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22 Cards in this Set

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presents no response options to the respondent
open ended question
provides options on the questionnaire that can be answered quickly and easily
close-ended question
uses scale developed or adapted by the researcher to measure the attributes of some construct under study
scaled-response question
seeks no additional information from the respondent

EX: what was your reaction to the Song DVD player advertisement you last saw on television?

Pros: allows recipient to use his or her own words
Cons: Difficult to code and interpret. Respondents may not give complete answers
unprobed open-ended question
interviewer asks for additional information to encourage the respondent to provide information beyond the initial and possibly superficial first comments

EX: Did you have any other thoughts or reactions to the advertisement?

Pros: elicits complete answers
Cons: Difficult to code and interpret
Probed open-ended question
has only two response options, such as yes or no

EX: Do you agree or disagree with the statement 'Song DVD players are better than Panasonic DVD players'"

Pros: simple to administer and code.
Cons: may oversimplify response options
Dichotomous close-ended question
those that use only labels
- check all brands you would consider purchasing
- abercrombie & fitch
- hollister
- ruehl's
- aeropostale
- american eagle
- marc ecko
nominal scales
those with which the researcher can rank-order the respondents or responses
- please rank each brand in terms of your preference
- abercrombie & fitch
- hollister
- ruehl's
- aeropostale
- american eagle
- marc ecko
ordinal scales
those in which the distance between each descriptor is equal
- please rate each brand on a 1-7 scale in terms of its overall performace, with 1= very poor and 7= very good
- nike
- puma
- reebok
- new balance
interval scales
ones in which a true zero exists
- please indicate your age
x ----- years
ratio scales
one that is typically composed of a small number of distinct values or categories such as "male" vs. "female" or "married" vs. "single" vs. "widowed"
categorical scale
composed of numbers or labels that have an underlying measurement continuum
metric scale
respondents are asked to indicate their degree of agreement or disagreement on a symmetric agree-disagree scale for each of a series of statements
likert scale
psychographics inventory- which takes into account the avlues and personality traits of people as reflected in their unique activities, interests, and opinions (AIOs) toward their work, leisure time, and purchases
lifestyle inventory
specialized scaled-response question format that has sprung directly from the problem of translating a person's qualitative judgments into quantitative estimates
semantic differential scale
when a researcher develops questions for his or her questionnaire, he or she uses an intuitive form of judgment to evaluate the validity of each question
face validity
respondents responds in the same or a similar manner to an identical or nearly identical measure
truthfulness of responses to a measure
refers to the use of a unique descriptor, or label, to stand for each designation in the scale
refers to the relative sizes of the descriptors
when absolute differences between the descriptors are known and may be expressed in units
if there is a unique beginning or true zero point for the scale