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15 Cards in this Set

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Name the four embryonic structures whch contribute to the diaphragm
Septum Transversem
Dorsal Mesentary of esphogus
Pleural Peritoneal Membrane
Lateral Body Wall
The Septum Transversem is ___________ in origin.
(trilaminar layer)
The Septum Transversem forms this structure
Central Tendon
Dorsal Mesentary of the Esophogus develops into the ________.
This membrance fuses the septum transverem and dorsal mesentary.
Pleural Paritoneal Membrane.
An overabsorption of the pleural peritoneal membrance causes this abnormality of the diaphragm.
Congential Diaphramatic Hernia or CDH
CDH causes:
severe hypoplasia of the Left and Right lungs
The pleura in contact with the lung is the:
Viseral Pleura
The pleura not incontact with the lung is the:
Parietal Pleura
Space between the viseral and parietal pleura is the:
Pleural Cavity
The pericardium in contact with the heart is the:
Viseral Pericardium
The pericardium not in contact with the heart is the:
Parietal Pericardium
The space between the viseral and parietal pericardium is the:
Pericardial Cavity
The Brachial Apparatus consists of:
Brachial Archs
Brachial Grooves
Brachial Membranes
Pharangeal Pouches
Brachial Arch 1 is intervened by nerve
5- Trigeminal