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35 Cards in this Set

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the general agreement on tariffs and trade

determined to not repeat the great depression
marshall plan
dampen the spread of communism

assist in rebuilding europe and japan
US began to export
MNC (multinational corporations) were facing major challenges on two fronts:

1. resistance to direct investment

2. increasing competition in export markets
newly industrialized countries
state owned enterprises
Asia-Pacific economic cooperation conference
the organization for Economic cooperation and development
developing countries growing rates vs non
6% for 25 years versus 3% for non
balance of payments
the system of accounts that records a nation's international financial transactions
balance of payments 3
current account
capital account
reserves account
nations utilize legal barriers, exchange barriers, and psychological barriers to restrain the entry of unwanted goods
valid arguments concerning protectionism on trade
infant industry
national defense
industrialization of underdeveloped countries
a tax imposed by a government on goods entering at its borders.

revenue generating or to discourage imports
a specific unit or dollar limit applied to a particular type of good

UK limits imported TV's
Voluntary Export Restraints
an agreement between the importing country and the exporting country for a restriction on the volume of exports
blocked currency
political weapon or a response to difficult balance of payment issues

cuts off all importing or all importing above a certain level

accomplished by refusing to allow an importer to exchange its national currency for the seller's currency
differential exchange rule
encourages the importation of goods that the government deems desirable and discourages ones not wanted
government approval
experiencing severe shortages of foreign exchange

importers who want to buy a foreign good must apply for an exchange permit- permission to exchange an amount of local currency for foreign currency
protect health, safety, and product quality
antidumping penalties
intentionally selling its products in the US for less than the cost of production to undermine the competition and take control of the market
omnibus trade and competitiveness act
focused on assisting businesses to be more competences in the world markets

correcting perceived injustice in trade practices

deal with trade deficits, protectionism, and the overall fairness of our trading partners
omnibus trade and competitiveness act covers 3 ares considered critical in improving US trade
market access
export expansion
import relief
4 ongoing activities to support the growth of international trade
World Bank Group
general agreement on trade in services

first multilateral, legally enforceable agreement covering trade and investment in the services sector
trade related investment measures

investment restrictions can be major trade barriers and therefore are included under GATT procedures
Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights

patents, copyrights, etc
148 members

IMF and World Bank
global institutions created to assist nation sin becoming and remaining economically viable
stabilization of foreign exchange rates

establishment of freely convertible currencies to facilitate the expansion and growth of international trade
special drawing rights

paper gold

short term financing
World Bank
reduction of poverty and improvement of living of standards

provides loans
World Bank's 5 institutions
1. lending money to the governments
2. providing assistance to governments for developmental projects
3. lending directly to the private sector
4. investment guarantees, attract foreign investment
5. promoting increased flows of international investment
Protest against global institutions
amalgam of unintended consequences of globalization

job losses/exploitation
cultural extinction
oil prices
sovereignty of nations
antisweathshop campaigns
sued clothing importers over working conditions