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48 Cards in this Set

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Rapid eye movement


A persons experience of their mental awareness; including current sensations, perceptions. memories and feelings.

Manifest content

The surface, "visible" content of a dream; dream images as they are remembered by the dreamer


Any return to an earlier, more infantile behaviour pattern

Free association

In psychoanalysis, the technique of having a client say anything that comes to mind, regardless of how embarrassing or unimportant it may seem.

Anal retentive and example

Comes from an anxiety about toilet training during the anal stage according to freud (age 2-3). It comes from learning to 'hold in', and causes someone to be excessively clean, organised, hoarder, stubborn, and stingy.

eg Sybil

Latent content

The hidden or symbolic meaning of a dream, as revealed by dream interpretation and analysis

Wish fulfilment

Freudian belief that the content of many dream reflects unfulfilled desires that cannot be consciously expressed.


in freudian theory, an internalisation of parental values and societal standards (internalised parent)


Unconciously pushing out or barring from awareness unwanted memories


According to Freud, the most primitive part of the personality, which remains unconscious supplies energy to other parts of the psyche and demands immediate gratification (the baby- based on pleasure)


Involves feelings of persecution and exaggerated sense.

Reality principle

the principle by which the ego functions, involving delaying action (or pleasure) until it is appropriate.

Hierarchy of needs

A rank ordering of needs based on their presumed strength or potency


The mood of an abnormally evaluated arousal energy level. Elevated irritability is common along with behaviour that seems on the surface to be the opposite depression

Self- actualisation

The ongoing process of fully developing ones personal potential


Cognitive behavioral therapy- the use of learning principles to change that maladaptive thoughts, beliefs and feelings that underlie emotional and behavioural problems


in freudian theory, lasting conflicts developed during a particular psychosexual stage as a result of frustration or overindulgence


persons fear that something extremely embarrassing will happen to them if they leave thee house or enter unfamiliar situations.


Electroencephalography- a device designed to detect, amplify, and record electrical activity in the brain


Reccuring irrational or disturbing thoughts or mental image a person cannot prevent

Defense mechanisms

Habitual and often unconcious psychological strategies used to avoid or reduce anxiety


Although this is not done much at all anymore (if at all), Lobotomy (also known as a Prefrontal Lobotomy) is a procedure that was once used to reduce uncontrollably violent or emotional people- Brain surgery that destroy brain tissues to change a persons behaviour.


Electroconvulsive therapy- a medical treatment for severe depression, consisting of an electric shock passed directly through the brain, which produces a convulsion.

Concepts relating to Freud

Personality- Id, ego, superego

psychosexual stages of development

psychodynamic theory

Concepts relating to Jung

student of freud who better developed his theory.

suggested that actions of the ego reflect attitudes of introversion or extroversion

the personal unconcious (mental storehouse- experiences, feelings and memories)

collective unconscious (mental storehouse- unconscious ideas and images, contains archetypes)

Archetypes (original ideas, images and patterns)


according to Jung we all previously had experience with death, rebirth, birth, etc.

causing us to react emotionally to images of the like- these images are archetypes.

Concepts relating to Maslow

Hearty of needs

founder of humanistic psychology

Psychodynamic approach

Freudian- Id, ego, and superego. helps in Developing the ego. one part is in charged (superego)- to stop this; dreams, hypnotherapy. anything where the superego is relaxed and allows others to come out.

refers to internal motives, conflicts, unconcious forces, other dynamics


Self- actualisation. focuses on human experience, problems, potentials and ideals. The use of learning principles make constructive changes in behaviour

emphasises subjective, human probe, and personal potentials. carl rogers regarded emotional disorders as the end product of a faulty self- image


The use of learning principles to make constructive changes in behaviour. Emphasis overt, observable behaviour and the effects of learning and conditioning. Behaviourists assume that the 'symptoms' we have discussed are learned, just as other behaviours are.


distorted thinking causes people to magnify ordinary threats and failures, which leads to distress.

How do psychologists determine abnormal behaviour

Psychopathology- scientific study of meantal, emotional, and behavioural disorders.

they must meet the criteria for standards of acceptibility.- Unjustifiable, maladaptive, atypical, and disturbing

'Situational context' must be evaluated before someone can be considered abnormal

How to classify personality disorders

Subjective discomfort (anxiety, depression, or other signs of emotional distress.

statistical abnormality- scoring very high or low on some dimensions, such as intelligence

social non- conformity- disobeying social standards of acceptability, conduct

difference between Neurosis and psychosis

Neurosis- disorders that are related to the nervous system, this is usually anxiety related issues, such as; depression, dissociative disorders, stomatoform

Psychosis- severe mental disorder where the patient experience a loss of reality, generally do not know what is real and what is not experience; hallucination, delusions, and social withdrawal. this includes ilness such as schizophrenia.

Characteristics/symptoms of schizophrenia

- delusuions

- hallucinations

- apathy

- thinking abnormalities

- a "split" between thought and emotion

emotions may become blunted or inappropriate

3 major sub-types: disorganised, cataconic, paraniod

Characteristics/symptoms of OCD

distressing thoguhts

feeling compelled to perform certain behaviours

experience obsessions and compulsions

Characteristics/symptoms of Bipolar I

extreme mania- loud elated, hyperactive, grandiose, and energetic

Deep depression

Characteristics/symptoms of Bipolar II

Mostly sad and guit ridden (deep depression)

one or more mild mania episodes (hypomania)

Characteristics/symptoms of anorexia nervosa

devestating weight loss from self inflicted dieting

compulsive attempts to loose weight

body weight below 85% of the normal for age and weight

denial of seriousness of abnormally low body weight

intense fear of gaining weight

disturbance in ones body image or perceived weight

self evaluation unduly influenced by body weight

absence of menstrual periods

purging behavior

Characteristics/symptoms of DID

- presence of two or more separate identities or personality states

Characteristics/symptoms of paranoia

delusions of persecution,

unwarranted jealousy


exaggerated self-importance

typically worked into an organised system

Characteristics/symptoms of Generalised anxiety

excessively anxious and worried for atleast 6 months


heart racing

clammy hands

upset stomach



rapid breathing

poor concentration

Characteristics/symptoms of Major depression

only goes down emotionally

everything looks bleak and hopeless

feelings of failure, sinfulness, worthlessness and total despair

extremely subdued or withdrawn and may be intensely suicidal

Main concpets in a beautiful mind

a man who has schizophrenia. He in intensely paranoid that he is being chased down by agents of a secret force.

sounds a lot like paranoid schizophrenia

drugs did not help as he did not believe he should be taking them and didn't

figured out on his own that they could not be real- little girl did not grow up, etc.

soon learned to manage them and live a normal life


young girl who suffered from DID and became anal retentive due to actions of her schizophrenic mother and quiet father

Genetic basis

schizophrenia, bipolar, anti social personality disorder, and if they don not appear to they most likely have been researched enough.

Some may be genetically inherited but do not come out until environmental influences.

things that bring out personality disorders in life:

envionmental influences-srugs and external

hormonal stresses

hormail stresses and genetics are usually due to chemical imbalances in the brain.

Forms of therapy

treatment- psychotherapy and medical therapies

psycotherapy- treatmets fro emotional behavioural problems. therapists: patient talking

Medical therapies: hospitalisation and prescribing drugs to performing brain surgery

usually balances out the unbalance of brain chemical

brain chemistry