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113 Cards in this Set

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Twin Fallacies of Extreme Positivism and Skepticism
Opposite ends of truth-falsehood scale. Extreme positivism holds that the truth is 100% possible while extreme skepticism counters that it is 0% possible.
“The past is a foreign country…”
Famous quote from L.P. Hartley novel.
Prime Meridian
Imaginary line through Greenwich England that supposedly divides the world into the eastern and western hemispheres.
A.D. “Anno domini”
“In the year of our lord” devised in about 525 and adopted in the 800s seeing the birth of Christ as the beginning of modern times.
“dialogue between past and present”
Carr’s definition of “what is history.” Explains that each age must reinterpret the past as it sees fit. The danger is too much of the present is “Presentism” and would make history more or a mirror reflecting current biases than a window into the past.
“cultural relativists”
Those who argue one culture can never be judged by standards of another.
“The study of history is almost inevitably corrupted by the prejudicial assumptions and ethical blind sports of each generation that undertakes it.”
Gregorian Calendar
This Catholic innovation was not adopted in protestant England or America until 1752 by which time an 11th day needed to be removed.
What is a fact?
Carr article argues that historians determine what are facts. Example is crossing the Rubicon.
Common Era
Non-religious synonym for AD
Julian Calendar
12-month calendar adopted by Julius Caesar in 46 BC to synchronize more closely with the seasons.
Western Civilization
The cultures that “are or once were” linked with Western Europe or cultures that have adopted liberal Enlightenment principles.
Importance of Italian urbanization
Italy played a major role in the onset of the Renaissance because it had Europe’s greatest concentration of urban centers. Most aspects of the Renaissance are debated but not its origin in the large Italian cities.
Columbus’ big mistake?
His most serious basic misconception was that he believed the world was much smaller than it is.
Dante Petrarch and Boccaccio
The modernity of the writings of Dante Petrarch and Boccaccio is best represented by their
“father of Humanism”
Thomas More
Author of Utopia or “non place” a famous Renaissance commentary on problems of the world.
Desiderius Erasmus
Most prominent of Northern Humanists who great achievement was a new scholarly and corrected edition of Greek New Testament. Pushed reforms for a more authentic Christianity and reversion to simplicity.
Powerful banking family of Florence that served as patrons of arts and holders of papacy.
Florentine historian and author of THE PRINCE written for Medici rulers. Symbol of Italian turmoil. Thesis: end justifies the means.
Oil paint
Important contribution of northern painters to Renaissance Art.
Studia humanitatis / Study of Humanity by humanists who valued material
secular world more highly than predecessors.
Traditional medieval and early Renaissance medium pigment mixed with egg yolk that was difficult to use.
7 Electors
Princes designated to chose Holy Roman Emperor.
Vanishing point and perspective
Symbol of advances of Renaissance painting with illusion of three dimensions and focal point on which compositions converge. Example of how science and art converged.
Swiss Brethren
Derided by opponents as Anabaptists (rebaptizers) because they insisted on rebaptizing adults because they considered infant baptizing unbiblical. Most literal biblical followers some supported polygamy and communal property. Mennonites Hutterites and Amish among these groups.
Did not support Frederick IV and the Protestant Union.
Act of Supremacy
Act by the English Parliament severed ties with the papacy and recognized the king as the head of England’s church.
Anglican Church
Under Henry VIII the Anglican Church would best be described as
Council of Trent 1545-1563
Was responsible for defining the faith and practice of the post-Reformation Catholic Church and set the path of the Catholic Church to the 20th century and even today. It condemned the Protestant “heresies” rejected “faith alone” and idea that Bible was sole source of Christian teachings; endorsed good works Indulgences
“good works”
Catholics believed that the motive for moral striving would be eliminated by the Calvinist belief that people could not earn salvation through good works.
Henry of Navarre
Allegedly said “Paris is worth a mass” because he was a Protestant however Henry became a nominal Catholic in order to be crowned king of France.
Michael Servetus
Burned at the stake for his opposition to Calvin.
Also known as Reform congregations followed what they believed as custom of early Christians.
Dante Alighieri
Author of The Divine Comedy in which those who abuse God’s gift of reason are severely punished in the afterlife.
Ancient philosopher who taught that humans should not put much faith in natural philosophy because most of creation could not be studied and therefore lay beyond human understanding.
Pico della Mirandola
Which Italian Renaissance scholar who revived appreciation of the ancient philosopher Plato.
Robert Bolye
Distinguished experimental scientist who left money in his will for a series of lectures defending Christianity against its opponents. Believed the most powerful way to counter what he saw as a growing lack of respect for religion was to demonstrate the power and glory of God as revealed in his creation. Boyle’s critique of Galen’s theory introduced the concept that changes in matter were caused by tiny particles that behave in a regular predictable fashion.
An ancient philosopher who taught that reality was based on universal laws of nature that humans could understand a belief that Renaissance scholars found to be enormously liberating
Giordano Bruno
Suggested that the universe was infinite and had innumerable planets.
Johannas Kepler
Tycho Brahe student who argued that orbits were ellipses. He had a strong mystical streak believed the language of nature was mathematics and humankind had a religious duty to learn what it said.
Rene Descartes
Believed that scientific inquiry should begin with rigorous skepticism. He felt that the universe was analogous to a machine in that God had designed nature like a clockmaker using reason and mathematics.
William Harvey
Discovered the circulation of the blood and the major function of the heart.
Andreas Vesalius
Produced the first set of modern anatomical drawings available for students of medicine.
International assemblage of Enlightenment thinkers mostly aristocratic or middle class background who took all fields of knowledge as their interest.
Maintains that the wealth of the world is finite and governments must do all they can to ensure they capture as much as possible.
Rejects the incarnation and Trinity accepting Jesus as moral teacher but not God.
Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Locke’s essay that challenged the long-standing consensus that humans are inherently depraved and sinful.
Adam Smith
Author of An Inquiry into the Wealth of Nations (1776) which promoted a hands-off or laissez-faire approach to economic development in contrast to the prevailing notions of mercantilism.
Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1693)
Work by John Locke which stated “all the men we meet with 9 parts of 10 99 of 100 are what they are good or evil useful or not by their education.”
French radical thinker who had a stormy relationship with Frederick the Great of Prussia. Voltaire opposed established religious institutions because he saw the influence of churches as a barrier to human progress. He championed the parliamentary government of England in contrast to the French monarchy.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Author of Emile and The Social Contract (1762). Decried the constraints of society by declaring “Man is born free and everywhere is in chains.” Rejected the objectivity and rationality of the Enlightenment by speaking up for the validity of emotion sentiment and general will. He argued that according to the social contact society should operate for the common good.
Author of Spirit of the Laws which was unusual among Enlightenment writings because it influenced events directly through the American Constitution. Believed that the size climate demographics religious and social customs and economic organization of a country indicated the best form of government for that country.
Bernard de Fontenelle
Participated in a literary debate at the beginning of the eighteenth century as leader of the “moderns” a group that believed the future could be better than the past.
Third Estate
Peasants urban workers lawyers bankers businessmen etc.
First Estate
Second Estate
1791 French Constitution
Established wealth property ownership as the criteria for holding office.
National Assembly
Created by members of Estates General (1789-1792) comprised mostly of Third Estate with some sympathetic clergy and nobles. Established a constitutional monarchy in 1791.
The Convention
French national government in 1792-1794 that ended the monarchy declared France a republic and executed Louis XVI.
Committee of Public Safety
Convention government 12 member executive committee dominated by the Jacobins. During 1793-1794 radicalized the revolution to deal with unrest among the sans-culottes dissatisfied with their share of power in the new order as well as economic troubles and growing foreign threat. Instituted the Reign of Terror.
The Directory
Five member executive committee installed by new 1795 constitution (1795-1799). Dominated by interests of property-owning bourgeoisie who regained control of the government after the execution of Robespierre and his followers.
French armory and debtor’s prison stormed on July 14 1789. It marked beginning of mass movement phase of French Revolution.
Reign of Terror
Began as an effort to forge a rationalistic republic of virtue that would banish ignorance superstition and poverty but ending up repudiating ideals of the Enlightenment executing more than 30000 “enemies of the people.”
“spinning Jenny”
Increase the speed of production by turning out more and stronger thread.
Manchester England
Described by Engles in 1844 as filled with “heaps of debris refuse and offal; standing pools for gutters and a stench which alone would make it impossible for a human being in any degree civilized to live….”
John Kay’s Flying Shuttle
The first significant invention that revolutionized textile production.
Working class entirely dependent on wages.
“putting out system” and “cottage industries”
System by which rural laborers could produce work at home for merchants at low cost. From the workers’ viewpoint the main problem was that it was monotonous and poorly paid.
Compulsory public education
Appealed to the upper class because it
Population increase of Europe from 1700 to 1900
1700—100 million;1800—190 million; 1900—463 million
Which of the following was a significant difference between Ottoman and European culture?
Unlike Europeans the Ottomans were tolerant of religious diversity.
Because of Ottoman marriage and succession practices who was often the most influential figure in the sultan's government?
his mother
Although Elisabetta Gonzaga was highly educated in the arts music and literature she was most skilled at
keeping the court running smoothly.
Why was Renaissance painting less influenced by classical examples than other arts such as architecture and sculpture?
Few ancient paintings had survived for Renaissance artists to study.
Which of the following did NOT characterize the corps of Janissaries in the fourteenth century?
Their role was strictly military and never political.
How did Elizabeth handle the religious situation in England during her reign?
She supported some Catholic practices and some Protestant ideas.
Which act by the English Parliament severed ties with the papacy and recognized the king as the head of England's church?
Act of Supremacy
The burning at the stake of Michael Servetus was evidence of the brutal treatment of those who opposed
John Calvin.
Shakespeare's plays were first performed during the reign of which English ruler?
Elizabeth I
Who imposed Catholicism on the Bohemians an act that led to the Thirty Years' War?
Archduke Ferdinand
At the time he posted the Ninety-five Theses Luther would best be described as
a faithful Catholic proposing a scholarly debate.
Who protected Luther when the pope attempted to silence him?
Frederick the Wise
Under Henry VIII the Anglican Church would best be described as
separated from the Roman Catholic Church only by the king's supremacy.
What scholar unintentionally contributed to the Protestant Reformation through his Biblical studies?
The observation that the Reformation did not work in a social vacuum would be supported most by the great changes it sparked in
How did the church perhaps inadvertently support common people's superstition and reliance on magic?
The sacramental power of the Roman Catholic clergy was itself a form of magic.
How did the anti-authoritarianism of the new scientific world view contribute to political or religious freedoms for common people?
It had little immediate impact as few related freedoms were extended to peasants prior to 1700.
In early medieval times which scholars made the most thoughtful contributions to mathematics and medicine?
Arabs and Greeks
What was Locke's attitude toward the study of the human mind?
It was akin to the study of nature and not inconsistent with Christian faith.
Why did Aristotle feel that humans should not put much faith in natural philosophy?
Most of creation could not be studied and therefore lay beyond human understanding.
The Enlightenment is unusual among historical periods because
eighteenth-century men used the term to describe their own age.
Who wrote Emile and The Social Contract in 1762?
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
In what way were English artist William Hogarth's engravings representative of a particular subgenre of Enlightenment-era culture?
They were often satirical and moralistic.
Who authored The Wealth of Nations a groundbreaking work of political economy?
Adam Smith
In what way was Mozart typical of composers of his day?
He supported himself by playing for private families and courts.
How did Lafayette's attitude toward the American Revolution change?
Instead of seeking military glory he came to embrace the ideals underlying the struggle.
What was the purpose of the Declaratory Act?
to claim Parliament's power over the colonies
Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding the American and Haitian Revolutions?
The Haitian Revolution was about social and political change whereas the American Revolution was chiefly political with little social change.
The phrase export of revolution refers to
French revolutionary ideas influencing cultures of other countries.
How did the French Revolution contribute to the loss of St. Dominique as a French colony?
The revolt in the colony was spurred by revolutionary ideals.
Which is true of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen?
It reflected Enlightenment ideals of natural rights and equality.
What criticism did Olympe de Gouges have of the first revolutionary constitution in France?
It did not grant equal rights to women.
Which of the following would have been the most important advance in controlling the spread of disease in cities?
improving the sewer systems
Which of the following statements best describes the "cottage industry"?
It was a system by which rural laborers could produce work at home for merchants.
Which of the following was an important factor in the growth of the consumer culture?
advertising in mass-circulation publications
Middle-class women differed from lower-class women in that middle-class women
were not expected to work outside the household.
Who gained the least from convertible husbandry?
workers who could be hired and dismissed as needed
Which of the following developments contributed most to the Industrial Revolution?
new inventions encouraged by competition
One of the last impacts of industrialization mainly after the 1840s-60s was
advancement in medicine and public health.
What made fast trans-Atlantic communication of information possible after 1866?
the first telegraph cable
A defining characteristic of the proletariat was
dependence on wages.
What problem did the nineteenth-century United States share with Germany and Italy that slowed industrial development?
challenges to national unification