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46 Cards in this Set

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1. Vitamins and minerals
2. Do not provide energy
3. Needed in small quantities
4. Deficiencies and excesses of them can affect health
1. Organic substances
2. Manufactures by photosynthesis
3. No particular chemical structure in common
4. Provitamins are inactive precursors to vitamins
Classification of Vitamins
1. Fat-soluble: ADEK
2. Water Soluble: C and B
Fat-soluble vitamins
1. Dissolve and stored in fat
2. Dietary lipids are a source
3. Should no consume in excess
4. Not excreted easily from the body
Water-soluble Vitamins
1. Act as coenzymes
2. Disperse rapidly in body fluid
3. Excess intake is voided in the urine
4. Marginal deficiencies could develop within 4 weeks
Roles of Vitamins
1. Serve as essential links and regulators in numerous metabolic reactions that release energy load
2. Regulate metabolism
3. Control process of tissue synthesis
4. Protect cells’ plasma membrane
1. Blood Clotting
1. Eye Function
2. Teeth
3. Skin
4. Hormone Formation
5. Reproduction
6. Neuromuscular Function
7. Bones
1. Teeth
2. Bone
1. Teeth
2. Skin
3. Blood Formation
4. Bones
1. Skin
2. Hormone Formation
3. Neuromuscular Function
4. Energy Release
5. Blood Formation
1. Skin
2. Neuromuscular Function
3. Energy Release
1. Skin
2. Reproduction
3. Energy Release
Pantothenic Acid
1. Skin
2. Hormone Formation
3. Neuromuscular Function
4. Energy Release
1. Blood Cells
1. Hormone Formation
1. Hormone Formation
1. Neuromuscular Function
2. Energy Release
1. Neuromuscular Function
2. Blood Formation
1. Blood formation
Dietary Reference Intakes
1. Provide a comprehensive approach to nutritional recommendations for individuals
2. Umbrella term(RDI, EAR, AI,UL)
Recommended Dietary Allowance
1. The average daily nutrient intake level sufficient to meet the requirement of nearly 97-98% of healthy individuals in a particular life stage and gender group
Estimated Average Requirement
1. Average level of daily nutrient intake to meet the requirement of ½ of the health individuals in a particular life and gender group
Adequate Intake
1. Provides an assumed adequate nutritional goal when no RDA exists
Tolerable Upper Intake Level
1. The highest average daily intake level likely to pose no risk of adverse health effects to almost all individuals in a specific gender and life stage group
Free radical
1. One unpaired electron
2. Causes cell damage by oxidative stress
Which vitamin serves as an important protective role?
• A,C,E, and B-carotene
 All individuals produce homocysteine.
 It normally converts to other nondamaging amino acids.
 Three B vitamins, folate, B6, and B12, facilitate the conversion.
 If the conversion slows due to vitamin deficiency, homocysteine levels increase and promote cholesterol’s damaging effects on the arterial lumen.
• 22
• 7 major
• 14 minor or trace
Roles of Minerals
 Provide structure in the formation of bones and teeth
 Help to maintain normal heart rhythm, muscle contractility, neural conductivity, and acid–base balance
 Regulate metabolism by becoming constituents of enzymes and hormones that modulate cellular activity
What factors affect bioavailability?
• Type of food
• Mineral–mineral interaction
• Vitamin–mineral interaction
• Fiber–mineral interaction
• Loss of bone density
• Halfway condition is osteopenia
• Prevented by adequate Ca intake, regular weight-bearing exercises, or resistance training
Risk Factors of Osteoporosis
• Advanced age
• White/Asian women
• Underweight
• Anorexic or Bulimia
• Sedentary lifestyle
• Postmenopause
• Low testosterone
• High protein
• Excess Na
• Smoking
• Excessive Alc
• Abnormal absence in meno cycle
• Ca deficiency
• Family history
• High caffeine in take
• Vit D Deficiency
6 principles of Promoting Bone Health
• Specificity
• Overload
• Initial values
• Diminishing returns
• More not necessarily better
• Reversibility
Female Triad
• The Triad usually begins with disordered eating and leads to amenorrhea and then osteoporosis.
• These women often show advanced bone loss at an early age.
• Restoration of normal menstruation does not totally restore bone mass.
Treatment of Athletic Amenorrhea
• Reduce training level by 10–20%
• Gradually increase total energy intake
• Increase body weight by 2–3%
• Maintain daily calcium intake at 1500 mg
 Combines with calcium to form hydroxyapatite and calcium phosphate
 An essential component of AMP, PCr, and ATP
 Combines with lipids to form phospholipids, part of the cell membrane
 Phosphate enzymes regulate cellular metabolism
 Participates in buffering acid end products of energy metabolism
 Helps to regulate metabolism
 Vital role in glucose metabolism
 Participates as a cofactor in the breakdown of glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids during energy metabolism
 Affects the synthesis of lipids and proteins
 Allows the neurologic system to function properly
 Most of the iron in the body is combined with hemoglobin in the red blood cells.
 Iron is a structural component of myoglobin and the cytochromes.
 Some iron does not combine in functionally active compounds and exists as hemosiderin and ferritin stored in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.
Iron Deficiency
• Called Anemia
• Causes sluggishness, loss of appetite, and decreased ability to sustain even mild activity
• Effects aerobic exercise performance and the ability to perform heavy training
Iron Sources
• Nonheme mainly in plants
• Heme found in animal products
What helps with the absorption of nonheme iron?
• Vit c and moderate physical activity
Sports anemia
• Caused by intense training
• Hemoglobin becomes diluted b/c of an increase in plasma vol
• Na, K, Cl
• Establish the proper electrical gradient across cell membranes
• Modulate fluid exchange within the body's fluid compartments
• Regulate the acid and base qualities of body fluids
What are the dietary approaches to stop hypertension?
Functions of Body Water
 Provides structure and form to the body
 Regulates temperature
 Provides a medium for substances to interact chemically
 Transports oxygen and nutrients