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106 Cards in this Set

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Brief first drats written in response to reading a short piece of literature, a line from a poem or essay, or a prompt is called a what?
quick write
The form of writing in which participants write for a brief period of time on an assigned or self-selected topic without prior planning and without stopping is called what?
Freewriting can be used as what?
a warm up activity or a way of freeing up the participants writing ability
Name the 5 writing process steps:
What are some things that can be done during the prewriting part of the writing process?
Quick Write: prompts or free writing
What are some things that can be done during the Revising portion of the writing process?
Have students switch and ask questions about quick write.

read aloud

ask your own questions
Engaging students in discussions that ask them to see similarities and differences to categorize and make predictions is called:
higher level thinking
The process where we construct meaning from print is called:
The difference between independent performance and potential performance is called the what:
zone of proximal developement
Support provided by an adult is called:
Who's theory was scaffolding?
Reading isn't so much about getting meaning from a story as it is __________.
bringing meaning to it
True or False: The reader's role is active and to construct meaning from text.
The relationship between the reader and the text is what?
The position or attitude the reader takes is what?
What are the two stances?
efferent and aesthetic
The focus on reading is on carrying away info is what stance?
The focus on reading is experiencing the piece is what stance?
There are 11 basic principles to help determine what kind of program will help meet literacy needs of today's students. Students become proficient readers by:
There are 11 basic principles to help determine what kind of program will help meet literacy needs of today's students. Reading should be what?
easy, but not too easy
There are 11 basic principles to help determine what kind of program will help meet literacy needs of today's students. Instruction should be what?
functional and contextual
There are 11 basic principles to help determine what kind of program will help meet literacy needs of today's students. Teachers should make what?
There are 11 basic principles to help determine what kind of program will help meet literacy needs of today's students. Teacher should promote what?
There are 11 basic principles to help determine what kind of program will help meet literacy needs of today's students. Teachers should believe can do what?
become proficient readers and writers
There are 11 basic principles to help determine what kind of program will help meet literacy needs of today's students. The literacy program should be what?
goal oriented and systematic
There are 11 basic principles to help determine what kind of program will help meet literacy needs of today's students. Teacher should build what?
higher level literacy skills
There are 11 basic principles to help determine what kind of program will help meet literacy needs of today's students. Teachers should build student's sense of competence and what?
There are 11 basic principles to help determine what kind of program will help meet literacy needs of today's students. Ongoing what is an essential element in an effective literacy program?
There are 11 basic principles to help determine what kind of program will help meet literacy needs of today's students. Teacher's should build student's language proficiency by adding what?
How can teacher's motivate students in reading?
give them choices
A top-down approach is callled
The top-down approach has emphasis on the _____ rather than the text.
Name two approaches to teaching reading.
basal approach and literacy based approach
The basal approach is _________ based.
What literature approach uses trade books as a basis for providing instruction?
Literature based approach
Core literature has what kind of books in its approach?
children's classics
Text sets have what kind of books?
a group of related books
What is the act of writing a piece?
What does DEAR stand for?
Drop everything and read
You can use prior knowledge, context clues, sentence structure, word analysis and reference aids to do what?
teach vocabulary
Name 3 ways to teach vocabulary:
context clues
word analysis (root words, morphemic analysis, affixes)
reference aids
An appositive is what?
a word or phrase that describes a noun
When you can take out the appositive, you need what?
to use commas
Before reading you should?
activate prior knowledge
set a purpose for reading
A journal where the student assumes the role as one of the characters is called what?
literary journal
A journal that has two columns, one for quotes and one for reflections on quotes is a what?
double-entry journal
A journal where the student writes to the teacher and the teacher responds is what?
dialogue journal
In literature discussion groups, IRE stands for what?
Initiate, Respond, and Evaluate
In a Literature Discussion Group, what roles are assigned?
discussion leader, summarizer, illustrator, word chief
Adding material, rearranging material, changing sequence and substituting more vivid words is what part of the writing process?
When revising it is better to focus on one element at a time. Name 4 elements:
Leads, details, word choices, concluding sentences
A word that connects other words or groups of words is a what?
A word added to a sentence to convey emotion is what?
Clustering is an example of what?
A semantic map
A labeled drawing to tie in with reading is called what?
Name a strategy to predict vocabulary word meanings?
Possible Sentences
Dramatizing, Exploring word histories, word of the day, and word sorts are all strategies for doing what?
teaching vocabulary
The four steps in a literature circle are:
form groups
choose literature
read and respond
grand conversation
Words that have similar meanings are called what?

Example: luna and lunar
When students are reading and you ask them to use the dictionary to define words they don't know as they're reading, this is called what?
The incidental approach
Words that are pronounced the same,but have different meanings are called what?
Words that are spelled the same, but have different pronunciations are called what?
The implied meaning of a word is called what?
Name the 8 Types of Context Clues:
Dis Asshole Says Finding Each Context Clue is Effortless:
The DERRICK lifted the glider into the sky is what kind of context clue?
functional indicator
Asshole, a part of the butt area, is what kind of context clue?
The rest die from other predators, such as lions is what kind of context clue?
You should always be able to tell where your teammates and opponents are is what kind of context clue?
Goride was born on March 31, in the town of Floral, in the province of Saskatchewan is what kind of context clue?
Suddenly, the hedge clippers caught a branch, and my finger was hanging by a thread and I felt excruciating pain is what kind of context clue?
She had a fever. No one knwe what brought on the ague is what kind of context clue?
The I:drive, an external memory holder, is my favorite is what kind of context clue?
explicit explanation or definition
True or False: There are 6 common types of syllables.
What syllable type has one vowel at the end of the syllable.
What syllable type has one vowel at the beginning or in the middle of a syllable?
________ has two vowels or a vowel consonant (aw, ew)
vowel team
_________ is followed by the letter r. R controls the sound of the vowel
R-controlled duh
Who should coffee be divided?
cof - fee
How should employ be divided?
em - ploy
How should bonus be divided?
bo nus
If there are two vowels together that do no make a long vowel sound or dipthong (aw) then how would you divide poem?
po - em
How would you divide busboy?
bus - boy
What are the pre-reading comprehension strategies?
Activate prior knowledge
Set a purpose for reading
Preview and predict
A unit of organized knowledge is what?
The interactive process between three factors: reader, the text, and the context is what?
Building associations and manipulating information is what?
Studying or repeating something so as to remember it is called what?
Being aware of or checking cognitive processes and understanding is what?
Name some strategies to teach comprehension:
What are the types of reading test we've administered to our focus child?
San Diego Quick Test
Spelling Inventory
Writing Sample - Summary
Words Per Minute - Fluency
Running Record
Some preparational strategies for teaching comprehension are:
Activate prior knowledge
set purpose and goal for reading
5 Organizational strategies are:
main idea
following directions
supporting details
Some elaboration strategies for comprehension are:
making inferences
question generation
Name a method to teach comprehension during a preparation strategy:
Name a method of teaching during an organizational strategy:
visual organizer
There are two types of inferences: What are they?
Schema based
Text Based
What are two types of elaboration strategies for inferences?
Question generating
Name two types of Questioning strategies for inferences:
Promoting the use of knowledge, improving the ability to make predictions, and overall comprehension are the effects of using __________ as a strategy to teach inferences.
This strategy promotes text to self, text to text, and text to world deeper thinking:
Right there, think and search, author and you, and on my own are components of what inference strategy?
What type of conjunction joins a dependent clause and an independent clause?
subordinating conjunction
What type of conjunction joins single words or groups of words?
Coordinating conjunction
What are the three modes of writing?
An appositive clause renames or describes what?
the noun
_____________ provides additional information for your reader, but which could be left our of the sentence without altering its basic message.
Parenthetical clauses