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17 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
comparison of two unlike things using like or as
subject/verb agreement
The subject and verb must agree in number. Both must be singular, or both must be plural
time order/transitional words
a word or phrase helping the reader to make the step from one event/sentence to the next. (first, next, then, after that, last)
topic sentence
A sentence that expresses the main idea in a paragraph or passage.
verb tense
verb that tells the time of the action or state of being
offering a reasoned opinion based on observations and experience
a group of letters placed at the end of a word to change its meaning (ful, ment, ly, etc.)
a group of letters placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning (un, im, re, etc.)
One of the categories based on form, style, or subject matter that books are divided into. (realistic fiction, historical fiction, poetry, non-fiction, biography, etc.)
words that sound alike but have different spellings and meanings (sale/sail)
An alphabetical listing of topics and the page numbers where they can be found in a text. It is usually found in the back of the book.
making inferences
When you can assume or guess something in a story that isn't told to you directly. (a guess based on facts from the story)
A comparison of two unlike things without using the word like or as.
possessive nouns
Nouns that show ownership
a statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events
To read and correct mistakes in a piece of writing
quotation marks
These are used to enclose direct quotations, titles of chapters, articles, short poems or stories, song and essays