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48 Cards in this Set

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How do you determine if a UTI is community acquired or Nosocomial?
the 48 hour rule, if it occurs before 48 hours it was probably community acquired
What is a UTI relapse?
this is the SAME microbe coming back within 2 weeks* of completing treatment
What do UTI relapses indicated?
structural abnormality

microbial invasion of tissues
What is a UTI reinfection?
new infection, may be same or different bug

AFTER 2 weeks later
What is the most common uncomplicated UTI bug?
E coli
What things cause complicated UTI's?
Anatomical abnormality

Metabolic disorder

Impaired host response

or unusual pathogen like yeast
What type of UTIs are all males?
Complicated UTI's
What is the primary source of UTI agents?
GI tract
What is the one exception to the primary source of UTI agents?
Staphy Saprophyticus- a coagulase negative staph
What is the most common agent of Complicated UTI's?
Uropathogenic Ecoli
What are the main causes of Complicated UTI's?
P. aeruginosa




Who gets more UTI's and why in the first few months of life?
males, due to congential abnormalities
Who gets more UTI's from year 1-50, and why?
women, anatomical differences
Who gets more UTIs after 50 and why?
equal, men catch up due to BPH
What two UTI bugs are post menopausal women most at risk for?
E. coil, and S. saprophyticus
What are the two adhesins found in E coli?
type 1
and P type fimbriae
What does E coli type 1 fimbriae do
these help it colonize the Lower UT.

they bind mannose reisdues
What does E coli P fimbriae do?
this helps it colonize the Upper UT
What two toxins do uropathic bugs have?

What enzyme do Uropathic bugs have?
What UTI bugs produce urease?
P aeruginoas
Ureoplasma urelyticum
Mycoplasma hominis
What is the capsular polysaccharide antigen?
K antigen- on G- enterobacter
What are the most common Ascending UTI bugs?
Ecoli- UPEC
What are the most common bugs in Descending UTI's?
S aureus
Mycobacterium TB
Candida albicans
What are the STD's that cause UTI manifestations?
Clap, gonorrhoeae, Trich
What are the signs of UTI's?
pyuria (cloudy)
Cystitis (in women)
Prostatitis (men)
What defines Bacteriuria?
greater than 10^3 CFU/mL
What are the signs of Pyelonephritis
Flank pain
CVA tenderness
Lower UTI symptoms
Spiking fever
Systemic effects*
What are the signs of Cystitis?
acute onset (vs. urethritis)
more severe symptoms
What is Urethral syndrome?
signs/symptoms of cystitis but with sterile urine cultures.
Who get urethral syndrome
White women 13-70
What bug might be causing urethral syndrome?
bacteroides fragilis
What defines a UTI in regards to urine culture
10^5 CFU/ml
What defines a UTI in regards to leukocyte count
10^5 WBC/ml
What defines a UTI in regards to the suggested guidlines?
10^2 CFU + symptoms
What defines a UTI in regards to suprapubic aspiration
What defines a UTI in regards to staph aureus
How do Urease producers affect urine pH?
they bring it up to neutral
What is used to detect pyuria?
leukocyte esterase
What three bugs produce Nitrate reductase?
E coli
How long do you treat uncomplicated cystitis?
3-7 days
How long do you treat uncomplicated pyelonephritis?
5-7 days
What are the two main antibiotics for Cystitis?

What is the main drug for Pyelonephritis?
What is Methenamine Hippurate?
a prophylaxis drug for recurring UTIs
What is Phenazopyridine hydrochloride
urinary tract analgesic

Tx of dysuria, frequency, urgency
What three groups of people get treatment for asymptomatic bacteriuria?
pregnant women

preschool kids

pts with abnormal urinary tracts
What are some home prevention methods for UTI's?
vitamin C

cranberry or blueberry juice