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38 Cards in this Set

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Clinical Psychology

Study of mental processes

Clinical Psychology

Study and treatment of mental disorders

Basic Research

Obtaining knowledge for it's own sake

Applied Research

Solves specific practical problems


Analysis of mind in terms of basic elements


Studied the function of consciousness rather than structure

Gesalt Psychology

Examines how mind organizes elements of experience into a "whole perception"

Subfields of Psychology

- Clinical

- Cognitive

- Biopsychology/Neuroscience

- Developmental

- Experimental

- Industrial-Organization

- Personality

- Social

Avoiding Misconceptions

- Record responses

- Multiple observers

- Statistics

- Controlled experiments

- Publishing research

Goals of Psychology

1) Describe: how people and animals behave

2) Explain: understand causes of behaviours

3) Predict: how people and animals will behave in certain situations

4) Influence/Control: behaviour through knowledge and control for human welfare

Levels of Analysis

- Biological

- Environmental

- Psychological

Major Psychological Perspectives

- Psychodynamic

- Behavioural

- Humanistic

- Biological

- Cognitive

- Sociocultural


Subjects adjusts to and ignores researchers presence


Order of conditions is varied so no one condition has an advantage


Statistical procedure that compares results of research on similar topic to test significance of findings

Scientific Process

1) Identify question of interest

2) Gather information and form hypothesis

3) Test hypothesis through research

4) Analyze data, draw conclusions, report findings

5) Build a body of knowledge

Psychological Tests

- Personality

- Intelligence

- Neuropsychological

- Physiological

Experimental Designs

- Between groups/subjects model

- Within subjects/Repeated measures model

Chemical Communication

- Synthesis

- Storage

- Release

- Binding

- Deactivation


- Excitatory

- Learning and memory



- Excitatory

- Anxiety and motor control


- Huntington's disease

- Personality changes

- Loss of motor control


- Excitatory

- Learning, memory, wakefulness, eating

- Depression (under)

- Panic and stress (over)


- Inhibitory

- Mood, sleep, eating, arousal, pain, pleasure

- Depression, sleeping, eating disorders (under)


- Inhibitory/Excitatory

- Voluntary movements, emotional arousal, learning motivation, experience pleasure

- Parkinson's disease, depression (under)

- Schizophrenia (over)


- Inhibits pain impulses

- Insensitivity to pain (over)

- Pain hypersensitivity, immune problems (under)

Peripheral Nervous System

- Somatic

- Autonomic:

> sympathetic - activation

> parasympathetic - deactivation

Methods of Studying Brian

- Neuropsychological tests

- Destruction and stimulation techniques

- Electrical recording

- Brain imaging


- Brain stem: life support systems

- Medulla: vital body functions

- Pons: carry impulses from lower to higher levels of brain

- Cerebellum: motor coordination


- Motor control

- Reticular formation: sleep, consciousness, attention


- Hemispheres

- Thalamus: sensory switchboard

- Basal Ganglia: movement

- Hypothalamus: biological drives

- Limbic System: memory and goal-directed behaviour

Limbic System

- Hippocampus: forming and retrieving memories

- Amygdala: emotional response patterns

- Nucleus accumbens: reward and motivation

Cerebral Cortex

- Association cortex: thought, memory, perception

- Motor cortex: voluntary movement

- Sensory cortex: senses

> somatic sensory cortex: sensations

Cerebral Cortex Lobes

- Frontal: speech and skeletal motor functions

- Parietal: sensations

- Occipital: visual area

- Temporal: auditory system

Speech Production and Comprehension

- Broca's area: speech production

- Wernicke's area: language comprehension

Left Hemisphere

- Verbal and speech, mathematical, logical

- Positive emotions

Right Hemisphere

- Mental imagery, spatial relations, artistic ability

- Negative emotions

Split Brain

- Cut corpus callosum

- Prohibits communication between hemispheres

Brain Plasticity

- Early experience

- Recovery from brain injury