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97 Cards in this Set

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Sexuality of fungal spores
Asexual (mostly)
Which fungal infections are transmitted by inhalation of asexual spores?
1. Coccidioidomycosis 2. Histoplasmosis
What are conidia?
Asexual fungal spores
What disease states does Candida albicans cause?
1. Thrush esophagitis in immunocompromised patients (neonates, steroids, diabetes, AIDS) 2. endocarditis in IV drug users 3. vaginitis post-antibiotic use 4. diaper rash 5. Disseminated candidiasis to any organ 6. Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
Treatment for Candida Albicans infection
Superficial: Nystatin - Serious systemic: Amphotericin B
Histologic appearance of Candida Albicans
Budding yeast with pseudohyphae in culture at 20 degrees celsius - Germ tube formation at 37 degrees celsius
Candida albicans: Germ tube formation at 37 degrees celsius
What is this?
Candida albicans: Budding yeast with pseudohyphae in culture at 20 degrees celsius
What is this?
Which fungus causes thrush in immunocompromised
Candida albicans
Which fungus causes vulvovaginitis?
Candida albicans (high pH, diabetes, use of antibiotics)
Which fungus is endemic to Southwestern US?
Which fungus is endemic to Mississippi and Ohio river valleys
What fungus is this area known for: Southern Ohio
What fungus is this area known for: Southern Illinois
What fungus is this area known for: Missouri
What fungus is this area known for: Kentucky
What fungus is this area known for: Tennessee
What fungus is this area known for: Arkansas
What fungus is this area known for: Southern California
What fungus is this area known for: Southern Arizona
What fungus is this area known for: Mississippi river valley
Histoplasmosis (also Blastomycosis)
What fungus is this area known for: Ohio river valley
Histoplasmosis (also Blastomycosis)
What fungus is this area known for: Southwestern US
What fungus is this area known for: Rural Latin America
What fungus is this area known for: Wisconsin
What fungus is this area known for: Minnesota
Spherule filled with endospores in coccidioidomycosis
What is this?
Characterize histoplasmosis histologically
Tiny yeast inside macrophages. Thin cell wall with no true capsule.
What is the vector for histoplasmosis?
Bird or bat droppings
What do bird and bat droppings carry?
histoplasmosis showing intracellular organisms in bone marrow macrophages
What is this?
Paracoccidioidomycosis (captain's wheel appearance)
What is this?
Blastomycosis (Big, Broad-Based Budding)
What is this?
What characterizes dimorphic fungi?
Mold in soil (lower temperature) and yeast in tissue (body temperature) - Mnemonic: Cold is mold, heat is yeast
List the dimorphic systemic fungi
Histoplasmosis, Blastomycosis, and Paracoccidioidomycosis (but not coccidioidomycosis which is a spherule in tissue)
Treatment for coccidiomycosis
Local: Fluconazole or ketoconazole - Systemic: Amphotericin B
Treatment for paracoccidiomycosis
Local: Fluconazole or ketoconazole - Systemic: Amphotericin B
Treatment for Histoplasmosis
Local: Fluconazole or ketoconazole - Systemic: Amphotericin B
Treatment for Blastomycosis
Local: Fluconazole or ketoconazole - Systemic: Amphotericin B
What is cultured on Sabouraud's agar?
Fungi (specifically dimorphic fungi)
What disease state does Malassezia furfur cause?
Tinea versicolor: Hypopigmented skin lesions which occur in hot humid weather.
Treatment for Tinea versicolor
Topical miconazole or selenium sulfide (Selsun)
What resembles spaghetti and meatballs histologically?
combination of mycelium strands and numerous spores of Malassezia furfur in KOH prep
What disease state does Cladosporium werneckii cause?
Tinea nigra: Infection of keratinized layer of skin. Appears as brownish spot.
What causes Tinea versicolor?
Malassezia furfur
What causes Tinea nigra?
Cladosporium werneckii
Treatment for Tinea nigra
topical salicylic acid
What are the common dermatophytes and what do they cause?
Microsporum, Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton cause all the tineas except for versicolor and nigra
What causes Tinea corporis?
Dermatophytes (such as Microsporum, Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton)
What causes Tinea cruris?
Dermatophytes (such as Microsporum, Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton)
What causes Tinea pedis?
Dermatophytes (such as Microsporum, Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton)
What causes Tinea capitis?
Dermatophytes (such as Microsporum, Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton)
What causes Tinea unguium?
AKA Tinea onychomycosis. Dermatophytes (such as Microsporum, Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton)
What causes Tinea onychomycosis?
AKA Tinea unguium. Dermatophytes (such as Microsporum, Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton)
How does Tinea corporis present?
Ring shape with a red raised border on the body.
How does Tinea cruris present?
AKA jock itch - Itchy red patches on groin and scrotum
How does Tinea pedis present?
AKA athlete's foot - Begins between toes and causes cracking and peeling of the skin.
How does Tinea unguium/onychomycosis present?
Nails are thickened discolored and brittle
Lab diagnosis of dermatophyte infection
1. Dissolve skin scrapings in KOH, which digests the keratin. Microscopic examination reveals branched hyphae. 2. Direct examination of skin with Wood's light (UV light at 365 nm wavelength) will fuoresce green if Microsporum.
Treatment for dermatophyte infection
1. Topical imidazoles 2. Oral griseofulvin (Tinea capitus and tinea unguium)
What causes a fungus ball?
What disease states does Aspergillus cause?
1. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 2. Lung cavity aspergilloma 3. Invasive aspergillosis
Histologic appearance of aspergillus
Mold (not dimorphic) with septate hyphae that branch at a V-shaped (45 degree) angle). Rare fruiting bodies.
Aspergillus (septate hyphae branching at 45 degrees with fruiting bodies)
What is this?
What disease states does cryptococcus neoformans cause?
1. Cryptococcal meningitis 2. Cryptococcosis
Histologic appearance of cryptococcus neoformans
5-10 micrometer yeasts with wide capsular halo. Narrow based unequal budding.
How is cryptococcus neoformans stained?
1. India ink 2. Latex agglutination test for polysaccharide capsular antigen
Where is cryptococcus neoformans found?
Soil and pigeon droppings.
What is the histologic appearance of Mucor?
Just like Rhizopus - Mold with irregular, broad, empty looking, nonseptate hyphae branching at wide angles (over 90 degrees)
What is the histologic appearance of Rhizopus?
Just like Mucor - Mold with irregular, broad, empty looking, nonseptate hyphae branching at wide angles (over 90 degrees)
Which patients are likely to have Mucor/Rhizopus?
1. Ketoacidotic diabetics 2. Leukemics
Where in the body does Mucor/Rhizopus proliferate?
1. Walls of blood vessels, causing infarction of distal tissue 2. Rhinocerebral frontal lobe abscesses
What is pneumocystis jirovecii?
Formerly pneumocystis carinii. Yeast (originally classified as a protozoan)
What disease states does Pneumocystis cause?
Diffuse interstital pneumonia - Immunosuppresion predisposes to disease.

Most infections are asymptomatic.
How is pneumocystis diagnosed?
Lung biopsy or lavage. Methenamine silver stain of lung tissue.
Treatment for pneumocystis
Combination of TMP-SMX, Pentamidine, and Dapsone.
Characterization of sporotrix schenckii
Dimorphic fungus that lives on vegetation.
Presentation of sporotrichosis
1. Traumatically introduced into the skin by a thorn 2. Local pustule/ulcer with nodules along draining lymphatics (ascending lymphangitis) 3. Little systemic illness
What is rose gardener's disease?
Histologic appearance of sporotrix schenckii
Cigar-shaped yeast visible in pus with unequal budding
Treatment for sporotrichosis
Itraconazole or potassium iodide
Type of bug: Candida albicans
Dimorphic fungus, cutaneous OR systemic infection
Type of bug: Coccidioides immitis
Monomorphic fungus, systemic infection
Type of bug: Histoplasma capsulatum
Dimorphic fungus, systemic infection
Type of bug: Blastomyces dermatidis
Dimorphic fungus, systemic infection
Type of bug: Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
Dimorphic fungus, systemic infection
Type of bug: Malassezia furfur
Monomorphic fungus, superficial infection
Type of bug: Cladosporium werneckii
Monomorphic fungus, superficial infection
Type of bug: Microsporum
Monomorphic fungus, cutaneous infection
Type of bug: Trichophyton
Monomorphic fungus, cutaneous infection
Type of bug: Epidermophyton
Monomorphic fungus, cutaneous infection
Type of bug: Aspergillus fumigatus
Monomorphic fungus, opportunistic systemic infection
Type of bug: Cryptococcus neoformans
Monomorphic fungus, opportunistic systemic infection
Type of bug: Mucor
Monomorphic fungus, opportunistic systemic infection
Type of bug: Rhizopus
Monomorphic fungus, opportunistic systemic infection
Type of bug: Pneumocystis jirovecii
Monomorphic fungus, opportunistic systemic infection
Type of bug: Sporothrix schenckii
Dimorphic fungus, subcutaneous infection with some lymphatic spread