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22 Cards in this Set

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Crossman model of intertemporal consumption choice
health is considered as personalized caoital good, which may grow through investment in the person's own health
quantity or amount of goods or services consumers are willing and able to buy at a given price, place, and at a given period of time.
normal goods
goods or services for which quantity demand at every price increases when income rises
inferior goods
goods or services for which quantity demand falls when income rises
demand schedule
relationship between the quantity demanded and the price of that good or service
demand curve
shows graphically the relationship between the quantity of a good or service demanded and its corresponding price, with other variables held constant
demand function
presenting the relationship between the price and quantity demanded through mathematical expression
law of demand
states that as price of a particular product increases, quantity demanded off that product decreases; and as price of a particular product decreases, quantity demanded of that product increases, if other factors remain constant
income effect
when the price of goods or services decreases, the consumer can afford to buy more of it or vice versa
substitution effect
consumers tend to buy goods or services with a lower price. the price of good or service that a consumers buy increases, they look for substitutes with a lower price
change in quantity demanded
indicates movement form one point to another point of the same demand curve due to a change in the price of goods and services
change in demand
shifting from one demand curve to another brought by the changes in all determinants of demand except price
defined as the amount or quantity of goods and services producers are willing and able to supply at a given price, at a given period of time
supply schedule
relationship between the quantity of a good or service supplied and its price
supply curve
shows graphically the quantity of a good supplied at each price, with other factors that affect quantity supplied held constant
supply function
a mathematical expression of the Law of Supply or the relationship between price (P) and quantity supply (Qs)
law of supply
states that as price decreases, quantity supplied also increases; and as price decreases, quantity supplied also decreases
change in quantity supplied
movement along the supply curve
change in supply
shifting from one supply curve to another brought by change in all determinants of supply except price
law of demand and supply
when demand is greater than supply, price increases; when supply is greater than demand, price decreases; and when demand is equal to supply, price remains constant
market equilibrium
it is a state which implies a balance between the opposing forces, a situation in which quantity demanded and quantity supplied are equal
market shock
anything which moves a market out of equilibrium