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30 Cards in this Set

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Why one thing has Russia never had politically?
They have never been governed by democratic rule.
What type of rule has Russia utilized for most of its history?
Totalitarian Rule
What is the concept of Dual Transtion? be detailed...ie from what to what?
Where the economy and politics follow a transition together. Will go from an authoritarian to a liberal democracy as well as a command economy to a capitalist free market economy?
What is the difference between totalitarian and Authoritarian states?
Totalitarians require complete loyalty by controlling all aspects of society.

Authoritarians allow some autonomy, but will punish or sanction action against their rule.
Who created the Secret Police?
Ivan the Terrible created it.
What war did Russia lose at the turn of the 20th Century?
The Russo Japanese war in 1905.
Who was Peter the Great and what did he do?
Peter the great was a ruler of russia that did three main things.
1. Finished the transition to the modern czarist state
2. Subordinated the Russian Aristocracy
3. Dominated Russian economy
Who was the last Monarch of Russia?
Nicholas II
Describe the reign of Nicholas II?
Ruled from 1900-1918, poor leader, loses Russo-Japanese war, Bloody sunday occurred, permanently weakens aristocracy through the Duma.
When was the Bolshevik Revolution and what occurred?
October 25, 1917. Spearheaded by Vladimir Lenin... overrun of the government by Lenin to oust the aristocracy. Creation of the Vanguard party, and all parties, unions, press, and literature must follow class lines supporting communism
Why is Lenin so successful at instituting communism in Russia?
He understood communism takes steps, and institutes an economic policy to support making the transition from agrarian led economy to an industrialized economy.
What is the New Economic Policy and when did it occur?
Russia needed to create a form of capitalism... plan to step in the direction of communism. This was a step by step process.
When did Lenin die?
Who takes over for Lenin when he dies, and during what year?
Joseph Stalin and he emerges as the leader of Russia in 1928
Tell me everything you know about Stalin.
Totalitarian ruler from 1928-1953.
Administered collectivization of agriculture. started five year plans which were wildly successful,
What occurred after Stalin's death?
Rule became more authoritarian than totalitarian. Emphasis on stability, led by party secretary w/advice from politburo and central committee. Preservation summed up this era, which became a ruinous policy.
Who is Mikhail Gorbachev?
Former President of Russia.
What two policies did Mikhail Gorbachev attempt to institute? Were they successful? Why or why not?
Glasnost- Openness. Perestroika - Capital reform/rebirth of small enterprise. It was not successful, because it was too late... Russia was about to collapse.
What one thing was nearly impossible for Russia to transition from?
The transition from a command to a free market economy was nearly an impossible transition for them.
What are the five main social characteristics of Russians?
1. Fairly homogenous in spite of its enormous size.
2. Highly Nationalist
3. Not comfortable with freedoms
4. Russia used to have a weak aristocracy, but with the new rule, that is not the case (Privitization occurs because of this).
5. Formation of Russian oligarchy, soviet business elite essentially rule the country. Alot of black market executives.
6. Country characterized by absolute rule.
What are the different political parties of Russia?
1. Characterized by one party rule - Communist party.
2. Ideology followed opportunism.
3. Nomenclature (Nomenklatura): the characterization of those that rule Russia.
4. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia witnessed the development of multiple parties. Spread too thin.
Which party is the most important party in Russian politics? Why do they remain in rule?
The United Russia Party (Putin's party). They remain in rule because Putin says so.
What are the three broad categories of Russian Political Parties?
1. Authoritarian... examples are communist party, LDP, Motherland.
2. Centrist... examples are Our Home is Russia, United Russia.
3. Democratic Reformist... United of Forces (Yobloko).
What is the left and right sides of the political spectrum regarding Russian politics?
Far Left = Communism

Far Right=Fascism
Why are Russian Political Parties generally very weak?
Lack of organization and support. Russia is driven by individuals and not political parties. Fortunes rise and fall on the political prospects of a few elite people in charge of Russia...
What type of government does Russia have?
Russia has a centralized presidential system.
What are the aspects of a centralized Presidential system in Russia?
President is elected to (2) four-year terms.
What is the Duma? Is it Federal, unicameral or what?
The Duma is Russian Parliament which is highly fractured. The president will select a prime minister that must be confirmed by the Duma. Russian Judiciary acts at the discretion of the president. It is a federal system.
What one thing is not a substantial problem facing the Russian Economy?
Controlling Deflation.
What are some of the geographic features that have influenced Russian's Political and economic development?
No relevant sea ports, not enough workers to extract resources, most big cities are in the west.