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79 Cards in this Set

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Absolute monarchy
A form of government where the king or queen has absolute power over all aspects of his/her subjects' lives
The Catholic clergy, the nobility, and everyone else (97% of the population)
Made up of delegates representing each estate
National Assembly
Formed after members of the Third-Estate were locked out of the Estates-General
Tennis Court Oath
When the National Assembly promised not to disband until a constitution had been written for France
The Bastille
A prison in Paris
Still favored absolute monarchy
Wanted king to share power with a new legislature
Pushed for an end to monarchy
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
Contained ideas of Loacke, Montesquieu, Rousseau; stated that all people are equal before the law, guaranteed freedom of speech, press, religion, and protected against abritrary arrest and punishment
Women's March on Versailles
In October 1789, thousands of women demanding bread marched to the king's palace
Nobles who had fled France; hoped to restore full power to the king
September Massacres
Killed imprisoned nobles and priests accused of political crimes
National Convention
Lawyers, doctors, and other middle class people came together to write a democratic constitution
Shopkeepers, artisans, and workers who thought of themselves as heroes; demanded respect from upper classes
Reign of Terror
When Jacobins attempted to kill all opposition within France; lasted from July 1793 to July 1794
Committee of Public Safety
Formed to direct war effort
The Directory
An executive council of 5 men called directors
Coup d' etat
Quick seizure of power
Chickens live in a....
A vote
Napoleonic Code
Bases on Enlightenment ideas such as equality, and religious toleration
Concordat of 1801
Agreement that stated Catholicism is religion of majority of French people but affirmed religious tolerance for all
Battle of Trafalgar
In October 1805, British commander easily defeated French navy; eliminated possibility of a French invasion of Great Britain
Continental System
When Napoleon ordered all European nations to stop trade with the British
Yearning for self-rule and restoration o customs and traditions
Battle at Waterloo
European armies feared that Napoleon would regain his strength; so they brutally defeated his army in the Austrian Netherlands in June 1815
Louis XIV
Known as the "Sun King"; kept his royalty for 72 years until the day of his death
Louis XVI
Took throne after Louis XV in 1774; supported American Revolution, taxed nobility and clergy due to financial crisis
Marie Antoinette
Wife of Louis XVI and was a year younger than him
Abbe Sieyes
A supporter of the Third Estate who believed that life would be infinitely better without the other two estates
George-Jacques Danton
During war with Austria and Prussia he stated that war would be won with boldness, was a leader of the Mountain, called on French forces to expand French territories
Maximilien Robespierre
Was leader of the Committee of Public Safety, and a leader of the Mountain; eventually executed
Live life to the Max
Jean-Paul Marat
Was leader of the Mountain; killed by Charlotte Corday
Charlotte Corday
Loyal Girondist that killed Jacobin leader Marat and was beheaded
Napoleon Bonaparte
Military leader who had strong intention of becoming a strong ruler
Alexander I
Viewed Napoleon's control as a threat to Russia; withdrew from Continental System in 1811
Charles Dickens
Famous British author who wrote about the sights of a London morning (Wrote the book Oliver Twist)
Domestic System
Having workers produce products in their homes
Enclosure movement
Allowed landowners to fence off private and common lands
Charles Townshend
Urged growing of turnips to enrich soil
Robert Bakewell
Bred stronger horses for farm work and fatter sheep and cattle for meat
He's gonna bake the animals.
Jethro Tull
Developed a seed drill that enabled farmers to plant seeds in orderly rows
Jethro is his first name.
Money to invest in labor, machines, and raw materials
(businesspeople) set up industries by bringing together capital, labor, and new industrial inventions
John Kay
British clock maker who invented the flying shuttle
Every kiss begins with Kay.
Flying shuttle
Where weaver simply had to pull sharply on a cord, instead of pushing the shuttle by hand; two to three times more material was produced
James Hargreaves
In the 1760s a weaver-carpenter invented the spinning jenny
His last name starts with an H.
Spinning jenny
Enabled one person to spin 80 threads at a time
Richard Arkwright
In 1768 a struggling barber developed the water frame
Water Frame
Huge spinning machine that ran continually on waterpower
Water is the key word.
Samuel Crompton
In 1779 combined spinning jenny and water frame into new machine called the spinning mule
S.C. are his initials.
Spinning mule
Produced strong thread that could be woven into high quality muslin cloth
Edmund Cartwright
In 1787 responded to shortage of weavers with the power loom
Edmund is his first name.
Power loom
Ran on horse, water, or steam power, and made it possible for weavers to keep up with the amount of yarn produced
Eli Whitney
American developer who developed the cotton gin in 1793
Cotton gin
Machine that cleaned cotton 50 times quicker than a person; helped British textile industry overcome last major problem
Factory system
Organized method of production that brought workers and machines together under control of managers
James Watt
Scottish mathematician that designed an efficient steam engine
His last name kinda sounds like what.
Henry Bessemer
Developed methods to inexpensively produce steel from iron
This was the "bess" method.
Richard Trevithick
Invented a steam-powered carriage that ran on wheels, and a steam locomotive that ran on rails
Robert Fulton
Designed the first practical steamboat
R is to red as First is to ...
"workshop of the world"
The nickname industrialists gave to Great Britain
Industrial capitalism
Involved continually expanding factories or investing in new businesses, then using profits to hire more workers and buy additional raw materials and new machines
Interchangeable parts
Products that increased factory production
Division of labor
Where each worker in a factory performed a specialized task on a product as it moved by on a conveyor belt
A business organization involving two or more entrepreneurs who can raise more capital and take on more business than if each had gone into business alone
Business organization owned by stockholders who buy shares in a company (partnership many steps further)
Labor unions
Many workers joined together to form worker associations; associations hoped to improve wages and working conditions of their members
Collective bargaining
When union leaders and an employer meet together to discuss problems and reach an agreement
Samuel Slater
Came to United States from Britain in 1789 and introduced spinning technology
Think DJ.
Frederick Taylor
Encouraged manufacturers to divide tasks into detailed and specific segments of a step-by-step procedure
Jacksonville Jaguars RB.
Henry Ford
Used assembly-line methods in 1913 to mass produce his Model T automobiles
Samuel Morse
An American investor that assembled a working model of the telegraph
Morse Code
Guglielmo Marconi
Devised the wireless telegraph in 1895
Sounds like giggle.
Alexander Graham Bell
Developed the telephone in 1876
Thomas Edison
In 1877, invented the phonograph which reproduced sound; two years later invented incandescent lightbulbs (made electric lighting cheap and accessible)
Rudolf Diesel
Developed an oil burning internal-combustion engine that could run industrial plants, ocean liners, and locomotives
Wright Brothers
In 1903 achieved first flight of a motorized airplane
How did Napoleon restore order in France? Which of these actions were good? Which of these actions were examples of Napoleon being a dictator?
-Restructured gov't by replacing elected local officials with men he appointed
-Created technical schools, universities, and secondary schools
-Gave scholarships to poor families
-Created Bank of France and required every citizen to pay taxes which were deposited into the bank
-Napoleonic Code
-Concordat of 1801
-War genius