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154 Cards in this Set

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Chp 7 Segmentation
Chp 7
Define the major steps in designing a customer-driven marketing strategy
market segmentation / targeting / differentiation / and positioning.
What do the steps in the customer-driven marketing strategy try to do?
create value for targeted customers
Grouping buyers based on needs / traits / or behaviors that might require separate marketing strategies or mixes
Bases for segmentation
Geographics / psychographics / demographics / behavioural
Geographic Segmentation
global regions & countries / province / city / etc.
Demographic Segmentation
age / gender / family size / income / etc.
Psychographic Segmentation
Social class / lifestyle / personality
Behavioural Segmentation
attitudes / uses / responses / knowledge
B2B Specific segmentation
Operating characteristics / purchasing approaches / situational factors / personal characteristics
International Segmentation Basis
Geographic location / economic / political / cultural
Intermarket segmentation
segmenting consumers who have similar needs and buying behaviour even though they are located in different countries
Effective market segments are
Measurable / accessible / substantial / differentiable / actionable
Market Targeting Strategy
Undifferentiated mass marketing -> differentiated segmented marketing -> concentrated niche marketing -> micro marketing local or individuals
Social responsibility trumps profitability if efforts are seen as ______
consumer perception of products
Parts of a positioning strategy
Identify competitive advantages / select competitive advantage / develop positioning strategy
Competitive advantage
Differentiating characteristics gained by offering greater customer value / either through lower prices or by providing more benefits that justify higher prices
Ways to differentiate
Product / services / channels / people / image
Possible value propositions
More for more / more for the same / more for less / same for less / less for much less
Marketing mix efforts do or do not support positioning strategy?
they do support it
Chp 8 Developing and managing products and services
Chp 8
What is a product
Anything offered to a market for attention / acquisition / use / or consumption that may satisfy a want or need
How are products differentiated?
Based on experience in acquiring and using them
New-Product Development stages
Idea gen. -> Idea screening -> concept dev and testing -> mktg strategy dev -> business analysis -> product dev -> test mktg -> commercialization
5 Stages of product life cycle
Product dev -> introduction -> growth -> maturity -> decline
Product decisions
Quality & Design / Packaging / Labelling / Product support services
Product line decisions
Line length / line filling or stretching
Product mix decisions deal with the 4 dimensions
Width / length / depth / consistency
Special characteristics of services
intangibility (Cant see) / inseparability (Only with provider) / variability (Different providers Vary)/ perishability (can’t be stored for later use)
Service-Profit Chain
Internal service quality / satisfied service employees / greater service value / satisfied customers / profits
3 Major MKTG Tasks to manage
service differentiation & quality & productivity
Chp 9 Brand Strategy and MGMT
Chp 9
the image which stands behind the name / symbol / icon / design / or combination of these / that identifies the maker or marketer of a product
Brand represent consumers ____ about a product
Brands create _______ responses
Brand inspire the ______ loyalty as love
Brand must produce
products that consumers love
Brand Advocate
voluntarily promotes brand
Can people be brands?
Yes like celebs
Brand equity
A financial value attributed to the brand based largely on intangible qualities
Brand personality
Human attributes and the emotions they inspire toward customers
Brand Elements
name and logo or icon with certain shape and colours etc.
Ways to measure brand strength
Differentiation / relevance / knowledge and esteem / customer equity
3 main branding strategy decisions
Brand name / position / and sponsorship
Great Brand Names are
pronounceable / distinctive / product related / extendable / legally clear
3 brand position levels
product attributes / desirable benefits / beliefs and values
Products can be national or private brands
thats a fact
Methods of branding include
Licensing / co-branding
Strategic brand mgmt decisions involve
Brand development/communications
4 choices when developing a brand
line extension / multibrand / brand extension / new brand
Risks of Line extensions
over exposure of name
Risks of multi brand
may confuse image
Risks of brand extension
separate brands may be weak
Risks of new brand
new brands need lots of resources to launch
Brand’s positioning must be continuously communicated using
brand experiences / touch points / entertainment
Brands are maintained by
customers’ brand experiences and touchpoints
Branded content
Icons / characters / stories / engagement / social media
Chp 10 Understanding and Capturing Customer Value through Pricing
Chp 10
The total value that customers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service
Pricing Strategies
Customer value-based / cost-based / competition based
Cost based pricing steps
Design a good product -> determine product costs -> set price based on cost -> convince buyers of products value
Value-Based pricing
Asses customer needs/values -> set target price to match customer perceived value -> determine costs that can be incurred -> design product to deliver desired value at target price
Value-Based considerations
customer needs/perceptions/price based on perception of value
Cost-Based considerations
Totals costs (cost plus) / product driven (BreakEven)
Competition Based consideration
customers frame of reference / competitors offering position etc.
Pricing should also consider what factors
Internal (corporate strategy etc.) and External (Mkt demand etc.)
Market Skimming
High initial price to skim revenue
Market Penetration
low initial price to penetrate
Product-line pricing
Setting price steps between various products in a product line based on cost differences / customer evaluations of features / and competitors’ prices (e.g. QuickTax products)
Optional-product pricing
Pricing optional or accessory products sold with the main product (e.g. GPS navigation system with a car)
Captive-product pricing
Pricing products that must be used with the main product (e.g. blades for razors)
By-product pricing
Pricing by-products to make a main product’s price more attractive (e.g. wood by-products)
Product bundle pricing
Combining several products and offering the bundle at a lower price (e.g. fast food combo meals)
Price adjustment strategies
Discounts and Allowances (Trade-ins)
Segmented pricing
selling product at 2 or more different prices but doesn’t reflect difference in cost
Psychological Pricing
considers consumer though process not just economics (Ryan Air)
Promotional Pricing
Discounts / special event / cash rebate / low interest / longer warrant / free maintenance
Geographical pricing
free on board / zone pricing
International Pricing
adjusting prices for international markets
Dynamic pricing
allow price to change as customers and situational forces change
Price cuts come from
excess capacity / falling demand / drive to dominate market
Price increases come from
cost inflation / over demand
Pricing with channel levels
Price-fixing / predator pricing
Pricing across channel levels
Price discrimination / retail price maintenance / deceptive pricing
Chp 11 Marketing Channels
Chp 11
Marketing channel partners include
upstream and downstream
Upstream partners are
firms that supply raw materials
Downstream partners are
marketing channel partners that link the firm to the customer
Value delivery network
produces / suppliers / distributors / and customer who improve the performance of the entire system in delivering customer value
Channel partners do what for the company?
bridge time / place / and possession gaps that separate products from those who use them
Marketing channel examples
Financing / promotion / information / after sales support / physical distribution / matching and arranging / negotiation / contacts / risk taking
Types of intermediaries
retailers / wholesalers / agents
Direct marketing channels deliver
products to consumers directly from a producer
Indirect marketing channels involve
intermediaries b/w the producer and consumer
Channel conflict
occurs when member of a channel have differing goals/roles/rewards
Vertical Marketing system (VMS)
channel structure in which producers / wholesalers / and retailers act as a unified system
Marketing Channel Decisions include
selection of members / managing and motivating member / evaluating members/ intensity of distribution
Intensities of distribution in channels
Intensive / selective / exclusive
Retail trends
experiential / instore tech / gift cards / shopper mktg / social media & mobile
Marketing Logistics
physical distribution of materials / final goods / related info
Role of supply chain management in distribution system
Companies can gain a competitive advantage / Improved logistics can lower costs / Increased product variety has created a need for improved logistics management / Improvements in information technology have created gains in distribution efficiency / Logistics affect the environment and the company’s sustainability efforts
Chp 12 Communicating Value
Chp 12
Promotion mix is
tools used to persuasively communicate customer value and build customer relationships
Promotion mix consists of
Ads / sales promo / PR / personal selling / Direct Marketing
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)
integration of communication channels to deliver a clear consistent and compelling message about the company and its products
Advertising pros
reach masses at low cost / repeat message / create trust
Advertising cons
impersonal / cost are sometimes high
Personal selling pros
communicate personally / build preferences actions / allow relationship building
Personal selling cons
requires long term commitment / most expensive
Sales promotion pros
wide assortment of tools / attract attention / offer incentives / quick responses
Sales promotion cons
effects are short lived
PR pros
legitimizes credibility / reach people resisting ads / save money
PR cons
usually an afterthought
Direct MKTG pros
communicate directly with target customers / interactive / one-one relationships
Direct MKTG cons
junk mail or spam
Push strategy
Producer -> retailer/wholesaler -> consumer / uses sales force to promote through channels
Pull Strategy
(Producer) <- retailer/wholesaler <- consumer <- (Producer) / directed towards final customers
Advertising programs involve
setting ad objectives/budgets & developing ad strategy & evaluating ad campaigns
Advertising objective
A specific communication task to be accomplished with a specific target audience during a specific period of time / Build relationships by communicating value
Advertising budget methods
Affordable method / % sales / competitive parity / objective and task
Creating ad messages breaks through ____
Selecting ad media allows you to
set reach frequency and impact goals / choose among major media types / select specific media vehicles / decide on media timing
Message strategy
identify benefits / creative / appeal (meaningful or believable or distinctive)
building strong relations with the company’s various stakeholders
Proactive PR
obtain favorable publicity / communicate trustworthy imahe
Reactive PR
manage unexpected occurence (pos and neg)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Organizations must DO the right thing but also must SAY what they are doing
Cause Related Marketing
Specific programs developed in collaboration with not-for-profit organizations to raise awareness / funds / or both
PR Functions
Media Relations / Product publicity / public affairs / lobbying / investor relations / development / internal relations / crisis communication
Chp 13 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion
Chp 13
A company representative that performs one or more of the following activities: prospecting / communicating / selling / servicing / information gathering / and relationship building
Link b/w company and customer
Sales people
6 steps in sales force MGMT
design sales force strategy -> recruit sales people -> train salespeople -> compensate salespeople -> supervise salespeople -> evaluate salespeople
Digital sales force mgmt
social networking / time and cost saving / TECH IS A SUPPLEMENT
Steps in selling process
prospecting and qualifying -> pre approach -> approach -> presentation -> handling objections -> closing -> Follow-up
Sales promotion tools
Samples / coupons / rebates / price packs / premiums / promo products / point-of-purchase / contest / sweepstakes / event marketing
Consideration in developing sales promotion program
Decide on the size of the incentive -> Set conditions for participation -> Decide how to promote and distribute the promotion program -> Determine the length of the program -> Evaluate the promotion program
Chp 14 Direct and Online MKTG
Chp 14
Direct Mktg
Connecting directly with carefully targeted individual consumers to both obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationships
Direct Mktg is the fastest growing form of marketing
True Fact
Buyer Benefits of Direct MKTG
Convenient / easy to use / private / greater control / access to products / comparative info / available to all / immediate / interactive
Seller Benefits of Direct MKTG
Builds customer relationships / low cost market reach / flexible / access to all buyers
Major forms of direct marketing
Personal selling / Direct-mail marketing / Catalog marketing / Telephone marketing / Direct-response television marketing / Kiosk marketing / New digital technologies / Online marketing
Direct Mail MKTG Pros and Cons
P-Largest medium/One-One &C-Junk Mail/In Decline
Catalogue MKTG Pros and Cons
P-Drive web traffic/convert to online easily & C-High Cost
Telephone MKTG Pros and Cons
P-High Success & C-Intrusion
Direct Response TV MKTG Pros and Cons
P-visual & C-perception of cheap
Marketing and the Internet
usage growing and expanding / click and mortar more successful than just click
New Digital Direct MKTG
Mobile Phone / Podcasts / Interactive TV
Corporate website
Build goodwill / collect feedback
MKTG website
engage consumers in interaction and compel to purchase
Social network
Company driven online community / create and participate / focus on niche or emerging
Email MKTG
Cost efficient / HIGH ROI / multi use / permission base