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64 Cards in this Set

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The most unreliable diagnostic property is
Which group of minerals are the most abundant in the earth's crust.
Silicon and oxygen
All silicate minerals contain wich two elements
The strong tendency of certain minerals to break along smooth,parallel planes
the resistance of a material to abrasion
Hardest mineral in nature
glassy texture
igneous formed
cooling of magma
Course grained
Rocks with crystals that can be seen with naked eye.
most abundant chemical sedimentary rock
alternating bands of light
what element is the most abundant in earth's crust by weight
Atoms that have an electrical charge due to the loss or gain of an electron
Crystals become smaller
As the rate of cooling increases
Primary agent of contact metamorphisim
strong parallel alignment of mineral bands in a metamorphic rock
Igneous rock characterized by two distinctively different crystal sizes.
Particle size
Detrital sedimentary rocks are classified primarily on the basis of
Warm humid
Chemical weathering would be most effective in a ________ climate
Warm temperatures very moist
What two factors speed up rates of chemical reaction & weathering in rocks and soils.
Mass wasting
the process that moves weathered rock materials and soils downslope
Most temperate climates
In what area would weathering by frost wedging be most effective
mass wasting process with the slowest rate of movment
The release of water to the atmosphere by plants is called
The main erosion is on the outside of the bend
at a bend in a river , the main erosion is
describes the total sediment load transported by a stream
If you were to examine the profile of a typical river,you would probably find that the gradient is steepest
near the bed
an abandoned,cutoff,meander loop.
Oxbow lake
running water
the single most important erosion all agent
permeable rock strata or sediment that transmit groundwater freely
water table
The ground is saturated with water in unsaturated rock
artesian well
an artesian aquifer confined containing groundwater
Is the Icicle like shape that grows down from the roof of a cavern
Alfred wegnee
In the early part of the 20th century blank argued forcefully 4 continental drift.
The former late Paleozoic supercontinent is known as
Pull apart rift zones are generally associated with _____plate boundaries
A typical rate of seafloor spreading in the Atlantic Ocean is _____per year
The sea floor in the alantic ocean spreads 2cm
Identify mechanisims capable of moving continents
The continental drift hypothesis was rejected primarily because Alfred Wegener could not
Sinking of oceanic lithosphere into the mantle at a subduction zone.
Deep open trenches are sufficient evidence for
Transform plate boundary
The deep vertical fault which two plates slide past one another
volcanoes and deep valleys of East africa
Continental rift along which parts of the African continent are beginning to slowly separate
When an earthquake occurs energy gradients in all directions from its source the source is also referred to as the
Nature of surface material design of structures tensity and duration
The amount of destruction caused by earthquake vibrations is affected by
Major earthquakes are often followed by somewhat smaller events known as
Richter scale
Scale is a measure of the energy released it is not directly measure the extent of the building damage
The position on Earth's surface directly by the earthquake source is called the
elastic rebound
The mechanism by which rock store and eventually release energy in the form there's an earthquake is termed
Refers to the tendency for a foundation material to lose its internal cohesion and failed mechanically during earthquake shaking
Record of an earthquake obtained from a seismic instrument is
The dense core of the earth is thought to consist predominantly of
Which type of basaltic lava flow has a fairly smooth unfragmented ropey surface
what Magma is the most abundant type rupted at oceanic spreading centers today
The _______ocean basin is rimmed by the most abduction zones
composite cones
The most violent volcanic activity is associated with
Shield volcano
water and Co2
______Are usually the most abundant gases emitted during basaltic volcanisim
Which type basaltic lava flow has its surface covered with sharp edged angler blocks and rubble
submarine,basaltic lava flows
What which kind of volcanism is typical of mid oceanic ridge systems
an explosive strata volcano
Mount st helens is
the circum pacific area
Which region has the greatest concentration of currently active volcanoes
strike slip
An_____ fault has little or no vertical movements of the two blocks
transform fault
a strike slip fault that lays the boundary between tectonic plates
thrust fault
A low angle reverse fault
normal faults
Tensional forces normally cause what type type of faults