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38 Cards in this Set

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What are the two components of the nervous system?
-cranial and spinal nerves

-brain and spinal cord
-made of neurons
-surrounded by bone
-encased with meninges
what are the three functions of the nervous system?


defenses of the nervous system
bony casings

cusions of csf

blood brain barrier

immunological privileged site
normal biota of nervous system
no normal biota

any microorganisms in the pns and cans is a deviation from the heathy state
diseases caused by microorganisms
inflammation of meninges


bacteria are more serious

headache, pain or stiff neck. fever, increased number of white blood cells is CSF
what is done with disease is suspected?
lumbar puncture performed to obtain CSF
Neisseria Meningitides
gram negative diplococcic lined up side by side

aka meningococcus

associated with epidemic forms of meningitis

causes most serious form of meningitis
Listeria Monocytogenes
gram positive

coccobacilli to long filaments in palisades formation

resistant to cold, heat, salt, pH extreme, and bile

normal adults- mild infection with nonspecific symptoms of fever, diarrhea, sore throat

affects the brain and meninges
-results in septicemia
Haemophilus Influenza
tiny, gram negative pleomorphic rods

sensitive to drying, temp extremes, disinfectants

cause severe meningitis

stiff neck
neurological impairment
Stretococcus Pneumonia
small gram positive flattened coccus that appears in end to end pairs

aka pneumococcus

most frequent cause of community-aquired meningitis

very severe

doens't cause petechiae of meningococcal menigitis
-good for diagnostics
Cryptococcus Neoformans
fungus (spherical to ovoid shape, large capsule)

chronic form of memigitis

gradual onset of symptoms


headache (most common)
stiff neck
Coccidioides Immitis
25 C: moist, white to brown colony, abundant, branching, septate hyphae

fragment into athroconidia when mature

begins with pulmonary infection
encephalitis: inflammation of the brain

cause by two amoebas:
-naegleria fowleri
aseptic meningitis

mostly children

90% caused by enteroviruses

milder than bacterial or fungal memingitis
Naegleria Fowleri
small, flask shaped ameoba

forms rounded, thick walled, uninucleate cyst

infection starts when amoebas are forced into human nasal passages
-from swimming, diving

burrows in nasal mucosa, multiplies, migrates into brain

primary ameobic meningoencephalitits (PAM)
large, amoeboid trophozoite with spiny pseudopods and a double walled cyst

-invades broken skin, conjunctive, lungs and urogenital epithelia

-granulomatous amoebic meningoencephalitits (GAM)
Neonatal Meningitis
almost always infection transmitted by mother
-in utero or during passage through birth canal

most common causes:
-streptococcus agalactiae
-group B strep (escherichia coli)
St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE)
most common of all American viral encephalitides

-epidemics in the US occur most often in Midwest and South
Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE)
first in horses, then humans

carries by mosquito

very dangerous to infants/small children
California Encephalitis
may be cause by two viral strains:
-california strains
-LaCrosse strain

primary target group:
children in rural areas
borne by insects
-feed on blood of hosts

common outcome:
-acute fever
-often have rash
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE)
eastern cost of north america canada

appears in horses and caged birds

high case fatality rate
acute encephalitis
can be acute or subacute

-almost always caused by viral infection

always serious

-behavior changes
-decreased consciousness
Herpes Simples Virus
Can cause encephalitis in newborns born to HSV + mothers

-poor prognosis
West Nile Encephalitis
increasing in numbers in US
Subacute Encephalitis
symptoms take longer to show up and are less striking than acute

common cause: TOXOPLASMA
JC Virus
infection is common

with immune dysfunction:
-cause progressive multifocal leukoencephalopahty (PML)
(uncommon but generally fatal)
Measles Virus: Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE)
occurs years after initial measles episode

seems to be caused by direct viral invasion of neural tissue
Toxoplasma gondii
flagellated parasite

most go unnoticed


asymptomatic or marked by mild symptoms
-sore throat
-lymph node enlarge
-low grade fever
intoxication associated with eating poorly preserved foods

can occur as true infection

three forms:
-foot borne

-double vision
-difficulty swallowing
-descending muscular paralysis
-respiratory compromise

clostridium botulinum
-spore forming anaerobe
-releases exotoxin
Food Borne Botulism
ingestion of preformed toxin
Infant Botulism
entrance of botulinum toxin into the bloodstream
Wound Botulism
entrance of botulism toxin into bloodstream
acute enteroviral infection of spinal cord

neuromuscular paralysis

often small children

most infections are short term, mild viremia

non specific symptoms:
-sore throat

spreads to specific pathways in spine and brain

it's NEUROTROPIC: virus infiltrates the motor neurons of the anterior
horn of the spinal cord

nonparalytic: invasion but no destruction of nervous tissue

paralytic: various degrees of flaccid paralysis

rare cases: bulbar poliomyelitis
caused by clostridium tetani
parenteral, direct contact


gram positive, spore forming rod

releases powerful neurotoxin, tetanospasmin
-binds to target sites on peripheral motor neurons, cns, sympathetic nervous system
-toxin blocks inhibition of muscle contraction

=spastic paralysis

first symptoms:
-clenching of jaw
-extreme arching of back
-flexion of arms
-extension of legs

"risus sardonicus"
slow, progressive, zoonotic disease

fatal encephalitis

1-2 months incubation

prodromal phase
-non specific symptoms

Furious rabies:
-periods of agitation, disorientation, seizures, twitching
-spasms in neck, pharyngeal muscles lead to hydrophobia

dumb rabies:
-patient isn't hyperactive
-disoriented, stuporous

both forms progress to coma phase = death
transmissible spongiform encelphalophaties (TSE's)

neurodegenerative diseass with long incubation periods but rapid progession once they begin

Human TSE's:
-Creutzfelt-Jakob Disease (CJD)
-Gerstmann-Strussler-Scheinker disease
-fatal familial insomnia
African Sleeping Sickness
trypanosoma brucei

aka trypanosomiasis

affects lymphatics and areas around blood vessels

long asymptomatic period before onset of symptoms

-intermittent fever
-enlarged spleen
-swollen lymph nodes
-joint pain

CNS affective with personality and behavioral changes that progress to lassitude and sleep disturbances