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31 Cards in this Set

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what is the longest GENERAL phase of the cell?
In which phase does a cell grow and prepare for nuclear division?
what does the cell do during S phase?
DNA replication.The cell will have to copy its DNA in order for its daughter cells to end up with proper amount of DNA after mitosis.
what specifically means Karyokinesis ?
Nuclear division.
which are the three types of spindle fibers?
Chromosomal fibers, continuous fibers and astral fibers
which are the 4 phases of mitosis?
Prophase, metaphase, anaphase,and telophase.
what is Cytokinesis?
the division of cell cytoplasm.
Mitosis is general refer to?
cell division, however, technically means division of the nucleus.
what are the phases of the interphase?
G1, S, and G2
in which phase the cell spends most of its life 90-95%?
in the interphase
what is G1?
general cell growth
what does all human somatic cell contain?
the diploid number of chromosomes: 46 chromosomes/cell/nucleus;23 pairs- 23 from the sperm and 23 from the egg
how many chromosomes we have at the begginning of S phase?
46 chromosomes or one set of 23 pairs.
at the S phase begginning the chromosomes are called?
homologous chromosomes because they are identically
at the end of the S phase how many chromosome do we have?
92 chromosomes or two set of 23 pairs.
what is centromere?
a structure that connects the each new copy of chromosomes to its original.
hapliod number is?
23 single chromosomes, sperm,eggs are hapliod in number.
the termed meiosis is?
the process of going from 46 to 23 chromosomes
what is the cleavage furrow ?
is an in growing groove around the center of the cell which continues to grow inward until it pinches through the cell forming to cells.
G2 ?
is the preparation for mitosis. synthesis of the organelles needed for mitosis.
what is the cleavage furrow?
is an in- growing groove around the center of the cell which continues to grow inward until it pinches throug the cell forming two cells.
what creates the cleavage furrow?
is created by a ring of micro-filaments attached to the cell membrane.
when does telophase beggings?
when the chromatids reach the opposite poles.
what generally accompanies the telophase?
the cytokinesis
in telophase what does the chromosomes do once they arrive to the poles?
the cell begins to return to interphase by reversing the events of prophase.
1) the nuclear membrane reforms
2) the nucleolus reforms
3) the chromosomes disperse to form chromatin
4)the spindle apparatus is dismantled
what are the steps of prophase?
chromatin condenses to make chromosomes, nucleolus diperses, nucleat membrane disperses , and spindle apparatus forms as the centrioles move to the opposite end.
which type of fiber of the prophase extends from each pole to the centromeres of the chromosome?
the chromosomal fibers
from where to where continuous fibers extend?
extend from pole to pole.
from where to where astral fibers extend?
extend from poles away from the chromosomes to attach to the cell membrane.
in which phase the centrometers are arranged in the equatorial plane?
how anaphase begins?
begins when the centrometers duplicate and the chromosomal fibers begin to pull two chromatides of each chromosomes apart.