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16 Cards in this Set

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What is the main form of lipid storage in the body?
Triglycerides in adipose tissue.
What transports exogenous (dietary) triglycerides?
What transports endogenous triglycerides?
Does LDL transport cholesterol into or out of cells?
To cells.
Does HDL transport cholesterol into or out of cells?
Out of cells.
What is the desirable level for HDL cholesterol?
Greater than or = to 40 mg/dL.
What is the desirable level for LDL?
(Not total)
Less than 100 mg/dL.
LDL cholestrol method name and formula:

What would invalidate this formula?
Friedewald method:

If the trig are over 400 mg/dL.
What tests should be included on a lipoprotein profile?

What results can be used if the specimen is non-fasting?
Total cholesterol, LDL, HDL & triglycerides.

Only total and HDL unless total is greater than 200 or higher or HDL is less than 40.
If a specimen for a lipid profile had elevated triglycerides but normal total cholesterol what is the most likely cause?
A non-fasting specimen. Recent ingestion of food will elevate trig but not total chol.
What do chylomicrons transport?
Triglycerides (exogenous)
What does VLDL transport?
Triglycerides (endogenous)
What does LDL transport?
Cholesterol. INTO cells.
What does HDL transport?
Phospholipids. Cholesterol OUT of cells.
What is the fx of cholesterol?
Cell membrane repair.
What is the fx of lipoproteins?
Transport of lipids.