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51 Cards in this Set

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Calcium and Phosphate: Actions--
*Diverse role
-Bone structure (~99% total Ca; 85% total P)
-Cellular functions (~1 % total Ca; ~15% total P)
-Muscle contraction
-Coagulation, other enzyme activities (P critical for ATP)
-Regulation of hormone secretion
-Nerve conduction

*Extracellular [Ca] tightly regulated (0.1% total Ca)
-50% free AKA ionized Ca
-40% bound to protein (90% albumin)
-9% complex with anions (e.g., citrate, phosphate)

*Extracellular [P] (~1% total P): less tightly regulated
-Two forms: HPO4, H2PO4
What organs and hormones regulate calcium?
Describe the role of Bone, Kidney, and the intestines in regulating Ca:
-Principal reservoir of Ca and P
-Major crystalline salt: hydroxyapatite
-Ca, P mineralization necessary for structural integrity

-Filters both Ca and P
-Re-absorbs 99% filtered Ca
-Excretes P over a certain threshold
-Site of activation of Vitamin D (25-OH D to 1,25-OH D)

-Intake ~1000 mg/day of each: P absorption > Ca (~35%)
-Absorption of dietary Ca (active), P (active and passive)
-Fecal excretion of Ca, P is significant
Describe mineral levels in mineralized bone, bone fluid, and the central canal:
Describe the makeup of Bone Components: Cells and Matrix--
1. Type I Collagen fibers organized in triple helix structure with other proteins (osteocalcin and osteonectin which bind Ca++) polymerize to form osteoid
2. Ca deposition in osteoid converted to hydroxyapatite (calcium phosphate crystals)

1. Osteoblasts: bone-forming cells that produce matrix; receptors for E2, PTH, Vit D; following calcification, cells become osteocytes
2. Osteoclast: bone-remodeling cells that are multinuclear macrophages: bone resorption by acid, lysosomal enzymes
What's the structural organization of bone?
i feel like i've heard this before
Describe the balance b/t bone formation and resorption:
How does bone remodeling happen?
Describe the critical hormones regulating bone:
*Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) and Vitamin D
-activate osteoclasts indirectly through secretion of soluble factors from osteoblasts

-Activates osteoblasts to produce IGF-I and Osteoprotegerin (OPG)
-Inhibits osteoclasts indirectly by suppressing IL-6 and increasing OPG
-Loss of E2 at menopause increases resorption

*GH directly and indirectly via IGF-I:
-Regulates bone turnover and remodeling
-Stimulates proliferation of articular chondrocytes and production of matrix
How does PTH Regulate Osteoclast Function?
How does PTH Regulate Osteoclast Function?
*Activated osteoblasts express Rank Ligand (RankL) which binds its receptor RANK on osteoclasts, inducing activation

*Osteoblasts secrete Osteoprotegerin (OPG) which acts as a decoy receptor for RankL, preventing osteoclast activation

*Hormones and drugs that increase or decrease these proteins control bone resorption by regulating osteoclast activation
Biochemical Markers of Bone Turnover:
Bone formation products come from OBs

Bone resorption products are breakdown products from osteoid
What 2 organs does PTH act directly on? How?
-renal tubule
-acts indirectly on gut
Describe PTH Regulation of Calcium (and P):
-discuss PTH-rp
-discuss role of Mg with PTH
*Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
-84 aa peptide produced in parathyroid gland chief cells
-Ca-sensing receptor controls PTH synthesis, release
-PTH action via G-protein coupled receptor, cAMP
-Bone: increases Ca, P resorption via osteocyte (rapid) and osteoclast (slow: mechanism is indirect)
-Kidney: increases Ca absorption, decreases P absorption (rapid); activates 1alpha hydroxylase to convert 25 OH-D to active 1,25 OH-D

*PTH-rp: homologous to N-terminal portion of PTH; wide expression (e.g., placenta, cancer); PTH and PTH-rp have common receptor and specific receptors

*High [Mg] inhibits; acutely low [Mg] stimulates PTH
How does PTH secretion relate to ionized Ca++?
iCa regulates PTH; very tightly
What Controls PTH synthesis and release?
Ca Sensing Receptor
-Ca inhibits PTH via CaSR
Describe the Calcium Sensing Receptor, CaR:
*Increased extracellular Ca++ binds to CaR

*CaR: Gq coupled receptor that signals thru phospholipase C to inhibit PTH

*CaR widely distributed in brain, skin, bone, stomach, thyroid C cells, renal distal tubule

*Mg required for increased PTH secretion due to low iCa++

*Mutations in CaR can result in calcium sensing defects: e.g., inactivating mutation in parathyroids and kidney leads to “benign” hypercalcemia
Describe Regulation of Phosphate:
*Phosphate resides in bone (85%), cells (14%) and extra-cellular fluid (~1%)

*Kidney is the major site of PO4 homeostasis: Na/P transporters, especially NPT2a mediate PO4 reabsorption in the renal tubule

*PTH and FGF23 decrease NPT2a expression to increase PO4 excretion and decrease serum [PO4]

*FGF23, a phosphatonin, is synthesized in bone and acts on the kidney to inhibit PO4 absorption and 1,25-OH Vit D production; its cofactor Klotho is required for activation of its receptor, FGFR1
Describe FGF23 Regulation of Phosphate:
FGF23 increases P excretion in urine; ALSO decreases P absorption in gut
What does Vit D do for us? What diet sources do we get it from in the U.S.?
Regulates Bone and Ca
Describe the structure and synthesis of Vit D:
Describe regulation of Ca by Vit D:
Describe regulation of Ca by Vit D:
*Regulation: Cholesterol derivative Cholecalciferol (D3) converted to STORAGE form (25OH D) in liver, activated by PTH in kidney to ACTIVE form: 1,25(OH)2D

*Metabolism: kidney converts to water-soluble INACTIVE calcitroic acid or 24,25(OH)D if PTH low

*Target tissue/Action:
Bone: remodeling, mineralization
Small Intestine: Ca, P, Mg absorption (increases expression of Ca-binding Protein)
Skin: keratinocyte differentiation
Describe Vit D's diverse actions via the VDR:
*VDR+RXR needed for transcription
*Thyroid hormone ALSO binds with RXR
Describe the various effects Vit D has on different tissues:
Describe Calcitonin and its role in Calcium regulation:
*32 amino acid peptide made in C cells (neural crest derivatives) in the thyroid gland

*Regulated acutely by elevated Ca levels

*MINOR role in Ca homeostasis in humans
-Decreases resorption of bone due to inhibition of osteoclasts, therefore decreases Ca concentration
-Decreases Ca reabsorption in kidney at high levels
-No consequences on Ca metabolism if pt is athyroidal

*Used clinically for disorders of osteoclasts and hypercalcemia to inhibit bone resorption
Describe Ca and PTH levels in various diseases:
-low Ca, low PTH = 1˚ hypoparathyroidism
-low Ca, high PTH = uremic parathyroidism or Vit D deficiency
-hi Ca, low PTH = PTHrp related cancer
-high Ca, high PTH = 1˚ hyperparathyroidism
Talk about some Metabolic Bone diseases:
*Osteomalacia: “soft” bones due to poor mineralization of newly formed osteoid; insufficient Ca, P or Vitamin D

*Rickets: osteomalacia of growing bones affects growth plate; soft bones bend

*Osteoporosis: low BMD due to decreased bone formation and increased resorption; bone loss

*Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI): mutation in Type 1 collagen leads to abnormal osteoid and increased resorption resulting in fragility; sort of a combo or osteomalacia AND osteoporosis.
normal bone vs. osteoporosis vs. osteomalacia:
Describe general bone structure:
Describe general bone structure:
Skeletal Manifestations of Rickets:
*Sites of rapid bone growth: Distal forearm, knee and costochondral junction

*Enlargement of the costochondral junction

*Enlargement of joints: wrist, knee, ankle

*Delay closure of the fontanelles

*Craniotabes (soft skull bones)

*Parietal and frontal bossing

*Bowing: Radius, femur, tibia

*Growth failure
Signs of Rickets:
Rickets: skeletal changes at growth plates ("fuzzy")
Inadequate mineralization, cartilage accumulation leads to soft bones
Skeletal Manifestations of Osteomalacia in adults:
Usually asymptomatic; dull bone pain or tenderness
Decrease in bone density
Pseudofractures AKA loosers zones
Low trauma fractures
osteomalacia in an adult
Vitamin D Deficiency:
*Deficient intake or absorption
Poor diet or malabsorption
Inadequate sunlight exposure
PTH high; Ca variable, P low, 1,25 D normal or elevated (b/c PTH is high!)

*Defective 25-hydroxylation
Liver disease
Anticonvulsants - convert to inactive Vitamin D metabolite

*Defective 1-alpha hydroxylation (occurs in kidney)
Renal failure
Enzyme defect (VDDR-1)

*Vitamin D receptor defect (VDDR- 2)
Vitamin D-Dependent Rickets Type I:
*1,25 OH-D deficiency

*1-alpha hydroxylase deficiency
-Autosomal recessive disorder
-Inactivating mutation in the gene that encodes 1-alpha-hydroxylase
-Defect in calcidiol (D 25) to calcitriol (D1,25) conversion

*Clinical manifestations
-Skeletal findings within the first year of life
-Low vitamin D 1,25
-Severe hypocalcemia (with tetany due to increased electrical potential across the cell membrane; hyperventilation alkalosis can cause this, too)
-Moderate hypophosphatemia
-Enamel hypoplasia
Vitamin D-Dependent Rickets Type II:
*VDR resistance

*Hereditary vitamin D-resistant rickets
-Autosomal recessive disorder (50 affected kindreds)
-Mutations in the gene encoding the vitamin D receptor

*Clinical spectrum
-Varies based on mutation and residual receptor activity --> develop rickets within two years of life
-ALOPECIA (lack of vitamin D receptor action within keratinocytes) is a marker of disease severity
-Elevated 1,25-OH-Vitamin D since VDR is abnormal; can't bind it.
Vitamin D Deficiency in Children:
*Vitamin D Status
-Transferred from the mother prenatally (lasts 3-4 wks)
-Ingested or produced by the skin

*Nutritional vitamin D deficiency
-Occurs when growth rates and calcium needs are high
-Associated with breast feeding, inadequate sun, malabsorption, poor diet
-Prevention and treatment
-Fortified formula/milk
-Vitamin D supplements with breastfeeding
Vitamin D Deficiency in Adults:
*Cutaneous production
Declines with age
Varies with season, latitude and skin pigmentation

*Reduced intake
50% consume <137 IU/d
25% consume <65 IU/d

Sun exposure
Vitamin D intake via diet or supplements
Renal phosphate Wasting Syndromes: 3
*Hypophosphatemic rickets
-X-linked: most common; PHEX mutation increases FGF23
-AD: activating mutations in FGF23
-AR: mutation in Dentin Matrix Protein-1 increases FGF23
-HHRH: mutation in Na/P co-transporter (1,25 doesn't decrease --> hypercalcemia)

*Tumor-induced (oncogenic) osteomalacia
-Mesenchymal tumors produce FGF23, other phosphatonins
-Tumor resection cures urinary phosphate wasting

*Fanconi syndrome
-Proximal renal tubule defect (inherited or acquired): loss of phosphate, glucose, amino acids, potassium, bicarb, uric acid
Describe the differnt types of OI:
boards love the blue sclera
Etiology of Osteomalacia/Rickets-- name the big categories: 5
Ca deficiency
Vit D related
Inhibitors of mineralization
Phosphate wasting
Enzyme deficiency
Abnormal matrix
Describe Vit D related Osteomalacia/Rickets:
Vitamin D-related
- Deficient intake or absorption
Poor diet or malabsorption
Inadequate sunlight exposure
- Defective 25-hydroxylation
Liver disease
- Defective 1-alpha 25-hydroxylation
Renal failure
Enzyme defect (VDDR-1)
- Vitamin D receptor defect (VDDR- 2)
Describe inhibitors of mineralization that may cause Osteomalacia/Rickets:
- Fluoride
- Aluminum, Cadmium
- Bisphosphonates
Describe Osteomalacia/Rickets due to phosphate wasting:
*Decreased intestinal absorption
- Vitamin D deficiency
- Alcoholism, anorexia, starvation
- Antacids
*Increased renal losses
- 1º or 2º hyperparathyroidism
- Hypophosphatemic rickets
- Oncogenic hypophosphatemia
- Renal tubular defect
Describe Osteomalacia/Rickets due to enzyme deficiency and abnormal matrix:
Enzyme deficiency
- Hypophosphatasia: 5 types, decreased
alkaline phosphatase activity

Abnormal matrix
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
- Axial osteomalacia
Low Ca and Low P=

Low Ca and High P=

High Ca, Low P, low PTH=
-Vit D problem

-PTH problem

-xs Vit D (due to PTHrp); could be cancer related