" Decerebrit is the way out

BOtox (Botulin Toxin) can be used with strabismus also to relax goal cords in spasmodic dysphonia

Munchausen Syndrome: is a psychiatric disorder that causes an individual to self inflict injury or illness or to fabricate symptoms of physical or mental illness, in order to receive medical care or hospitalization. In a variation of the disorder, Munchausen by proxy (MSBP) an individual typically a mother, intentionally causes or fabricates illness in a child or other person under her care

Multiple sclerosis:

Is a chronic, progressive disease with demyelinating lesions in the CNS which affect the white matter of the brain and the spinal cord

Motor S&S: limb weakness, paralysis, slow speech

sensory S&S: numbness, tingling, tinnitus

Cerebral S&S: nystagmus, ataxia, dysphagia, dysarthria

Huntington's Chorea

50% genetic, autosomal dominant disorder

S&S chorea- writhing, twisting, movements of face, limbs and body

-gait deteriorates to no ambulation

-no cure, just palliative care

WBC shift to the left in a pt with pyelonephritis (neutrophils kick in to fight infection)

Definitive diagnosis for abd. arotic aneurysm (AAA)--- CT scan if 4 every 6 months, if higher than 6 it is bad

Do not use Kayexalate if patient has hypoactive bowel sounds

uremic fetor-> smell urine on the breath


bile is lower obstruction, no bile is upper obstruction, ribbon like stoolsP

Pancreatic enzymes are taken with each meal

Not before, not after, but with each meal

Cataloupe is high in Vit C and Vit C causes a false + for occult blood.

Hypospadias: abnormality in which urethral meatus is located on the ventral (back) surface of the penis anywhere from the corona to the perineum (remember hypo, low (for lower side or under side)


Opening of the urethra on the dorsal (front) surface of the penis P


Painful erection lasting longer than 6 hours

Anticholinergic effects


dry mouth can't spit

Urinary retention- can't pee

Constipated- can't poop

Blurred vision- can't see

When you see Coffee- brown emesis, think peptic ulcer

anytime you see fluid retention. think heart problems first

An answer that delays care or treatment is always WRONG

For PVD remember DAVE (legs are Dependent for Arterial & for Venous elevated

when choosing an answer think in this manner if you can only do ONE thing to help this pt what would it be? Pick the most important intervention

If two answers are the exact opposite like bradycardia or tachycardia.... one is probably the answer

If two or three answers are similar or are alike, none is correct

When asking patients questions NEVER use "why" questions. Eliminate all why answer options

If you have never heard of it... don't pick it

Never release traction UNLESS you have an order from dr. to do so

Questions about halo? remember safety first have a screwdriver nearby

Remember compartment syndrome is an emergency situation. Paresthesias and increased pain are classic symptoms. Neuromuscular damage is irreversible 4-6 hrs after onset

Always deal with actual problems or harm before potential problems

Always select "patient focused" answer

An answer option that states "reassess in 15 min" is wrong

Interpersonal model (sullivan) Behavior motivated by need to avoid anxiety and satisfy needs

1) infancy 0-18 months other will satisfy needs

2) childhood >6 y/o learn to delay need gratification

3) juvenile 6-9 y/o learn to relate to peers

4) preadolescence 9-12 y/o learns to relate to friends of opposite sex

5) early adolescence 12-14 y/o learn independence and how to relate to opposite sex

6) late adolescence 14-21 y/o develop intimate relationship with person of the opposite sex

Fetal alcohol syndrome


flat nasal bridge

Upturned nose

Thin upper lip

SGA (small for gestational age)

Vastus lateralis is IM administration site for 6 month infants

ventrogluteal is IM administration for 18 months and above

Deltoid and Gluteus maximus are appropriate sites for children

UA- both eyes

OS -left eye

OD-right due (dominant right eye or derecha)

COAL cain walking:

C- cane

O- opposite

A- affected


thoracentisis- prep:

Take VS, shave area around needle insertion, position patient with arms on pillow on over bed table or lying on side, no more than 1000cc at a one time.

Post- listen for bilateral breath sounds, VS, check leakage, sterile dressing

CT - asess allergies

MRI-assess claustrophobia, no metal, assess pacemaker

Cardiac cath- NPO 8-12hr., empty bladder,pulses, tell pt may feel heat palpitations or desire to cough with dye injection

POST- VS keep leg straight bed rest for 6-8hrs

Cerebral angio prep- well hydrated, lie flat, shave, pulses marked

Post- keep flat 12-14 hours check site, pulses, force fluids

Lumbar puncture- fetal position

Post- neuro assess q15-30 min until stable, flat 2-3 hr., encourage fluids, oral analgesics for H/A, observe dressing

EEG - no sleep the night before, meals not withheld, no stimulants for 24 hr before, tranquilizer, stimulant meds held 24-48 hr. before, may be asked to hyperventilate 3-4 min and watch a bright light