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60 Cards in this Set

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Name and describe three parts on fungi.
Thallus - body;
hyphae - filaments of cells in a threadlike, branching formation; mycelium - a mass of hyphae
What is a unicellular, nonfilamentous fungus called?
Yeast buds that do not separate from the mother cell form what?
Fungi are classified according to what?
The types of sexual spores that they form
Pathogenic, dimorphic fungi takes what form at 37 degrees Celsius?
Yeastlike form
Pathogenic, dimorphic fungi takes what form at 25 degrees Celsius?
Mold-like form
Is asexual or sexual reproduction more common in fungi?
Name the three types of asexual spores (per powerpoint).
sporangiospores, conidiospores, and chlamydospores
What morphology is unique to the sporangiospores?
They grow in a sac
What morphology is unique to the chlamydospores?
They have thick walls formed by rounding and enlargement within a hyphal segment; very resistant to environmental conditions; found on fungi and some algae
What morphology is unique to conidiospores?
They are unicellular or multicellular spores not formed in an enclosed sac
How do teleomorphic fungi reproduce?
By producing sexual and asexual spores
How do Anamorphic fungi reproduce?
They produce asexual spores only
Name the toxin produced by Aspergillus flavus that peanut butter and milk are tested for.
Where does the color of fungi come from?
Its spores
In most molds the hyphae contain cross-walls called what?
Septa (singular + septum)
A hyphae with no speta that appears as long, continuous cells with many nuclei is called what?
Coenocytic hypha
Name the medically important phyla of fungi that have conenocytic hyphae and produce sporangiospores and zugospores.
Name the medically important phyla of fungi that have septate hyphae and produce ascospores and conidiospores.
Name the medically important phyla of fungi that possess septate hyphae, includes fungi that produces mushrooms and forms basidiospores (some produces conidiospores).
A deep fungal infection that affects many tissues and organs is called what?
Systemic mycosis
A fungal infection beneath the skin is called what?
Subcutaneous mycosis
What is saccharomyces and what is it used for?
It is a yeast used in bread and wine making
What is Trichoderma and what is it used for?
It is a fungus that is used for its cellulase production for clarification of fruit juices.
What is a lichen?
A mutualistic combination of a green alga (or cyanobacterium) and a fungus
What does the alga provide for the lichen?
The alga photosynthesizes, providing carbohydrates
What does the fungus provide for the lichen?
The fungus provides a holdfast (attachment).
How are lichens classified?
By their morphology
Name three things that lichens are used for.
1. for their pigments
2. as a antimicrobial agent
3. as an air quality indicator
Where do most algae live?
Aquatic environments
List three classifications of algae.
1. unicellular
2. filamentous
3. multicellular
Are algae prokaryotic or eukaryotic?
Name three parts of a multicellular algae thallus (body).
1. stipe - temlike, often hollow
2. holdfast - anchor that usually holds algae to rock
3. blades - leaflike
How do algae reproduce?
Asexually by cell division or fragmentation and many reproduce sexually
How are algae classified?
By there structures and pigments
Most algae produce oxygen and are ________? hint: "__?__trophs"
What are brown algae (kelp) harvest for?
Algin (a carb used as a stabilizing colloid in numerous pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and foods
Where do red algae grow and why?
They grow deep in the ocean because their red pigment can absorb the blue light that penetrates to deeper levels
What does green algae have and what does it store?
They have cellulose and chlorophyll a and b and store starch
What are diatoms and what are they used for?
They are unicellular algae that have pectin and silica cell walls; some produce a neurotoxin. They can be used as a filtering aid (diatomaceous earth).
Which algae produce neurotoxins that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning (red tide) and food poisoning?
What are oomycotes?
Heterotrophic algae; includes decomposers and plant parasites (reclassified from water mold)
What produces the most oxygen in the earths atmosphere?
Planktonic algae
Where does petroleum come from?
It is the fossil remains of planktonic algae
What are protozoa?
unicellular, eukaryotic chemoheterotrophs
Where can protozoa be found?
In soil, water, and animals
What is the vegetative form of protozoa called?
How do protozoa reproduce?
Asexually by fission, budding, or schizogony (multiple asexual fission); also sexually by conjugation in which two haploid nuclei from different cells fuse to produce a zygote
How do some protozoa survive adverse environmental conditions?
They produce a cyst that provides protection
Name three parts of the protozoa's complex cell.
Pellicle - a thin layer supporting the cell membrane
Cytosome - mouth
Anal pore
Name the medically important protozoa that lack mitochondria, have flagella, and can cause diarrhea, belching, gas, and cramps.
Name the medically important protozoa that lack mitochondria and microtubules; know to cause diarrhea in AIDS patients.
Name the amoeba that include Entamoeba and Acanthamoeba.
Name a non-motile protozoa that have apical organelles for penetrating host tissue; responsible for some waterborne disease outbreaks.
Name the phylum of protozoa that move by means of cilia; includes Balantidum coli which is a human parasite.
Name the phylum of protozoa that move by meals of flagella and do not sexually reproduce; inclue Trypanosoma which is transmitted by the tsetse fly in Africa and causes sleeping sickness.
Name two types of slime molds.
Cellular and plasmodial
Which slime mold resembles amoebas and digest bacteria by phagocytosis?
Cellular slime molds
Which slime mold consists of a multinucleated mass of protoplasm that engulfs organic debris and bacteria as it moves?
Plasmodial slime molds
Name and decribe two phyla of Helminths (Anamalia).
Platyhelminths - parasitic flatworms
Nematoda - parasitic roundworms