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188 Cards in this Set

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What does John Stott identify as the highest of missionary motives?
Zeal for the glory of Jesus Christ
According to Piper, what is the ultimate goal of the church?
What is the fuel and goal of missions?
Where passion for God is weak, zeal for ___________ will be weak.
____________ is the second greatest human activity in the world.
6. The most passionate heart for God in all of the universe is _________ heart.
7. God is most glorified in us when we are _______________ in him.
8. List the three interlocking truths based upon Romans 15:8-9.
1) Zeal for the Glory of God motivates world missions
2) A servant spirit and a heart of mercy motivates world missions
3) The first and second truth are one truth
9. According to Isaiah God works for those who ________________ for him.
10. “Missions is not a recruitment project for God’s labor force. It is a _______________________ project from the heavy burdens and hard yokes of other gods.”
11. The great sin of the world is that we have failed to _________________________.
delight in God, so as to reflect his glory.
12. List the two petitions from the Lord’s Prayer that are clear expressions of a missionary concern.
1) Hallowed be thy name.
2) Thy kingdom come.
13. Andrew Murray maintained that the church or Christians are lacking enthusiasm for the work of the kingdom because there is so little enthusiasm for _____________________.
the king
14. John Dawson, a leader of Youth With A Mission, maintains that it is impossible to love ______________________.
the lost
15 John Dawson maintains we share the gospel because of our _________________________.
love for God
16. “We cannot know what prayer is for until we know that life is _________________.
17. The communication analogy that Piper uses to reflect what prayer should be like is a ________________________.
18. Describe the seal for the colonists of Massachusetts Bay.
A North American Indian with the words, “Come over into Macedonia and help us,” which was taken from Acts 16:9.
19. The Puritan missionary to the Indians who said, “Prayers and pains through faith in Christ Jesus will do any thing!” was __________________________.
John Eliot
20. The ultimate purpose of prayer is _______________________.
to make clear to all the participants in this war that the victory belongs to the Lord.
21. According to Piper, ____________________is the work of missions.
the proclamation of the gospel
22. _______________________ said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”
Jim Elliot
23. Piper cites a story by David Howard, the General Director of World Evangelical Fellowship in which he tells of a prayer movement that paved the way for many students to enter missionary service. This emphasis took place on the campus of _______________________.
University of Toronto
24. Piper said he longs to have the tenacity of prayer and missions exemplified in the life of ______________________.
George Mueller
25. Henry Martyn was challenged by the life and suffering of ___________ whose diary he read.
David Brainerd
26. _______________________ said, “The cross is not the terrible end to an otherwise God-fearing and happy life, but it meets us at the beginning of our communion with Christ. When Christ calls a man, bids him come and die.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
27. How does Piper identify if a person has his life as a Christian martyr?
1) The life of a Christian martyr is taken by those whom he wants to save.
2) Christian martyrs don't pursue death; they pursue love.
28. David Barrett estimates that about _____________people died as martyrs in 2002 and the average number will grow to be _______________ by 2025.
2002 - 164,000
2025 - 210,000
29. The number of martyrs in the 20th century estimated at _____________________.
30. Richard Wurmbrand was imprisoned in Romania was 14 years. The last time he met with a group of 10-15 boys and girls for their confirmation class, he took them to __________________.
the zoo
31. What was Charles Wesley’s unusual request?
He asked to be locked in the prison overnight with the prisoners who were to be executed the next day
32. List the 6 reasons God appoints suffering for his servants.
1) Deeper faith and deeper holiness
2) The reward of our experience of God’s glory increases
3) To awaken others out of their slumbers of indifference and make them bold
4) Ministers to those that are being reached with the gospel and may open them to the gospel.
5) To reposition the missionary troops in places they might not otherwise have gone.
6) To magnify the power and sufficiency of Christ
33. Before Joseph the Masai warrior passed out from being beaten a third time in his home village for preaching the gospel, he saw the women_______________.
34. The non-Christian political leader who cost upheaval and displacement of the Koreans among the Uzbeks was_________________________.
Josef Stalin
35. Why did not the Haitian man who had given the sacrificial offering go to the Thanksgiving festival?
He had no shirt to wear
36. The missionary to the Muslims who was killed at the hands of Muslims in North Africa at the age of 80 was_________________________.
Raymond Lull
1. The concept that Hell is not a place but rather an event of annihilation is taught by_____________________.
Clark Pinnock, John Stott, Edward Fudge.
2. The British theologian who teaches that Christianity is not superior, but one partner in the quest for salvation is__________________________.
John Hick
3. According to Piper, the more likely it is that people can be saved without missions, the less _____________ there is for missions.
4. T/F Piper believes in a Hell of eternal conscious torment.
5. T/F Piper believes in the necessity of Christ’s atonement for salvation.
6. T/F Piper believes in the necessity for people to hear of Christ in order to be saved.
7. Piper spends an extended time addressing the conversion of an individual in the Bible to show that God responded in an extraordinary manner to an unsaved person who was truly seeking God, who was this person?
8. Don Richardson tells the story of Warrasa and the Gedeo tribe and how they came to the Lord. In Warrasa’s vision what did he remove and place next to the shiny-roofed dwellings of the men and why did he do this?
? He removed the center pole from his own house, carry it out of the town and set it in the ground next to one of the shiny-roofed dwellings of the men. This symbolized his very life.
9. T/F Piper believes that the purpose of the Cornelius story is to show that Gentiles are already part of God’s chosen people because they fear God and do many good deeds.
10. T/F Piper believes that general revelation is enough to bring about faith that saves.
11. “Other sheep who are not of the fold” refers to the ______________according to Piper and this phrase is found the Gospel of_______________.
1) Gentiles
2) John
12. According to Piper, the task of missions may not be merely to win as many individuals as possible from the most responsive people groups of the world but rather to win individuals from _____________ the people groups of the world.
13. At the 1974 Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization the concept of people blindness was presented by__________________________.
Ralph Winter
14. Foundational for the missionary vision of the New Testament was the promise, which God made to _______________ in Genesis 12:1-3.
15. The “reluctant prophet” of the Old Testament who went against the missionary motives of God was _____________.
16. According to Piper Paul was gripped by a vision reaching as many _____________________________.
people as possible
17. Piper interprets Mark 13:10 to mean that the gospel must reach all the peoples of the world before the end comes. Therefore, since Jesus has not returned then it must mean there are still more ___________________ to be reached.
unreached peoples
18. T/F There is some ambiguity in the definition of when a group is “reached.”
19. According to Piper, diversity is ______________________ and _____________________.
intended and eternal
20. The person whose life and writings have impacted Piper’s thinking related to worship and missions is _____________________________.
Jonathan Edwards
21. For Piper and for the person mentioned in question #1, the ultimate focus of everything in the Scriptures can be summed up in the phrase _______________________________________.
“The glory of God.”
22. Missions exists because _______________________ doesn’t.
23. Piper explains that worship is not a gathering, singing, preaching, or any other outward act. Worship is essentially ______________________________________________________________________.
an inner stirring of the heart to treasure God above all the treasures of the world—a valuing of God above all else that is valuable, a loving of God above all else that is lovely, a savoring of God above all else that is sweet, an admiring of God above all else that is admirable, a fearing of God above all else that is fearful, a respecting of God above all else that is respectable, a prizing of God above all else that is precious.
24. Missions exists to plant worshiping communities of the redeemed in all the __________________________ of the world.
25. If you love the glory of God, you cannot be indifferent to _________________.
26. _______________________ pursues the rescue of perishing sinners.
27. Saving faith means receiving Christ as your treasure, not just as a ____________________________.
deliverer from pain
28. Christians should not merely warn people but rather should __________________ people as they are awaken to a delight in Christ, not just a dread of hell.
29. T/F According to Piper, the New Testament gives great attention to corporate worship.
30. Jesus’ main statement concerning worship is found in ___________________ (scripture reference).
John 4:20-24
31. Jesus identified himself as the true _______________________.
32. In the New Testament, worship is significantly de-________________________, de-________________________, and de-________________________.
1) De-institutionalized
2) De-localized
3) De-externalized
33. The writings of ________________________ helped Piper to understand that people praise what they enjoy.
C. S. Lewis
34. Piper under the third implication lists wrong reasons to worship, list three of these.
• To raise money
• To attract crowds
• To heal human hurts
• To recruit workers
• To improve church morale
• To give talented musicians an opportunity to fulfill their calling
• To teach our children the way of righteousness
• To help marriages stay together
• To evangelize the lost among us
• To motivate people for service projects
• To give our churches a family feeling
35. Tom Steller refers to David Bryant as he calls for each Christian to be a _______________________ Christian.
1. The missions textbook was written as part of a series of books to replace the classic missions textbooks written by _______________________.
J. Herbert Kane
2. The working definition of missions is ___________________________________________.
the specific work of the church and agencies in the task of reaching peoples for Christ by crossing cultural boundaries.
3. The working definition of mission is ________________________________________.
everything the church is doing that points toward the kingdom of God.
4. The 10/40 Window is ______________________________________________________.
An imaginary rectangular window between the 10th and 40th latitudes, bordered around Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. This window contains the bulk of the unreached peoples in the world and the bulk of the non-Christian religions.
5. Creative Access Countries are ________________________________.
nation-states in which traditional missionary work is illegal or banned.
6. A church that “fits” the culture and reflects the four-selfs is called _________________________.
an indigenous church.
7. Unreached Peoples are ________________________________.
people groups that currently have no access to the gospel
8. __________ % of Americans accept the idea of absolute moral truth.
9. The authors discussion of Globalism and Tribalism made reference to the ______________________________ approach to missions. Hint: American company,
10. Missio Dei is a Latin term meaning _________________________.
mission of God
11. The authors listed 10 misconceptions, list these.
1) Missionaries are super spiritual
2) Missionaries are misfits in their own cultures.
3) Missionaries are little more than adventure seekers.
4) Missionaries are always good with languages.
5) Missionaries always have a very strong call from God.
6) Missionaries are (bigoted) cultural imperialists.
7) Missionaries are no longer needed.
8) Missionaries always go overseas.
9) Missionaries live in “the bush.”
10) Missionaries sign their lives away forever.
12. The case study set in the Philippines dealt with the issue of ___________________________________________.
two missionaries being kidnapped and whether or not to pay the ransom demand of the kidnappers
1. God’s concern for humanity is first demonstrated by his ___________________.
2. Being created in the “image of God” is full of meaning, list three meanings given by the authors.
1) The image of God is linked to the command to have dominion over the rest of creation.
2) Every human being is significant in God’s eyes simply because God made him or her.
3) Being made in God’s image and given subsequent responsibilities as a race, we have a purpose in living: we are to glorify God by delighting in him as we exercise dominion over creation and are fruitful and multiply.
3. The initial promise of salvation is called the ____________________________,.
4. The term protoevangelium refers to __________________ (scripture reference).
Genesis 3:15
5. List the three blessings of Genesis 12.
1) God will make Abraham into a great nation.
2) God will give Abraham a great name.
3) Clarification that Abraham may be the means, he is not the goal.
6. Kaiser maintains that the call of _____________________ in Genesis 12 is the Old Testament version of the Great Commission.
7. According to Adrian, God’s call is not solely for our blessing, but is also a call to __________________ on behalf of humanity.
8. According to the authors, the Psalms are the Old Testament hymnal, and as George Peters notes, a _______________________ note can found in more than 175 references in the psalms.
9. The most significant missionary message in the Old testament prophets comes from ______________ (book of the OT)
10. The case study concerning a word for God focuses on the possible words from the __________________ culture/religion.
1. In Mt. 9:35-38 when Jesus said “ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” the meaning of “send out” is to _____________________.
"thrust violently"
2. The sidebar mentions four possible meanings for “all nations,” list these.
1) All the non-Jews
2) Nation-states
3) Ethnic Groups
4) The whole of humanity
3. The author of En Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens was __________________.
William Carey
4. _____________________________is referred to as the “father of modern Protestant missions.”
William Carey
5. The key word in Matthew’s Great Commission that is repeated four times is _________________.
6. The command in Matthew’s Great Commission is to _________________________.
"Make Disciples"
7. The version of the Great Commission that contains materials not found in the best manuscripts is found in the Gospel of ______________________.
8. The sending out of the 70 may be symbolic as the Jews believed __________________________________________________.
humankind was thought to encompass seventy nations and seventy languages in the world.
9. John’s Gospel is rich in the vocabulary of ______________--the term and its derivatives appear almost sixty times in twenty chapters.
10. Mrs. Liu’s concern about her daughter’s baptism centered around _____________________________________.
Lily's marriage
1. Luke provides the direction for the book of Acts which is __________________. ____________________, ___________________________, and _____________________.
Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth
2. When Paul entered a new city he began his ministry by preaching in the __________________________.
3. The council that provides a model for missionaries today in regards to contextualization met in ___________________________ (city).
4. Paul’s longest stay in one place during one of his missionary journeys was in _________________________ .
5. List 10 lessons from Paul’s life and ministry.
1) The maximum duration Paul remained in at a single location was less than 3 years.
2) Paul’s strategy was far more focused on a willingness to obey the Holy Spirit than on the detailed and programmatic strategic planning practices seen in Western mission agencies of today.
3) Paul was an evangelist with a goal in mind.
4) Paul was willing to change the message based on his audience.
5) There were definite limits to Paul’s contextualization
6) Paul focused his attention on planting churches and moving on to new areas.
7) The content of Paul’s preaching essentially was the story of Jesus.
8) Paul tended to work as the leading member of a team of people rather than trying to go it alone on his journeys.
9) Persecution was a crucial part of Paul’s circumstances but it did not deter him from proclaiming the gospel.
10) Paul was flexible in his financing.
6. The author of missions classic Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Ours? was ____________________________.
Roland Allen
7. The case study focused upon group conversion. Why did the chief use the spirit gong?
To tell them to go away because now they have a new God
1. ________________________ as defined by Willis and Blackaby is “the activity of God’s people—the church—to proclaim and to demonstrate the kingdom of God cross-culturally in the world.”
2. Peters defines __________________ to include the “upward, inward and outward ministries of the church.”
3. “The sending of God” is a translation of the term _________________________.
"missio dei"
4. _______________________ is a comprehensive term encompassing everything God does in relation to the kingdom and everything the church is sent to do on earth.
5. The study of missions is called ____________________________.
6. The South African scholar in missions who was cited in the sidebar and in other references in the chapter was ____________________________.
David Bosch
7. According to the authors the foundation for our theology of mission is _____________________.
the Bible
8. Evangelicals have focused on God’s concern for the world and human estrangement from God as the core issue that mission address, with ____________________________ and __________________________ being the core activities that address the human dilemma of separation from God.
personal evangelism and church planting
9. According to Piper ______________________ is the ultimate goal of the church.
10. According to the authors of the missions book, the core of our responsibility of reflecting God’s glory through worship may be reflected in three activities, list these.
1) Calling those who do not know Christ through the activities of evangelism and church planting.
2) Growing in the capacity to live God-glorifying lives through the processes of discipleship and church growth.
3) Reflecting God’s glory to a needy world through living lives of salt and light.
11. List the motifs from Bosch.
• Incarnation
• Cross
• Resurrection
• Ascension
• Pentecost
• Parousia
12. List the motifs from Shenk.
• Reign (kingdom of God)
• Jesus
• Holy Spirit
• Church
• World
• Eschaton
13. List the motifs from the authors.
• The Kingdom of God
• Jesus
• The Holy Spirit
• The Church
• Shalom
• The Return of Jesus
1. In 1625 a monument was discovered that commemorated the work of Alopen in bringing the “Luminous Religion” to ____________________.
2. The church before the time of Constantine met primarily in ____________________.
3. 313 was a significant year for the church as ________________________ (person) issued the Edict of Toleration.
4. Christians benefited from the Pax Romana which means _________________ and the protected system of _____________________. The common language of the day was _____________________. Christianity thrived in ______________ centers.
1) "Roman Peace"
2) roads
3) Greek
4) urban
5. The authors identified __________________ (scripture reference) as the Magna Carta of Christian liberty.
Acts 15:19-21
6. In 380 the emperor _______________________ made Christianity the official religion of the empire.
7. Two brothers, Cyril and Methodius were missionaries to ___________________.
8. __________________ received the dream to go to the Irish people.
9. The first nation to declare itself Christian was ___________________.
Roman Empire
10. The Russian leader who selected from the Jewish, Muslim, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox faiths was ______________________.
11. Much of the evangelization of Ireland, England, Scotland, and continental Europe was done by the ________________ monks.
12. __________________________ was a visionary missions strategist who had a passion to reach the Muslims, who eventually stoned him to death.
Raymond Lull
13. List the three languages that were considered “sacred.”
1) Hebrew
2) Greek
3) Latin
14. Thomas according to tradition to the Gospel went to _____________________.
South India
1. The two missionary countries of the 1500’s were _________________ and ____________________.
1) Spain
2) Portugal
2. The authors mention four Catholic orders that were missionary in their focus, list these.
1) Augustinians
2) Dominicians
3) Franciscans
4) Jesuits
3. The “Rome of the East” was ___________________.
4. The most famous of the 16th century missionaries who served in India and Japan but used different methods in the two places was _______________________.
5. Matteo Ricci learned the philosophy and culture, and wore the garb of the people of __________________________.
6. T/F The Dutch East Indies Company was supportive of missionary efforts.
7. The diary that had great influence on others for the cause of missions was the diary of ____________________.
David Brainerd
8. Zinzendorf was the missions leader who made his estate, Herrnhut (The Lord’s Watch) as a base for the ________________________.
9. The author of An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens was _________________________.
William Carey
10. The Great Century for missions was the ____________________.
19th century
11. Lottie Moon was a missionary with the ____________________________(name of denomination or sending group).
Southern Baptist Convention
12. Comity agreements were ____________________________________________.
the assignment of regions in countries to different mission agencies to eliminate unnecessary duplication of effort.
13. J. Hudson Taylor was the founder of the ______________________________ (name of the group).
China Inland Mission
14. List three men identified by the authors who developed and/or implemented the three-self concept.
1) Rufus Anderson
2) Henry Venn
3) John Nevius
15. The three selfs are self-______________________, self-____________________, and self-_______________________.
1) Self-governing
2) Self-supporting
3) Self-propagating
1. List a reason why 1910 is significant in missions history.
• Missionary Messages in Song was published
• 1910 Edinburgh Conference
2. “The father of Christianity in the Ivory Coast” who recognized the African spirit world and beliefs in spirits was _____________________________.
William Wade Harris
3. The “Black Messiah” was __________________________.
Simon Kimbangu
4. The missionary who focused on Muslims was _______________________.
Samuel Zwemer
5. The person who wrote of the “Christ on the Indian Road” was _________________________________.
E. Stanley Jones
6. The founder of the Summer Institute of Linguistics and Wycliffe Bible Translators was __________________________________.
William Cameron Townsend
7. Ralph Winter and James Emery started a new training program in 1963 called ____________________________________.
Theological Education by Extension
8. Explain the term Third Wave.
Interest in charismatic spirituality that grew in conservative evangelical ranks, notably in the spiritual gifts, prayer for the sick, and the usefulness of exorcism.
9. Peruvian theologian Gustavo Gutiérrez wrote ____________________________.
A Theology of Liberation
10. The speaker at the Lausanne Congress who spoke on “unreached peoples” was _____________________________.
Ralph Winter
What is the number of churches that have not baptized anyone in a year?
What is the ratio of number of members to baptism?
What are the two basic misconceptions?
1) Missionaries are an extraordinary people on special assignment.
2) Missions can be done by proxy.
What is mission?
The total redemptive purpose of God
What is missions?
The activity of God's people in carrying out God's purpose.
What is missio dei?
The mission of God
What is missional?
1) An incarnational church who is among the people and living the gospel among the people.
2) A missional church reflects the culture of the community
3) A missional church is intentional with its methodology
4) A missional church engages the culture with the gospel
What is Dr. James definition of missions?
1) An incarnational church who is among the people and living the gospel among the people.
2) A missional church reflects the culture of the community
3) A missional church is intentional with its methodology
4) A missional church engages the culture with the gospel
How do you create missionary zeal?
1) The study of missionary facts
2) Participate in missions
3) The study of the Bible as a missionary book
Who came up with the Great Commission Hermeneutic?
Chuck Kelley
What are the components of the Great Commission Hermeneutic?
1) People of the Book
2) Priority of the Book
3) Purpose of the Book
What is a missionary hermeneutic?
It believes that the Bible is the basis for missions and that missions is the basis for the Bible
Who is the author of a missionary hermeneutic?
David Hesselgrave
What's a scriptural example for his argument?
Matthew 24-25
Describe the Old Testament basis for missions in Genesis?
1) Genesis details God's purposes for humanity
2) Genesis 3 moves from creation to new creation
What are the implications for missions in the creation account?
1) Creation is good. It has a divine intention and purpose.
2) It was designed for relationship
3) It was not designed for isolationism
4) God is lord over all of creation
What are the implications for missions after the fall (Genesis 3)?
1) God is reaching out after a lost world to save it.
2) The protoevangelium takes place in Genesis 3:14-15
3) Sin has come into the world. God did not cause sin to happen but He was prepared for sin.
4) God gives a promise in response to the sin of Adam and Eve.
Who is the spiritual separation between?
Mankind and God
What are the four areas there is social separation?
1) Man and woman
2) Mankind and nature
3) Family: brother against brother
4) Nation against nation
What is the cycle in Genesis?
1) Transgression
2) Judgment
3) Mercy
What are the three points about the history of salvation in Genesis 12-50?
1) The call of Abraham is linked with God's dealings with the nations.
2) God's judgment is always redemptive in nature.
3) Election by God is always for service and not for privilege
What is the basis of missions in Exodus?
1) Israel is made a nation
2) They are a holy people - a people who are different
3) They are his own possession - a special relationship with God
4) They are a nation of priests - a nation of bridge builders...a connection between God and the nations
What is one basis of missions in Isaiah?
Isaiah 66
What are the six points under Isaiah 66?
(1) Yahweh, who has just appeared as the one executing judgment on Israel’s oppressors by fire and word, predicted their demise (vv. 16-17).
(2) He predicted the nations and tongues will come to worship him (v. 18)
(3) Verse 19 speaks of the distant islands.
(4) Verse 19 speaks of those who will declare.
(5) We find here an explicit sending projected so that those sent can testify among the nations by sharing God’s glory.
(6) The result will be that all humankind will worship the Lord.
What is the basis for missions in Joel?
1. Speaks concerning the judgment of God on Zion but also on the nations. The high point of the book is 2:28-32, which is the prediction of a universal outpouring of God’s Spirit in a new day. This is quoted by Peter on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:16-21).
What is an example of a basis for missions in Psalms?
Psalm 117. It's the shortest of the Psalms but it calls on all nations to praise the Lord.