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71 Cards in this Set

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osteochondritis dissecans
--portion of subchondral bone undergoes avascular necrosis
-it can partially or completely separate from the adjacent bone and extrude from that joint
occurrence of osteochondritis dissecans
-most commonly seen in knee, but can be seen in elbow esp with little league
-usually adolescent males
-cause unknown but may be due to repetitive traumatic compression
how does osteochondritis dissecans present?
-dull, aching pain with stiffness and occasional episodes of locking
PE for osteochondritis dissecans will reveal?
-limited ROM, local tenderness, joint effusion
tx for osteochondritis dissecans
-rest, possibly sling if elbow
-surgery to remove any loose bodies
-prognosis good if pt is young
joint swelling is __________until proven otherwise
septic arthritis presentation
-bone pain, fever, malaise
-bone aspirate will yield pus
pathogens most associated with septic arthritis are ?
-H. flu, group Bstrep and staph
when might pseudomonas lead to osteomyelitis?
puncture wounds
what do you call the thick, vascular, osteogenic portion of growing bone?
what factors determine the remodeling capacity?
-number of years of growth remaining
-proximity to physis
-magnitude of angular deformity
-plane of angulation
Salter Harris Type I
-transverse fracture through the entire growth plate
-presents with localized swelling/tenderness
-X-Ray appears negative
-prognosis excellent
Salter Harris Type II
-fracture line passes through a portion of the growth plate and exits through the metaphysis
Salter Harris Type II associated with growth arrest where?
-50% of pts with distal femur
-rarely cause growth arrest in distal radius
Salter Harris Type III
-fracture line passes though physis and extends to articular surface
-prognosis for growth is guarded
-must restore congruity of the articular surface
Salter Harris Type IV
-fracture line crosses all zones of the physis vertically
-high risk of growth arrest even though only a small portion of physis is affected
-requires anatomic reduction to restore the articular surface
Salter Harris Type V
-injury results from crushing force applied to the growth plate(axial load)
what is the most commonly fractured bone in kids and how long does it take to heal?
-takes a year to 18months to heal on its own
which fractures tend to occur at birth?
-humeral shaft fractures
what do you call the thick, vascular, osteogenic portion of growing bone?
what factors determine the remodeling capacity?
-number of years of growth remaining
-proximity to physis
-magnitude of angular deformity
-plane of angulation
Salter Harris Type I
-transverse fracture through the entire growth plate
-presents with localized swelling/tenderness
-X-Ray appears negative
-prognosis excellent
Salter Harris Type II
-fracture line passes through a portion of the growth plate and exits through the metaphysis
Salter Harris Type II associated with growth arrest where?
-50% of pts with distal femur
-rarely cause growth arrest in distal radius
Salter Harris Type III
-fracture line passes though physis and extends to articular surface
-prognosis for growth is guarded
-must restore congruity of the articular surface
Salter Harris Type IV
-fracture line crosses all zones of the physis vertically
-high risk of growth arrest even though only a small portion of physis is affected
-requires anatomic reduction to restore the articular surface
Salter Harris Type V
-injury results from crushing force applied to the growth plate(axial load)
what is the most commonly fractured bone in kids and how long does it take to heal?
-takes a year to 18months to heal on its own
which fractures tend to occur at birth?
-humeral shaft fractures
what do you call the thick, vascular, osteogenic portion of growing bone?
what factors determine the remodeling capacity?
-number of years of growth remaining
-proximity to physis
-magnitude of angular deformity
-plane of angulation
Salter Harris Type I
-transverse fracture through the entire growth plate
-presents with localized swelling/tenderness
-X-Ray appears negative
-prognosis excellent
Salter Harris Type II
-fracture line passes through a portion of the growth plate and exits through the metaphysis
Salter Harris Type II associated with growth arrest where?
-50% of pts with distal femur
-rarely cause growth arrest in distal radius
Salter Harris Type III
-fracture line passes though physis and extends to articular surface
-prognosis for growth is guarded
-must restore congruity of the articular surface
Salter Harris Type IV
-fracture line crosses all zones of the physis vertically
-high risk of growth arrest even though only a small portion of physis is affected
-requires anatomic reduction to restore the articular surface
Salter Harris Type V
-injury results from crushing force applied to the growth plate(axial load)
what is the most commonly fractured bone in kids and how long does it take to heal?
-takes a year to 18months to heal on its own
which fractures tend to occur at birth?
-humeral shaft fractures
what is the most common elbow fracture and how does it occur?
-supracondylar humerus fractures
which type of fracture is common around age 10 and is due to valgus stress with a fall on the extended elbow?
-radial neck fracture
-radial neck is within the joint capsule and causes stiffness
what do you call a fracture of the radius and a dislocation of the radial head?
what do you call a fracture of the radius and a dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint?
what fractures need to be fixated under anesthesia?
-distal femur , because fractures of the distal femur growth plate are very likely not to grow afterwards
-after kid is >30lbs, cast is insufficient
children under age 3 who limp probably have _______
children ages 3-6 who limp probably have________
septic arthritis
what condition has a positive trendelenberg sign?
Legg-Calve-Perthes dz (common in ages 6-10)
what is the most common adolescent hip disorder?
SCFE (slipped capital femoral epiphysis)
what is the association of the degree of curvature in scoliosis with tx?
what is the definitive test for nerve pain?
-straight leg raise
-pain in sciatic distribution is reproduced between 30-70 degrees passive flexion of the straight leg is positive finding
when would a bone scan be indicated with low back pain?
-if tumor , infection, or occult fracture is suspected
what is the imaging test of choice for low back pain?
MRI with contrast
what is the official name for degenerative disc disease?
HNP::herniated nucleus pulposus
why are most herniations lateral rather than central?
-the presence of the posterior longitudinal ligament and the ligamentum flavum
upper motor neuron lesions present with?
-spasticity,hyper-reflexivity, and pathologic reflexes
lower motor neuron lesions present with?
-flaccidity, hyporeflexivity, and no pathologic reflexes
what is a subluxation of one vertebral body over another?
spinal stenosis
-hypertrophy of spinal architecture resulting in compression of thecal sac or nerve roots
-leads to chronic problems like arthritis, scoliosis, and hypermobility
spondylosis/spondylolisthesis are due to _____________
-repetitive hyperextension of the spine
osgood shlatter disease is caused by ?
-repetitive trauma to the tibial tuberosity
-commonly seen in children who do cutting and jumping sports
osgood shlatter disease PE, Xray, and tx
-PE will show tenderness and swelling over tibial tuberosity
-Xray will show fragmentation and irregular ossification at the tibial tubercle
-tx is rest, stretching,and icing
patellar tendonitis presentation, occurrence, an tx
-presents with pain at the inferior pole of the patella
-commonly seen in jumping sports
-tx is stretching,ice, US and E-stim, chopat strap
shin splints
-pain after exercise over an area of the medial tibia 3-4 inches long
when so you suspect a stress fracture rather than a shin splint?
-if pain is in smaller area and is on the lateral tibia
rotator cuff tendonitis
-pts under 30 tend to have pain without a tear
-they will have pain with overhead activities
-they will have a positive empty can test
DeQuervain's tenosynovitis::
1. location of pain
2. test
1. over the snuff box
2. Finkelstein's
what are the prerequisites for bone healing?
-adequate blood supply and adequate mechanical stability
what are the three stages of fracture healing?
-inflammation, repair, and remodeling
avascular necrosis is a common side occurrence in ___and ______
posterior hip dislocation and femoral neck fracture
hip pain can be referred to the _
acute posterior dislocation of the shoulder is common in ___________pts