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28 Cards in this Set

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Name the 5 Organizational Philosophies (Concepts)

1) Production Concept: available & affordable

2) Product Concept: Quality,Performance,Features

3) Selling Concept: Sales & Promotion

4) Marketing Concept: Needs/Wants of consumers

5) Societal Marketing Concept: Market & Societal Value

Name the 3 Types of Marketing Environments

1) Microenvironment: 3C's (company, customer, competitors)

2) Macro environment: socio-cultural, economic, political-legal, technological

3) External Environment: macro + competitive environment

Name the 5 External Environments

1) Socio-Cultural

2) Economic

3) Technological

4) Political-Legal

5) Competitive

Name the 6 Popcorn Faith Trends

1) 99 Lives: people with busy lifestyle, can market with bundle packages

2) Save Our Society: responsibility towards ethics, education, environment

3) Fantasy Adventure: emotional escape from daily routine

4) Cocooning: people staying in their home, rely on technology

5) Cashing Out: leaving careers and stages of life to start new

6) Anchoring: consumers reaching back to simpler times

Name the 5 steps in the Consumer Decision Making Process:

1) Need Recognition: why do I need this product

2) Information Search

3) Evaluation of Alternatives

4) Purchase Stage

5) Post-Purchase Behaviour

3 Influences That Affect Consumer Decisions

1) Situational Influences

2) Socio-Cultural Influences

3) Pyschological Influences

5 Parts of Socio-Cultural Influences

1) Personal Influence: Celebrities, Athletes

2) Reference Groups: Friends, Coworkers

3) Family

4) Cultural

5) Social-Class: if everyone in my neighbourhood shops at store X then....

5 Parts of Situational Influences:

1) Purchase Task: what am I buying? payment options?

2) Physical Surroundings: Smells, Colors, Lighting, Music

3) Social Surroundings: If a restaurant is busy, you want to eat there

4) Antecedent State: preexisting feeling (Retail Therapy

5) Temporal Effects: something is only on sale till tuesday so I'll buy it now

5 Psychological Influences

1) Motivation: force that causes to satisfy a need

2) Perception: how you process and interpret the world

3) Learning: how to make purchase decisions

4) Attitudes: tendencies/evaluations of a product/company

5) Lifestyle: activities, interests, opinion

3 Purposes of Market Research:

1) Assess consumer attitudes

2) inform about consumer needs

3) improve decision making

5 Things Needed for The Right Research Design

1) Nature of the Problem: discover and define it

2) Preciseness of Research Questions: inquiring, testing

3) Time & Money: finite timelines and budget

4) Internal and External Resources: in house vs. research providers

5) Management Cooperation: company culture

5 Stage Marketing Research Process

1) Identify the Problem

2) Design the Study

3) Collect the Data

4) Interpret the Findings

5) Report the Findings

5 Criteria for a Good Market Segment

1) Homogenous within: shared attributes in segment

2) Heterogenous between: The segment is definable

3) Substantial: segment is big enough to create profit

4) Accesible: ways to communicate to segment

5) Responsive: segment responds to marketing

4 Parts of a Positioning Statement

1) Target Consumers

2) Frame of Reference

3) Point of Difference

4) Reason to Believe

4 steps to success in B2B Markets

1) Identify Customers: know them in as much detail as possible

2) Differentiate Customers: by their needs and value to company

3) Interact with Customers: find ways to improve interaction

4) Customize: the aspects of products offered

Name the 3 buying situations

1) Straight Rebuy

2) Modified Rebuy

3) New Task Buy

Name the 6 Positions in the Buying Centre

1) Initiator

2) Influencer

3) Decider

4) Purchaser

5) User

6) Gate Keeper

5 Different Types of Products (SIPPE)

1) Service

2) Ideas

3) Person

4) Places

5) Experience

4 Layers of the Product Model

1) Core Product: product features or attributes

2) Functional Product: How the product functions

3) Augmented Product: augmentation done to basic product

4) Potential Product: solution customer gets from product

4 Types of Consumer Products (Goods)

1) Convenience goods: purchased on a regular basis (groceries)

2) Shopping Goods: spend a little more time, do some comparison shopping

3) Specialty Goods: very unique, few companies produce this, not a lot of options (rolex)

4) Unsought Goods: Products people don't want or know about (adult diapers, funeral homes)

3 Key Benefits of Branding

1) Product identification: distinguish a product from competition

2) Repeat Sales: identify brands the consumer wants to re-buy

3) New Product Sales- well known brands make new product introduction easier

4 Parts of a Good Brand Name

1) Suggests Product Benefits

2) Distinctive and Positive

3) Fit the Company and Product Image

4) Simple Yet Creative

4 Ways to Measure Brand Equity

1) Differentiation: what makes brand stand out?

2) Relevance: how well it meets consumers needs?

3) Knowledge: how much consumers know about brand

4) Esteem: how highly consumers respect brand

6 Functions of Packaging

1) Protect: to keep it intact

2) Inform: ingredients contact info

3) Provide Convenience: easy to use/carry

4) Promote

5) Advise Price: MRSP

6) Meet Language Guidelines

5 Ways to Extend the PLC

1) Modify the Product

2) Create Accessories to keep product popular

3) New Market Segments

4) Reposition product on an existing feature

5) Change the value offered, up or down

5 Rate of Adoption Factors CCROT

1) Complexity: degree of difficulty in understanding product

2) Compatibility: Degree to which new product is compatible with others

3) Relative Advantage: Degree to which product is perceived to be superior to existing substitutes

4) Observability: degree to which benefits can be observed and communicated to target market

5) Trial ability: degree to which product can be trailed on a basis

4 I's of Service:

1) Intangibility: cannot be held, touch or seen

2) Inseparability: consumer has to be present

3) Inconsistency: quality is always different

4) Inventory: Difficult to manage supply... if an appt. is missed then it cannot be made up

Name 5 things that Affect Consumer Involvement

1) previous experiences

2) interests

3) perceived risk of negative consequences

4) situation

5) Social visibility