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50 Cards in this Set

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What are the competing views of citizenship explained in the text that exists today in the United States?

One view holds that individual participation in government should be limited because human nature is overly self-interested, whereas the other view places faith in the citizen's ability to act virtuously.

According to the text, why do some observers claim there is a crisis in American citizenship?

Civic virtue is taking second to self=interest as a guideline principle of citizenship.

Individuals born in the United States are American citizens, even if their parents are not, following the principle of:

Jus soli

The legal process of acquiring citizenship for a person who was not born a U.S. citizen is known as:


Individuals who come to the United Staes seeking asylum are known as:


The broad pattern of ideas, beliefs, ad values about citizens and government held by a population is known as its:

Political culture

Individualism means or implies all of the following EXCEPT:

What is good for the individual follows from what is good for society.

Americans' belief in freedom is defined as freedom from:

The limitations created by lack of knowledge.

In Americans politics, conservatives tend to trust government more than liberals.


According to the social contact, what is the source of government's legitimacy?

Citizen consent

The ratification debates addressed all of the following issues EXCEPT:

Whether slavery should be abolished

According to James Madison, the effects of factions are best managed by:

"Pure democracy"

According to the Federalists, the advantage of federalism over a confederation was that it would:

Divide power between the federal and state governments

The institutional arrangement that assigns judicial, legislative, and executive powers to different persons or groups, thereby limiting the power of each is called:

Separation of powers

Most of the Founding Fathers were:


COmared to how they fared under the Articles of Confederation, the advocates of states' right were ___ under the new Constitution.


In drafting the Constitution, the founders:

Took from both the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan, but look more from the Virginia Plan

Groups that are united by some common passion or interests of te community as a whole are known as:

Political parties

In Federalists No. 10, James Madison warned against the dangers of:


In order to amend the Constitution, an amendment may by approved by leisures in ___ of the states.


All of the following describe dual federalism EXCEPT:

The national and state governments are two self- contained layers. The national and state governments overlap on some functions

All of the following are events that led to the growth of federal government EXCEPT:

Cheif Justice John Marshall

The Constitution:

Says very little about the powers of the states

A ___ system is a government in which all power is centralized.


The "necessary and proper clause".

Is used by Congress to justify the exercise of powers not mentioned in Art. I, Sect. 8, of the Consitution.

In ___, Supreme Court established national authority over interstate business.

Marbury v. Madison

___ is the constitutional declarational that the Constitution and laws made under it provisions are the supreme law of the land.

The supremacy clause

Cooperative federalism is a theory that:

Defines state and national powers as independent, requiring the cooperation of each other to get things done.

In McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), the Supreme Court held that:

The federal government had the implied power to create a national bank.

The New Deal increase the scope of both national and state powers by:

Giving the states more control over how federal powers are carried out

What was the original intent behind the Second Amendment?

To keep the federal government in check by limiting the power of standing, or permanent, armies.

which of the following was established by the Supreme Court to decide free speech?

Clear and present danger

The difference between civil rights and civil liberties is:

The civil rights involve government action to secure rights of citizenship, whereas civil liberties involve individual freedoms that limit the power of government.

The example provided in the textbook concerning the response to the September 11 attack demonstrates that:

Liberties are far more likely to come into conflict with each other than liberty to come into conflict with security

The Supreme Court began the process of applying the Bill of Rights to the states:

Tentatively, starting in 1897

The establishment clause guarantees:

That government will not create and support an official state church

___ is the right of an accused person to be brought before a judge and informed of the charges and evidence against him or her.

Habeas corpus

The Lemon test established that:

Ther shall be no excessive entanglement of government and religions

The national government decides to prosecute a speaker who states at a political rally, "The U.S. government's policy toward the Middle East is responsible for the violence in the religion, and our leaders should be forced to change their policy." Although the government would most likely be unsuccessful, for what would be the government prosecute the speaker?


In the Florence v. Board of Chosen Freeholders of Court of Burlington case, the court ruled that the plaintiff could be:

Subject to a strip for a minor offense he didn't commit because concerns over jail security outweigh an individual's privacy rights.

English-only movements seek to accomplish al EXCEPT the following

Tighten immigration laws.

All of the following were examples of Jim Crow laws were used to limit the black vote EXCEPT:

Citizenship tests

In what way did the civil rights protest movements of the 1950s and 1960s affect public opinion?

It brought more awareness of the issue to Northerners

All of the following are mentioned as problems that have plagued Native American communities in recent decades EXCEPT:

Unwillingness to pursue land claims and other rights claims

What is currently the fastest growing immigrant group in America?

Asian and Pacific Islanders

___ is a policy of creating opportunities for members of certain groups as a substantive remedy for past discrimination.

Affirmative action

The NAACP chose education as the issue over which to fight segregation because:

Segregated education was particularly harmful because black students were made to feel inferior

All of the following statements concerning Hispanics are true EXCEPT:

Issues surrounding their immigration to the United States are likely to fade in the near future

Compared to other minorities, Asian Americans:

Hove lower levels of voter tun=rnout and registration

The ___ Act extended the time frame so that workers ould still sue even of the wage discrimination aginst them revealed itself over time

Lily Ledbetter