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48 Cards in this Set

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the ability or inability of an organism to grow in the presence of oxygen
Obligate (strict) aerobes
Need oxygen
seen at the top of the medium
Facultative anaerobes
Can grow in the presence or absence of oxygen
live throughout the medium
Aerotolerant anaerobes
Respire anaerobically even in the presence of oxygen
live throughout the medium
Can live only in environment containing lower than atmospheric levels of oxygen
live near the middle of the medium
Obligate (strict) anaerobes
No oxygen-even small amounts of O2 are lethal
typically live in the lower half to two-thirds of the medium
Can survive only if CO2 levels are elevated
Streak Plate technique
Use a four streak pattern in quadrants, sterilizing the loop for each pass.
Allows for individual cells or colony forming units to separate and grow into individual pure colonies
Simple Stain
Most bacteria have a negative charge. The stains Methyl Blue, Crystal Violet and Safranin will form a bond.
Heat Fix
Kills the bacteria
Causes bacteria to adhere to the slide
Coagulates the cytoplasmic proteins.
Negative Stain
To determine morphology and cellular arrangement.
The dye and bacteria are both negative charge so the bacteria repels the dye and remains unstained against the dark background
Nygrosin and Congo Red
Cell shape and arrangement
Cocci (singular)
Round sphere shape
Bacilli (singular)
Spirilla (singular)
Spiral shape
Slightly curved rods
Short rods
flexible sprials
Variety of cell shapes
two cocci daughter cells remain attached
two bacilli daughter cells remain attached
a coccus chain
Bacillus chain
Group of four cells (cocci only)
Group of eight cells (cocci only)
cluster of coccus cells
Gram Stain
A method of staining that differentiates between Gram (-) and Gram (+) bacteria. The results of this stain depend upon the cell wall of the bacterium.
Gram Stain's 4 reagents in order
Primary Stain - Crystal Violet
Mordant - Gram's Iodine
Decolorizing Agent - 95% Ethanol
Counterstain - Safranin
In Gram Staining, what is the purpose for the Ethanol?
Decolorizing Agent; the most critical step of Gram staining.

It is a lipid solvent, so the outer membrane of the Gram negative bacteria will melt away and washes out the dark purple stain and leaves the Gram negative bacteria colorless.
When Gram Staining what is the purpose of Safranin?
Because the outer membrane of the Gram negative bacteria has been melted away and the purple is gone, safranin will stain the Gram (+) cells pink.
Acid Fast Stain shows this
Use to detect cells capable of retaining a primary stain when treated with an acid alcohol. Used to identify Mycobacterium
Have Mycolic Acid in the cell wall (a waxy substance)
Use the Acid Fast Stain to identify
Endospore Stain
Use to detect the presence of spores in bacterial cells
Smear, air dry, heat fix
With steam and Malachite green flood for 5-7 min
Flood with Safrinin 1-2 min
Rinse; blot
a dormant stage of bacteria to survive in a poor environment
Hanging Drop stain
To observe Motility (flagella), a wet mount preparation on a special slide (has a depression) with a cover slip. A drop of water is placed on the cover slip (four corners have a thin dot of petroleum jelly) the microbe is transferred to the cover slip. NO STAIN IS USED
Invert the slide for viewing
Catalase Test
To identify organisms that produce the enzyme catalase, used to break down H2O2 into H2O + O2
(+) shows gas (O2)
Citrate Test
Test for possession of the enzyme Citrate-permease allows the organism to use citrate as a sole carbon source
Green medium changes to blue in (+) pH 7.6 or higher
Fermentation; Starch Hydrolysis
If an organism can use glucose to produce pyruvate by glycolysis
Clear halo around colony (+)
Amylase enzyme
Gelatinase Test
Ability to produce gelatinases
Watery tube (+)
solidification of media (-)
(-) is the presence of gelatinase enzyme to hydrolyze gelatin
Indole Test
produce indole using enzyme tryptophanase
SIM method test for motility, NH3, and Indole
Add Kovak's Reagent which will react with the indole to produce quinoidal compound
Red= (+) bacteria has the enzyme
No Red = indole (-)
Lipase Test (egg yolk)
Lipid Hydrolysis (lipids are fats)
Lipases can hydorlyze fat, they break down the Triglycerides (glycerol + 3 Fatty Acid chains)
Pink = (-)
Clear zones =(+)
Methyl Red/Vogues Proskauer Test
A combination test to detect an organism capable of overcoming the buffer and lowering the pH
Red = (+)
Oranges and Yellows =(-)
Motility Test
(H2S ?)
Stab with a straight needle.
(+) shows diffuse growth radiating from the central stabline
Starch Hydrolysis
Ability to hydrolyze starch, enzyme amylase or glucosidase
Breaks down starch to get it into the cell
(+) clear zones
(-) blue/dk brown
Urease Test
ability to hydrolyze urea with urease break it into NH3 + CO2
Proteus have rapid urease activity (can cause urinary infection)
(+) pink
Two differential stains
Gram Stain
Acid Fast Stain
List the steps of Acid Fast Stain
Do smear, air dry, heat fix
Steam Fix with Carbol Fuchsin for 5-7 minutes
Rinse with Acid Alcohol 1 min
flood with Methyl Blue 1-2 min
(+) pink are acid fast
(-) blue
describe the negative stain smear method for Capsular Staining
put a drop of the bacteria toward the end of a clean slide.
put the ink (Nigrosin) a bit further toward the end.
use a second clean slide to drag first across the ink then adding the bacteria as you drag without stopping