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48 Cards in this Set

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What is a CHARTER?
a written document or contract that guarantees rights and privileges: a constitution
What person challenged the "indulgences" of the Catholic church, resulting in the Reformation?
Martin Luther
What are the two things that feudalism relied upon to be successful?
loyalty and protection
The person with the greatest power, who was in charge of the manor was the _________
Who was at the bottom of the feudalism pyramid?
What year was the Magna Carta signed?
What King signed the Magna Carta?
King John of England
What COUNTRY did the Renaissance start in?
What person is said to have launched the Renaissance?
In what CONTINENT did the Renaissance happen?
What continent had feudalism during the Middle Ages?
What two things was Petrarch famous for?
He was a poet and he launched the Renaissance by rediscovering the work of the Ancient Greeks and Romans
What was the intellectual movement at the heart of the Renaissance?
What is Humanism?
.A Renaissance cultural movement that revived interest in Ancient Greek and Roman thought.
How did the Kings and Queens of Europe unite their countries under one government during the Renaissance?
a combination of war, marriage, money, and ruthless bargaining
What King/Queen unified the country of Spain?
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
What King/Queen unified the country of England?
King Henry VII
What King/Queen unified the country of France?
King Louis XI
What did Johannes Gutenberg invent?
moveable metal type for the printing press
What is Nicolaus Copernicus famous for?
He discovered that the earth moves around the sun (previously, people believed the sun moved around the earth.)
What is Sir Isaac Newton famous for?
He discovered gravity--"anything that goes up, must come down."
What is Leonardo Da Vinci famous for?
He painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper and was also an inventor.
What does the word "Renaissance" mean?
It is French for "rebirth"
What cultural borrowing (or gifts) did we get from the Middle Ages?
Cathedrals and Universities
What cultural borrowing (or gifts) did we get from the Renaissance?
Art, the printing press, the concept of gravity, the concept that the earth moves around the sun, the microscope, the telescope,
What famous Italian family of bankers and merchants supported the arts and was the most powerful family during the Renaissance?
the Medici family of Florence
What are the dates for the Renaissance?
1400 AD to 1600 AD
What is "antiquity?"
the study of Ancient Greece and Rome (the Renaissance)
What happened in 1215 that is significant to English history?
a powerful group of nobles joined together against King John and forced him to sign the Magna Carta (Great Charter) that gave ordinary people rights and reduced the power of the king
What did the Magna Carta do?
it gave ordinary people rights and reduced the power of the king
What year was the Magna Carta signed?
What does Magna Carta stand for?
It is Latin for "Great Charter"
What is feudalism?
political system of local government based on the granting of land in return for loyalty and protection
What is a fief?
grant of land given to a vassal from a lord
What is a vassal?
person granted land from a lord in return for services
In relation to art, what is perspective?
an art technique that involves making distant objects appear smaller than those in the foreground and arranging them to create the illusion of depth on a flat canvas (started in the Renaissance)
What was the Renaissance?
movement following the Middle Ages that centered on the revival of interest in the Ancient Greeks and Romans. it is French for "rebirth."
What things were located on a feudal manor?
The castle/manor house, the village, fields/farmland, a church
What was Charlemagne?
A Christian leader who united most of Europe during the Middle Ages
What were the Middle Ages?
400 AD t0 1500 AD A period between the fall of the Roman Empire, and the Renaissance
What were serfs?
peasants who were bound to the land whre they worked for the lord
What is chivalry?
Code of conduct between knights. they were supposed to fight fairly, keep their word, and treat the people they beat with respect. They also had to be curtious to women and the less powerful
What is purgatory?
a place between Heaven and Hell
What were indulgences?
Pope Leo X made people pay him money for indulgences that would get someone to Heaven (and out of purgatory) sooner
Who complained about Pope Leo X sellling indulgences that lead to the Reformation?
Martin Luther
Who was Martin Luther?
he complained about the abuses of Pope Leo X selling indulgences and started the Reformation
What religion came about as a result of the Reformation?
What invention helped the ideas of the Renaissance spread quickly?
Gutenberg's moveable type for the printing press.