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50 Cards in this Set

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During the colonial period, commodities that could only be exported legally to Britain were known as

d. Enumerated goods

During the colonial period, "enumerated goods" included

e. All of the above

(Tobacco, sugar, indigo, cotton)

New England's imports came primarily from

a. The United Kingdom

New England's exports went primarily to

c. The West Indies

The Southern Colonies' exports went primarily to

a. The United Kingdom

During the colonial period, the largest cities were typically

a. Port towns

In terms of exports from the colonies, __ and __ were the top two trading partners

c. The West Indies; The United Kingdom

In terms of imports to the colonies, __ and __ were the top two trading partners

c. The West Indies; The United Kingdom

In the early decades of the 18th century, English goods sold for as much as 80 to 140 percent more in the colonies than in England primarily due to

c. High transportation costs for goods shipped from England to the colonies

During the 100 years before the Revolution, shipping costs were reduced by nearly

c. 50%

From 1680 to 1770 average ship speeds

e. Did not change appreciably

Low-cost flyboats offered an attractive alternative to heavier, more costly ships; however, their use was limited in many areas due to

a. Privateering and piracy

During the colonial period, the U.S. and other countries relied on "privateers." Which of the following most accurately describes privateers?

b.Privateers were private citizens who owned ships that attacked vessels from other nations

In the 1770s the quality of life in the colonies

a. Was better than the quality of life in developing countries today

The colonists' per capita income on the eve of the Revolution was most comparable to the per capita income of

c. Western Europe

Which of the following statements correctly characterizes the distribution of colonial wealth?

d. Wealth inequality tended to be greatest in colonial cities

All of the following statements accurately describe pre-1763 British colonial policy EXCEPT

a. England discouraged western settlements in an effort to reduce conflicts between colonists and Native Americans

Which of the following statements accurately describes pre-1763 British Colonial policy?

d. Colonial laws were not officially in effect until the Privy Council granted its approval.

Which of the following statements best describes pre-1763 British colonial life?

d. All of the above are correct

The Navigation Acts

c. required all colonial trade to be carried on English vessels

The Molasses Act (1733)

e. All of the above

One of the most important reasons for England's reasserting its authority over the colonial US prior to the Revolution is

d. The end of the Seven Years War

The Sugar Act (1764)

e. All of the above

The Tea Act

d. Harmed smugglers of Dutch tea

For the US, the Revolutionary War period could best described as having a rapid growth in

b. Inflation

What method did the US use to fund most of the cost of the Revolutionary War?

b. Increases in the money supply

Most of the cost of the Revolutionary War was borne by

c. Holders of devalued paper currency that was ultimately repudiated

The Continental Congress faced several constraints in its effort to finance the Revolutionary War.The largest source of funds for the War was

d. Printing money

The hyperinflation of the Revolutionary War period was in part cuased by the issuance of paper money with a face value in the __ of dollars

c. Hundreds of millions

The hyperinflation of the Revolutionary War period

c. Was severe, but short-lived; prices returned to normal levels following the War

The Constitution

b. Empowers Congress to pay off all public debts, including those incurred by the states

The economic system envisioned by the Constitution

a. embodied Adam Smith's emphasis on protecting private property

What generated the most revenue for the US in the first 20 years after the Revolution?

c. Tariffs on goods imported from other nations

Thomas Jefferson's main goals for land policy included all of the following except

b. To establish a system for collecting property tazes on land owned by individuals

Which was not one of the main US land acquisitions?

e. All of the above are US land acquisitions

(Oregon Country, Texas Annexation, Florida Acquisition, Gadsden Purchase)

The congressional committee headed by Thomas Jefferson proposed a method for disposing of the public domain that was based on

a. The New England township system

The Northwest Land Ordinance of 1785 provided for western lands to be divided into townships, each of which covered

d. 36 square miles

Land "liberals" in the 19th century

c. Supported the sale of the public domain in small plots

Land "conservatives" in the 19th century

a. Believed that the sale of the public domain should provide substantial government revenue

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the Homestead Act of 1862?

a. Southerner plantation owners were strongly opposed to the passage

The majority of immigrants coming to the US in the 1840s and 1850s were from

c. Germany and IrelandW

What best describes Thomas Jefferson;s view of how American Indians should be treated?

b. Indians should have full property rights that should be respected by whites

In the early 1800s, __ developed a plan for the federal government's involvement in building transportation infrastructure such as canals and roads

a. Albert Gallatin

Until the 1840s, the leading transport route in the US was

c. The Southern Gateway

The Erie Canal, the most important canal, was in

b. New York

The majority of funding for the 19th century American canal building came from

b. State Governments

Between 1830 and 1860, the number of miles of railraod in operation increased by

d. Over 1000%

The most notable surfaced road of the 19th century, __, was built using federal government funds

a. The Cumberland Road

Which of the following regions tended to support federal construction of a system of roads in the 19th century?

d. The West

By 1850, the predominant port in the US was

d. New York