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47 Cards in this Set

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What family do Staphylococci belong to?
Are staphylococci intracellular or extracellular? Pyogenic or not pyogenic?
Extracellular, pyogenic
What does pyogenic mean?
Pyogenic refers to bacterial infections that make pus
How do staphylococci grow? Are they motile?
They grow in clusters and are non-motile
Describe the survival of staphylococci?
They are extremely hardy and can survive for prolonged periods of time on environmental surfaces.
What species are Staphylococci?
aureus, epidermidis, saprophyticus
How do you identify Staphylococci aureus in a laboratory?
They are gram positive cocci in grape like clusters. They form round, often beta-hemolytic colonies. on agar. The aureus refers to the gold color of the colonies. They are catalase positive. Coagulase and manifold fermentation tests are used to distinguish S. aureus from other staphylococcal species.
What is the cell wall made from?
Alternating units of N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetyl muramic acid. The wall also includes Lipoteichoic acid and a family of structurally related surface protein that facilitate bacterial adherence to host cell surfaces.
What can the surface proteins of staphylococcus attach to?
Molecules of the ECM including fibronectin, fibrinogen, and collagen
What components of staphylococcus may be responsible for sepsis?
The combination of peptidoglycan and lipoteichoic acid
What enzymes are secreted by S. aureus?
Catalase, Coagular, Hyaluronidase, Beta-lactamase
What does catalase do?
Converts H2O2 to H2O and O2
What does coagulase do?
Converts fibrinogen to fibrin
What does hyaluronidase do?
Hydrolizes hyaluronic acid and may contribute to tissue breakdown and the spread of staphylococci across tissue barriers
What do beta-lactamases do?
They can hydrolize the beta-lactam ring of penicillins and cephalosporins rendering antibiotics useless
What toxins are secreted by s. aureus?
Superantigen family toxins and Membrane damaging toxins
What toxins are in the superantigen family?
Toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1), enterotoxins, and epidermolytic toxins
What toxins are membrane damaging toxins?
Leukocidin and alpha toxin
What does Leukocidin do?
It has been associated with soft tissue infections
What does alpha toxin do?
It may play a role in producing the sepsis syndrome
What is the natural reservoir of staphylococci?
Where are coagulase negative staphylococci found?
Skin flora and in the anterior nares
What bacteria colonize the anterior nares?
S. aureus in 20-40% of the normal population
In what populations is carriage increased?
Dialysis patients, diabetics, HIV infected subjects
What is the typical cause of Staphylococcal infection?
Autoinoculation or transmission from a carrier to a patient. Usually infections arise from a transient carrier.
Describe the pathogenesis of staphylococci
Staphylococci can cause disease either as the result of a mechanical breach in skin or mucosal barriers or by the elaboration of toxins
What is neccesarry for S. aureus invasive infections?
Some sort of trauma
Describe the normal presence of S. aureus
They can persist as commensals on the skin or in the nose without causing damage
What sort of infection is caused by commensal S. aureus?
Because of their presence as commensals on the skin and other sites,
both coagulase positive and negative bacteria frequently cause prosthetic device (e.g.
intravascular catheters) related infections.
What sequence of events is necessary for establishment of infection?
-Host response to the process
What facilitates adherence/bacterial attachment to host tissue surfaces?
The staphylococcal surface proteins, e.g. fibronectin-binding protein or collagen-binding protein
What follows adherence?
Staphylococci elaborate enzymes that provide nutrients for the bacteria and facilitate bacterial spread to adjacent tissue as well as spread to other organs. Staphylococci are noted for their ability to spread to other tissues establishing metastatic foci of infection
What is the primary host response to staphylococcal infection?
The polymorphonuclear leukocyte.
What diseases are caused by staphylococcus toxins?
Food poisoning, toxic shock syndrome, and the scalded skin syndrome
Do toxin diseases require infection? Give 2 examples.
No. Food poisoning can occur even if all the bacteria are dead and the toxin remains.

TSS occurs due to vaginal colonization rather than infection. The environment changes such that the commensal organisms release toxin.
How do superantigens work?
They are T cell mitogens. mitogens. Disease is due to
the ability of these toxins to bind antigen presenting cells MHC 2 molecule outside the peptide groove. The superantigens then bind T cells via the variable region resulting in massive T cell activation and the release of large quantities of cytokines – a “cytokine storm” including IL-1, IL-2, TNF, and interferon gamma. The result is a multiorgan disease similar in clinical presentation to septic shock with significant morbidity and mortality.
How are staphylococcal infections treated?
What antibiotic is used to treat staphylococcal infections?
The appropriate one is determined through antibiotic susceptibility testing.
Describe staphylococcal antibiotic resistance
Recently an increasing number of staphylococci have become resistant to the beta-lactam antibiotics. They have also become less susceptible to the second line agents such as vancomycin.
What is the treatment for localized collection of staphylococcus, such as abscesses?
Surgical drainage
What approaches are available for preventing staphylococcal infections?
Topical application of antibiotics to the nares and the development of staphylococcal vaccines
When and why is topical application of antibiotics to the nares used?
It is used to eliminate nasal carriage of staphylococci in high-risk groups such as hemodialysis patients.
Describe the staphylococcus vaccines
Candidate vaccines include
polysaccharide-protein conjugate products as well as surface ligand domain peptide vaccines
What is the most common coagulase negative staphylococci in clinical infections?
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Which is more virulent, S. aureus or S. epidermidis?
S. aureus
Where are coagulase negative species most often encountered clinically? Why?
In association with prosthetic devices. They have a unique ability to adhere to prosthetic material and establish infection. This appears to be in part due to the elaboration of an extracellular polysaccharide
referred to as slime or biofilm. They are among the most common causes of intravascular catheter, prosthetic valve and prosthetic hip infections.
What is a major issue in staphylococcal diagnosis?
An therapeutic dilemma with these species is that they are frequent contaminants. Because of their presence as part of the normal skin flora they are frequently
isolated from blood or body fluids when they are not the true pathogens. This creates some difficulty in determining whether an isolate is genuine or a contaminant.