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55 Cards in this Set

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descent of gonads
move downward by action of gubernaculum ligament that guides gonads towards genital swelling
primary organ, produces gametes, primordial germ cells that undergo meiosis to produce sperm
interstitial cells
produce testosterone
sertoli cells
nurturing cells, assist in sperm production, helps in blood testis barrier
semineferous tubules
sperm factory, long coiled tubes
nursery for spermatazoa, sperm mature here, develop a tail and learn to swim
ductus deferens
carries sperm away from epididymis, takes to prostate region where sperm is introduced to ejaculatory duct
seminal vesicle
produce 60% of semen, fructose, hormones. Activates sperm
ejaculatory duct
pierces prostate and empties sperm into the prostatic urethra
"point of no return"
secretions of prostatic fluid join seminal fluid and sperm in urethra
combo of sperm, seminal fluid, and prostatic fluid
in males 19-25cms, tube shared by urinary and repro tracts. Urine is anti-microbial but also spermicidal and must be cleansed with alkaline BUG secretion before ejaculation
Bulbo-Urethral Gland
secretes viscous pre-ejaculatory fluid which is alkaline and serves as a cleaning agent to clear urine and acidity from the urethra
fallopian tube
ovum is held here for 48-72 hours then released to implant if fertilized, otherwise it is sloughed in menses
average female cycle lasts
28-33 days
positive feedback between LH and estrogen lead to LH peaking at day 14 causing
blocks union of sperm and egg
contraceptive: diapgraphm
chemical spermicide
prevention of implantation of zygote
type of contraimplant
male: vasectomy
female: tubes "tied"
sperm or ova, haploid
full set of chromosomes
1st Meiotic Phases of Spermatogenesis
Reduction phase
divides chromosome info in half creating 2 new cells
Division Phase: Spermatogenesis
centromeres replicate DNA, divided into 2 cells from secondary spermatocyte
tail is formed once the spermatozoan froms and can occur in
testis or epididymis
Spermatogenesis creates how many spermatozoans?
Oogenesis creates how many Ova?
Reduction Phases: Oogenesis
chromosomal info is divided equally into 2 new cells
primary polar body
one cell takes up the cytoplasm and the other shrivels unable to survive, other cell will absorb ir
Division Phase: Oogenesis
centromeres replicate DNA and divided into 2 secondary oocytesm a secondary polar body is formed and once again, ovum will absorbs it leaving only 1 viable ovum for fertilization
results in diploid single cell called zygote, process where sperm brings DNA necessary to the egg to make it diploid
how many sperm make it to the egg?
only 100-2000 of the million or so released
who releases HCG
corpora cavernosa
erectile tissue that contains most the blood in the penis during erection
spermatic cord
consists of connective tissue, ductus deferens, blood vessels, lymphatics, and spermatic artery
tunica vaginalis
lines scrotal cavity
enlargement of corpus spongiosum
spongy urethra
transports both sperm and urine, 15 cm long
corpus spongiousum
causes tumescence of erectile tissue
propel urine from kidney
cremateric mucsle
elevates the scrotum for temp regulation
lactiferous ducts
store milk until released at the nipple
tail of breast
70% of breast cancers have been identified here
myo-epithelial cells
line alveoli and produce milk
fingerlike extensions of the uterine tube
fibrous ring that keeps uterus closed during pregnancy
pampiniform plexus
network of arteries and veins help with cooling of testes
does testicular artery have a pulse
post fornix
flexible, will move backwards to cause a deepening to hold sperm in place, a holding tank
inguinal ring
blood supply for testes goes through this
fertilized egg before implantation
refers to engorgement of erectile tissue
passage of serum or other fluid thru a membrane or tissue surface