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99 Cards in this Set

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The Scientific method is true

a theory is a hypothesis that has withstood many scientific test


geologic process we observe today have been operated in the past

Earth's Oldness

4.5 billion years

Earth's core made up off


earth exchanges _____ with the rest of the cosmos

energy and mass

solar energy energizes all of the following major components except


plates of plates tetonic


motion of flow of material where hot matter rises from bottom and cool matter sinks from surface


bulk of the earth


earths major layers include (from outermost to innermost)

crust, mantle, inner core, outer core

global geosystems

climate system, geodynamo system, plate tetonic system

Magnetic reversal

The earth's north and south pole flips

proposed theory of continental dirt

Alfred Wegener

New lithosphere is created

Mid ocean ridges

Associated with a divergent late boundary

all the above

type of plate boundary do the deepest earthquake occur


Type of convergent plate boundary

subduction zone

mountain ranged form as a result of ocean continent convergence

the andes

west coast of south america

a convergent plate boundary

example of transform plate boundary

san andreas fault

plate parallel to the direction of the plate movement

transform plate boundaries

determine rates of plate motions

all the above

Modern seafloor spreading

2 to 15 cm per year

how old are the oldest rocks on the ocean floor

200 million years old

when did supercontinent Pangaea being to break apart

200 million years ago

intense localized volcanism such as hawaii from above plumes of fast rising material

deep mantle

Hawian Volcanoes are

not located at a plate boundary

Mid ocean ridges are also refer to

spreading centers

Mount St. Helen

Cascade range

Great Rift of East Africa is

divergent boundary

solid materials that do not posses an orderly arrangment of atom


substances is not considered a mineral



the same number of protons but different atomic masses

atoms containing 8 proton 9 neutrons and 10 electrons



sodium cation

a sodium (Na) chlorine (Cl) bond in NACI

one electron is transfer from the sodium atom to the chlorine atom

diamond is a example of what bonding


crystalline arrangement


chief iron ore

iron oxide

mined as oxide



splitting of mineral along planar surfaces

following statement false

the most common mineral in earth's crust is quartz

silica tetrahedra readily bonds with cations

it has a negative charge

identity of rock is dependent on


solidification of molten rock

igneous rocks

Minerals that contain metallic elements

ore minerals

Minerals that contain metalliac elements

ore minerals

does not depend on the chemical composition of an igneous rock / magma

grain size

igneous rock crystallize on earth surface


igneous rock that d/n consist of volcanic gas


minerals found in both mafic and felsic igneous rocks

plagioclase feldspar

igneous rock of the crust and underlies virtually all of the floors of the ocean


felsic igneous rocks is true

felsic crystallizes at lower temperature than mafic rocks

for a rock of a specific composition

the melting tempt increases with the increasing pressure

palisades sill


large igneous bodies that form @ depth of Earth's crust


igneous bodies concordant instrusive rock


how can a sill be distinguished from lava flow

rock above and below a sill will show evidence of heating but only the rocks below the lava will show evidence of heating

fluid induced melting generates magma

subduction zone

types of magma form when undergoes decompression


tetonic setting has the greatest range

convergent plate boudaries

classification of igneous rocks is dependent

the relative proportions of slicate minerals

rock sorrounding and intrusive igneous body

country rocks

Presence of water will_______


A large mineral sorrounded by much smaller mineral in an igneous rock is


difference bet intrusive and extrusive igneous rock is

where it solidifies

molten rock beneath earth's surface


about lava is true

high temperature lavas are less viscous than low temperature lavas

basaltic lava flow that has a ropy folded surface


solidified fragments of volcanic material ejected into the air


slope of a cinder cone

the maximum angle at which cinders remains stable

type of volcanoe that consist both lava flow and pyroclastic deposits

a stratovolcano

huge mudflows


Nevada del ruiz

a large mudflow of volcanic debris

main contituent of volcanic gas

water vapor

volcanic gases from aerosoles

sulfur dioxide

Mount pinatubo

carbon dioxide

world's active volcanoes

pacific ocean

least likely to signal an impeding volcanic eruptions


magma generated in earth's interior rises

less dense

basaltic lava that cools under water forms distinct_______ features


volcanic erruptions endanger commerical air traffics

volcanic ash lofted into the air can damage engines

avg rate of temperature increases with depth in the earth's crust

30 C/km

following processes will cause metamorphism

all of the above

general pressures in all directions

confining pressure

highest metemorphic grade


split easily into thin sheets along smooth parrallel surfaces


metamporphism caused by high temp and high pressure


metamorphism caused by igneous intrusions

contact metamorphism

metamorphic changes in shale with increasing metamorphic grade

slate shicst gensis

light colored rocks with coarse bands


pt path occurs

burial and heating

hardening of sediments to sedimentary rocks


accumulations of solid fragments produced by weathering

clastic sediments

transportation of sediments is false

smaller particles settle faster than larger particles

procesess occurs during lithification

all of these may occur in lithification

burial of sediment increasing results in

increasing pressure and increasing temperature

sedimentary procesess take place

at or near earth's surface


all of the above