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78 Cards in this Set

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Process of influencing and supporting others to work enthusiastically toward achieving objectives


3 important elements in the definition

Influence/ support

Voluntary effort

Goal achievement

Achieve results by directing the activities of others


Create vision and inspire others to achieve this vision & to stretch themselves beyond their normal capabilities


Traits of effective leaders




Height, body sizes & shapes & personal attractions


Intelligences, ambition & aggressiveness




2 types of leadership traits

Positive leadership traits

Negative leadership traits

Primary & secondary traits

Positive Leadership traits

Narcissism and alpha dogs

Negative leadership traits

3 broad types of skills leaders use

Technical skills

Human skills

Conceptual skills

Refers to a person's knowledge & ability in any type of process & technique

Technical Skills

Ability to work effectively with people and to build teamwork

Human skills

Ability to think in terms of plan

Conceptual skills

Successful leadership requires behavior that unites and stimukates followers defined objectives in specific situation

Situational flexibility

Refers to a role held by certain individuals in an organization, team or group.


Pattern of explicit and implicit leaders actions as seen by employees

Leadership styles

Approach emphasizes rewards, economic and supportive approach

Positive leadership

Emphasis is placed on threats, fears, harshness, intimidation and penalties

Negative leadership

Styles and the use of power

Autocratic leaders

Consultative leaders

Participative leaders

Centralizes power and decision making in themselves

Autocratic leaders

Approach one or more employees and ask them for inputs prior to making a decision

Consultative leaders

Decentralized authority

Participative leaders

Contingency approaches to leadership styles

Fiedler's contingency model

Hersey and Blanchard's situational analysis

The Path-Goal Model of Leadership

Vroom's Decision Making model

Fiedler's Contingency Model is developed by

Fred Fiedler

The model states that there is no one best style of leadership and it depends on whether the overall situation is favorable, unfavorable or an intermediate stage of favorability to the leader

Fiedler's Contingency Model

3 fiedler's contingency model variables

Leader-member relations

Task structure

Leader position

They are determined by the manner in which the leader is accepted by the group

Leader-member relations

Reflects to the degree to which one specific way is required to do the job

Task structure

Describes the organizational power that goes with the position the leader occupies

Leader position

Hersey and Blanchard's situational analysis is developed by

Paul Hersey

Kenneth Blanchard

The model states the most important factors affecting the selection if a leader's best style is the development level of the subordinate

Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Analysis

Task specific combination of an employee's task competence and motivation to perform

Development level

2 pillars of hersey and blanchard situational analysis



4 major styles of guidance & supportive





The Path-Goal Model of Leadership is developed by

Robert House

The model states that the leader's jod is to use structure, support and rewards to create a work environment that helps employees reach the organization's goals

The Path-Goal Model of Leadership

4 types of leadership alternatives

Directive leadership

Supportive leadership

Achievement-oriented leadership

Participative leadership

The leader focuses on clear task assignments, standards of successful performance and work schedules

Directive leadership

The leader demonstrates concern for employee's well being and needs

Supportive leadership

The leader sets high expectation for employees, communicates confidence in their ability to achieve challenging goals and enthusiastically models

Achievement-oriented leadership

The leader imvites employees to provide input to decisions

Partcipative leadership

General work environment & specific characteristics of employees

Contingency Factors

3 significant variables in each employee

Locus of control

Seld-perceived task ability

Alternatives beliefs about whether an employee's achievements are the product of his or her own

Locus of Control

Employees who have high confidence in their potencial will react most favorable to a supportive leader

Self-perceived task ability

Vroom's Decision Making Model

Autocratic I

Autocratic II

Consultative I

Consultative II

Group II

Leader individually solves the problem using the information already available

Autocratic I

Leader obtains data from subordinates and then decides

Autocratic II

Leader explains problem to individual subordinates and obtains ideas from each before deciding

Consultative I

Leaders meet with group of subordinates to share the problem and obtain inputs, and then decides

Consultative II

Leader shares problems with group and facilitates a discussiob of alternatives and reaching of group agreement on a solution

Group II

These are attributes of subordinates, tasks, and organizations that actually interfere or diminish the leader's attempts to influence the employees.


Factors that make leadership roles unnecessary through replacing them with other sources

Substitutes for leadership

Elements that amplify a leader's impact on the employees

Enchancers for leadership

Feelings and beliefs that determine how employeed will perceive their environment, commit themselves and untimately behave.


Optimistic; upbeat cheerful and corteous

Positive affectivity

Pessimistic, downbeat irritable and abrasive

Negative affectivity

Employees feeling to their job that are both diffused and highly dynamic; they reflect overall views and can change within a day, hour or minutes

Work Moods

A degree to which employees immerse themselves in their job, invesr time and energy and view work as a central part of their overall lives

Job Involvement

Employees willingness to remain with the firm in the future, being strongly connected and engaged with the organization.

Organizational Commitment (employee loyalty)

3 forms of Commitment

Affective Commitment

Normative Commitment

Continuance Commitment

In which an employees want to exert effort and choose to remain with the organization

Affective commitment

The choice to stay because of the strong cultural ethics that drive them to do so

Normative Commitment

Encourages employees to stay because of high "investment" in the organization

Continuance Commitment

Inhibiting Factors

Excessive blaming

Insincere gratitude

Failure to follow through

Inflated egos and bullying

Stimulating factors

Clarity of rules

Respects and appreciation of efforts

Making employee fell valued

Providing suppport

Set of favorablr and unfavorable feelings and emotions with which employeess view their workm

Job satisfaction

3 dimensions of attitude




Refer to job-related feelings such as boredom, anxiety, acknowledgement and excitement


Pertains to beliefs regarding one's job whether it is respectable, mentally demanding/ challenging and rewarding


Includea peoples actions in relation to thier work such as tardiness, working late, faking illness in order to avoid work


4 responses of effects of employee attitudes





Behaviour aimed at leaving the company


Employee initiative


Employees attitude


