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25 Cards in this Set

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the three different tools that are employed to study bacteria

Morphology, Microscopy, Staining.

Threegeneral shapes of bacteria

Coccus,Bacillus, Spirillum

bacterial shape that is roughly spherical


bacterial shape that is rod shaped


bacterial shape that is curviform or spiral shaped


when cells of a single species vary to some extent in shape and size


have the greatest variety in arrangement




irregular clusters


cubical packet (sarcina)


are less varied



rows of cells orientated side by side (palisades)


types of microscopes

simple, compound, electron (SEM & TEM)

electron microscopy was originally developed for the study of

nonbiological materials

the two types of electron microscopes are

transmission electron microscope (TEM)

scanning electron microscope (SEM)

  • creates an extremely detailed 3D view of all kinds of objects.
  • electrons bombard the surface of a whole metal-coated specimen
  • electrons deflected from the surface are picked up by a sophisticated detector.
  • the electron pattern is displayed as an image on a television screen.
  • contours of specimens resolved with ___ are very revealing and surprising.

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

  • often used to view structures of cells and viruses
  • electrons are transmitted through the specimen
  • the specimen must be very thin (20-100 nm thick) and stained to increase image contrast.
  • dark areas of a ___ image represent thicker or denser parts.

Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)

the smear technique was developed by

Robert Koch

a basic dye is called


a acidic dye is called


in this type of staining the dye sticks to the specimen to give it color

simple staining

in this type of staining the dye does not stick to the specimen, instead it settles around its boundaries, creating a silhouette

negative staining

this staining technique requires only a single dye

  • a basic dye is used
  • examples include methylene blue, crystal violet, basic fuschin, and safranin
  • all cells appear the same color but can reveal shape, size and arrangement.

simple stains

this staining technique requires only a single dye

  • an acidic dye is used
  • examples include nigrosin, congo red, india ink,
  • all cells appear clear with the background stained which reveals the shape, size, and arrangement.

Negative Stains.

this type of stain technique uses two differently colored dyes, the primary dye and the counterstain. helps to distinguish between cell types or parts. examples include the gram stain, acid-fast stain, and endospore stain.

Differential stains

the most universal diagnostic staining technique for bacteria. differentiation of microbes as gram positive (purple) or gram negative (red)

Gram Staining

  • important diagnostic stain
  • differentiates acid-fast bacteria (pink) from non-acid-fast bacteria (blue)
  • important in medical microbiology

Acid-fast Staining

  • dye is forced by heat into resistant bodies called spores or endospores
  • distinguishing between the stores and the cells they come from (the VEGETATIVE cells)
  • significant in medical microbiology

endospore stain

  • used to emphasize certain cell parts that arent revealed by conventional staining methods
  • examples include capsule staining, flagellar staining.

Special Stains