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42 Cards in this Set

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90% of the cell cycle
Stages of interphase:
G1, S, G2
G1 stage
Growth, recovers from the previous division, organelles double, prepares for DNA replication.
S stage
DNA replication, chromatids are formed, duplicated chromosomes.
G2 stage
proteins are made for use in the mitotic phase.
Mitosis is....
nuclear division
Cytokinesis is....
division of the cytoplasm
growth factors are....
external signals that stimulate a metabolic event. Needed for cell division
cyclins are....
internal signaling. increase and decrease as the cell cycle continues. attach to protein kinases; affects the the progression of the cell cycle.
programmed cell death.
ex) the fingers and toes of a human embryo are at first webbed, but then they are usually freed from one another as a result of apoptosis.
somatic cells
has 46 chromosomes; all body cells except gametes (sex cells)
the tangled mass of DNA threads
2n two chromosomes of each kind
one chromosome of each kind
sister chromatid
identical chromatids, which are each double helix
connects sister chromatids
attaches the sister chromatids to the spindle fibers
phases of mitosis
prophase, pro metaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
numclear envelope fragments, chromatin condenses, nucleolus disappears, spindle fibers assemble and centrosomes move away from each other.
pro metaphase
kinetochores appear and attach sister chromatids to the kinetochore spindle fibers. sister chromatids are not aligned.
centromeres are aligned at the metaphase plate
shortest phase of mitosis. sister chromatids split by the centromere, kinetochores dissemble and daughter chromosomes move toward opposite poles of the cell.
nuclear envelopes and nucleoli reappears, chromosomes become chromatin (condensed and coiled)
cytokinesis when....
starts in anaphase and continues through telophase and completes during g1 of interphase.
cytokinesis in animals
cleavage furrow forms.
contractile ring, made of actin filaments, pulls
cytokinesis in plant cells
A cell plate, a newly formed plasma membrane that fuses with the old plasma membrane, forms between the two daughter plant cells
Prokaryotic cell division
Binary Fission is asexual reproduction, DNA molecule attached to the plasma membrane replicates, growth of the plasma membrane inward separates the two cells.
checkpoints in the cell cycle
G1, G2, and M
enzymes that activate or inactivate other proteins by phosphorylating them.


zygot is the combanation of genes


has half of what the other cell had


a mature haploid male or female germ cell that is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote.

somatic cell

A somatic cell is any cell of the body except sperm and egg cells

genetic diversity

Genetic diversity refers to the variety of geneswithin a species.

Meiosis I

first stage

Meiosis II

second stage


is what creates 2n


equals 46

homologous chromosomes

One chromosome of each homologous pair comes from the mother

independent assortment

Independent Assortment describes how different genes independently separate from one another when reproductive cells develop

crossing over

when father cell and a mother cell meet they cross each other then when they seperate they bring the mother cell has a peace of the father cell and the father cell has a peace of the mother cell


variability of life on Earth