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77 Cards in this Set

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What are the bacterial infections?
Haemophilis Influenza, Streptococcus pnumonae, Niesseria Meningitis, Listeriosis, Tetanus, Botulism and Leprosy
S. Pnuemonia is found in what part of the body and effects what age group
Children under 4 and the nasal flora.
Where does H. Influenza develop?
In the throat
Where does Nisierra meningitis begin?
Throat rash
How can Identify H. Influenza?
H. influenza is covered by an Antigen B Capsule
What vaccine for H. Influenza?
Hib vaccine
Whhich bacteria causes Niesseria meningitis?
N. Meningitis
How many people carry N. meningitis?
10 percent in their throat flora
What are the serotypes for N. meningitis?
Serotypes B,C,Y and A for Africa B is America
Tetanus is from what bacteria?
Clostridium Tetani
Where is Clostridium Tetani found?
What is the name of what Tetanus toxins do to the CNS and describe it?
Caused pathways to muscles to block by dead cells causing muscles to not relax.
What are some vaccines for tetanus?
DTP (tetanus toxoid, dT(booster) and TIG (tetanus immune globulin)
What is another name for Streptococcus pneumoniae?
pneumococcal meningitis
What is the caue of botulism?
Intoxication from ingestion of bolutinal toxins from Clostridium Botulinum.
What do Bolutism toxins do to CNS?
Cause flaccid paralysis by blocking neurotransmitters to muscles.
What are ways to prevent spread of botulism?
Canning, nitrate and cooking
How can treat botulism?
By support and antitoxin
What are two types of botulism?
Infant and Wound
What are types of botulinal toxins?
Type A, B, and E
What are a positve use of botulinal toxins?
What is the source of leprosy called?
Mycobacterium lepra
What is another name for Leprosy?
"Hansens disease"
What part of the body does leprosy grow at?
In the peripheral nervous system
What are two types of leprosy?q
Tuberculoid (neural) form (loff on snesatin in skin
Lepromatous (nodules deformed)
What is another name for Streptococcus Pneumonia
Pnuemococcal meningitis
What is another name for Niesseria Meningitis?
meningococcal meningitis
What causes an infant botulism?
Honey with C. botulinum
What are the virus diseases of the Nervous System called?
The viruses are polio, rabies, and arboviruses.
What is the name of the virus for polio?
The polo virus is called poliomyelitis.
How is the polio virus transmitted?
The polio virus is transmitted by ingestion.
What are the initial symptoms of the polio virus?
The polio virus begins as a sore throat and nausea.
What happens if the polio virus persists?
The virus spreads to the viremia and CNS.
What percentage of people are paralysized by the polio virus?
Only 1 percent have motor cell destruction and paralysis.
Describe the polio vaccine?
The polio vaccine is enhanced-inactivated polio.
How is polio discovered in a human?
Polio is discovered by a throat and feces culture.
What are the names of the two vaccines for polio?
The names of the polio vaccine are Salk (inactivated virus) and Saben which is an attenuated strain.
What are the hosts for polio?
Humans are the only hosts for polio.
How high is the number of cases for the polio vaccine?
very low
What causes rabies?
Rabies are caused by the saliva in bites from animals like birds, dogs, bats and varmits not squirrel but raccoons.
What are the two types of rabies in aminals called?
Furious rabies from hyperactivity and Paralytic which causes unawareness of surroundings.
Where does rabies grow?
Rabies grows in skeletal muscles.
What are signs of rabbies infection?
Muscle contractions of the mouth and pharynx.
How does rabbies move in the body?
Rabies travels from bite into skeletal muscles to PNS, CNS, Spinal Cord, brain, encephalitis and out by saliva.
What are the two types of treatment for rabies?
Humand Diploid Cell Vaccine (HDCV) and the other vaccine is the RIG (rabies immune globulin)
What animal is rabies found the most?
The raccoon has the highest incidence of rabies.
What countries have no rabies?
Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii and Great Britian.
What is the name of the virus from insect bites called?
Arbovirus encephalitis
What areas the the arbo virus affect birds and horses?
Western and Eastern Equine
What is affected by the St Louis cardinal?
Birds are affected by the St. Louis Cardinal.
What is affected by the California Encephalitis?
small mammels
What is affected by the West Nile Virus
Birds and mammels
What is the name of the fungal virus disease?
What is the source of the fungal disease cryptococcosis?
Cryptococcosis comes from Cryptococcus neoforamens.
Cryptococcus neoforamens is spread by what?
Respiration of soil infected with chicken or pigeon droppings.
What are the vaccines for Cryptococcus Neoforamens?
The vaccines for Cryptococcus neoforamen is Amphotericin B and flucytosine.
What is disease is transmitted by ingestion and causes initial symptoms of a sore throat and nasuea?
Poliomyleitis (Polio)
What happens if polio spreads?
Viremia and can enter CNS to destroy motor cells and paralysis in 1 percent cases
What is the prevention fo polio called?
enhanced-inactivated poio-vaccine
What is the diagnosis for polio?
By culture of feces and thoat
Why do people die from polio?
Respiratory failure
What are the common vaccines for Polio?
Salk and Sabin vaccines
What disease causes spontainous abortion of the fetus?
How is Listerios spread?
foodborne gram negative aerobic rood
Where does Listeria monoctogenes reproduce?
In phagocytes
What is the science name for Listeriosis?
Listeria monocytogenes
What is a disease that causes fatigue called?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
What is the scientific name for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)
What are the symptoms?
6 months undiagnosable fatigue and 4 of the symptoms and sing?
What are the S &S for myalgic encephalomyelitis called?
sore throat, tender lymph nodes, muscle pain, pain in joints, headaches, unrefreshing sleep, malaise after excercise, impaired short-term memory or concentration
What are the protozoan diseases of the nervous system called?
African Trypanosomiasis, Naegleria fowleri
What are the two types of African Trypansomiasis called?
Trypanosoma brucei gambiense which chronic

Trypansomoa b. rhodiense which is acute
How is Trypanosomiasis spread?
tsetse fly
What protozoan grows in the nasal mucusa after swimming in water?
Naegleri fowleri
What nervous system disease is caused by prions?
Shee-scarpie, Bovine Spongiform encephaloopahty ( Mad Cow Disease), Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease and Kuru
Prion disease is acquired how?
digestion, heridetary, and transplant
How do prions develop?
Self-replicating protiens with no nucleic acid grow progressively in degenerating brain tissue