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33 Cards in this Set

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the diencephalon is made up of what

thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus, and epithalamus; the diencephalon is part of the prosencephalon (along with the telencephalon)

the subcortical telencephalic nuclei include

basal ganglia (caudate, putamen, globus pallidus) and the limbic system (limbic lobe, hippocampus, and amygdala)

the choroid plexus is where

inside the fourth ventricle NEED TO FINISH THIS ONE

subcortical white matter: what is the corona radiata

projection fibers from internal capsule to cerebral cortex

subcortical white matter: what is the internal capsule

ascending and descending nerve fibers connecting the cerebral cortex with different parts of the brain (anterior limb, genu, posterior limb)

subcortical white matter: what are the optic radiations

fiber tracts conveying incoming visual information to the visual cortices

subcortical white matter: what is the anterior commissure

fiber tracts connecting the 2 hemispheres primarily anterior, temporal lobe structures

subcortical white matter: what is the posterior commissure

fiber tracts connecting the 2 sides of the midbrain pretectal region; edinger westfall nuclei decussating fibers responsible for the consunsual light reflex

subcortical white matter: what is the corpus callosum

fiber tracts connecting the 2 hemispheres (rostrum, genu, body, and splenium)

what are the 3 parts of the hypothalamus

anterior (supraoptic), middle (tuberal), and posterior (mammillary)

what are the 2 parts of the thalamus and that nuclei are in the thalamus

divided into medial and lateral subdivisions by internal medullary lamina; nuclei you can identify on gross brain= anterior nucleus, medial nucleus, lateral nucleus, pulvinar, medial geniculate body, lateral geniculate body

what is the neurohypophysis

the posterior pit; it's really an extension of the hypothalamus which is why it can be called this; the infundibulum aka infundibular stalk are alternative names for the pit stalk (the connection between the hypothalamus and the pars nervosa hypophyseos (the posterior lobe of the pit gland))

what is the adenohypophysis

anterior pit; communication between the hypothalamus and the anterior pit is through the hypophyseal portal system

what hormones are released by the posterior pit

ADH (kidney water retention) and oxytocin (uterine contractions and milk let down)

what hormones are released by the anterior pit

prolactin (milk production), FSH and LH (estrogen and progesterone from the ovaries and testosterone from the testis), ACTH (corticosteroids from the adrenal cortex), TSH (T3, T4 from the thyroid), and GH (long bone growth)

what are the 2 parts of the epithalamus

pineal gland (releases melatonin) and the posterior commisure

what are the 3 parts of the subthalamus

subthalamic nucleus, zona incerta, and fields of forel

parinaud aka dorsal midbrain syndrome

caused by lesions in the dorsal midbrain or midbrain tectum, specifically the superior colliculus; paralysis of upward gaze is diagnostic; downward gaze is preserved; increased intracranial pressure and pineal tumors are common causes

basal ganglia: phylogenetic (developmental) nomenclature

paleostriatum= globus pallidus; neostriatum= caudate and putamen

basal ganglia: anatomic (relationship) nomenclature

lenticular nucleus= putamen and globus pallidus

nucleus accumbens


diseases associated with basal ganglia: accumulation of neuritic plaques is what

alzheimer's disease

diseases associated with basal ganglia: copper accumulation in the basal ganglia is what

Wilson's disease

diseases associated with basal ganglia: atrophy of the caudate nucleus is what


diseases associated with basal ganglia: loss of pigmentation in the substantia nigra is what

Parkinson's disease

diseases associated with basal ganglia: scattered plaques of demyelination is what

multiple sclerosis

what are the parts of the limbic lobe

aka the cerebral cortex; subcallosal, cingulate, and parahippocampal gyri

what are the parts of the hippocampal formation (aka fornix)

hipposampus, dentate gyrus, and subiculum

what are the parts of the limbic system

limbic lobe, hippocampal formation, amygdala, nucleus basalis of Meynert (high in cholinergic nuerons, memory), and anterior perforated substance (olfaction)

function of hippocampus

learning and memory

summary: the internal capsule contains what

the ascending and descending nerve tracts

summary: the anterior limb of the internal capsule divides

the caudate nucleus from the lenticulate nucleus and the posterior limb divides the thalamus from the lenticulate nucleus

summary: many of the internal forebrain structures follow what shape

the backward C shape determined by the ventricles