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170 Cards in this Set

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Streak Plate
Isolation technique of a mixed sample
How to do a streak plate?
1. streak over a plated agar medium
2. 4 streaks (flame the loop after each streak)
Purpose of Streak plate
during streaking, the cell density decreases
colonies --> individuals (isolation)
Streak plate success?
Cells that have been sufficiently isolated will grow into colonies of ONLY the original cell type
Colony-forming unit
colonies form from individual cells & others from pairs, chains or clusters
Streak plate method form what?
individual colonies on plates
Why use Streak plate method?
CFU transferred to a sterile medium to start a pure culture
Zigzag inoculation of Agar plates with cotton swab when?
have pure cultures.
when sample does not have high cell density
Innoculation of agar plates with cotton swab in prep for Quadrant Streak plate:
1. preformed as initial streak for isolation (streak 1).
2. done with mixed cell culture with high cell density
3. streak Q1 with swab; use loop Q2-4
What is Steam sterilization?
Why is Steam Sterilization used?
most effective and most common way to sterilize contaminated items
Increase the atmospheric pressure and what happens to the boiling temperature?
It increased, but the cook time shortens
Autoclave specifics
15 psi (pressure/square inch)
15 min
super heated steam under pressure to kill heat-resistant organisms
sabourand dextrose agar
good media for fungi
pH 5.6
lower pH = lower bacteria
tryptic soy agar
enriched media
pH 7
good for bacteria growth
Heat resistant organisms
spore producing (in protective form) Bacillus, Geobacillus & clostridium
Sterilizing Temp.
121-127*C (250-260*F)
Sterilizing time
Vary to size & consistency of material
Items must reach optimum T*C for 15 min.
What is used as good indicators that sterilization is complete?
special thermometers
colored-coded autoclave tape
What is a Biological indicators?
determine sterilization
device containing a known pop. of viable organisms (significant & quantified resistance to sterilization) used to validate autoclave
What is used as a typical biological indicators
bacterial spores
Dormant form of an organism, highly resistant to chemical & physical changes
If not killed, they will germinate & ferment => lowers pH (acidic) purple --> yellow
Standard Plate Count
Viable Count
Indirect Count
Live cells ONLY
Estimate of actual living cells in a sample
Standard Plate Count allows?
An estimate of pop. density in a liquid sample by plating dilute portions & counting # of colonies formed (CFU)
Number of Colonies Formed
# of cells
Serial dilution
begin with unknown concentration (density) of cells-> dilute with a few cells
Countable plates
30 - 300 colonies (CFU)
Above 300 (too many too count; too many to be viewed as individual colonies)
Below 30 (too few to count; statistically unreliable)
In dilutions
V1D2 = V2D2

D2 = (V1xD1) / V2
= (1.0 mL x 10^-1) / 10 mL
Plate Spread
Known volume of dilution
Count colonies
original cell density

OCD=CFU/Dil'n x Vol.transfered to plate
OCD express in what units?
Volume of original sample
is the product of vol. transferred & the dilution of the tube it came from.
Direct Counts
take a small portion of a sample & use the data gathered from it to calc. overall pop. cell density
Petroff-Hausser counting chamber
-microscopic slide with 0.02mm deep chamber ("well") in center with grid
-25 large squares (16 small squares in each) = 400
-1 square mm
well (when covered with cover glass & filled with suspension cells) vol. =5 x 10^-8 mL
-each small square = 50,000 avg. size cocci cells
original cell density = cell density
OCD used for?
counting cells found in a predetermined group of small squares & dividing by (# of squares)(Dil'n)(Vol)
OCD calculation
(Cells counted)
(# of Squares) (Dil'n) (Vol.)
Optimum density
5-15 cells/small square
*For accuracy recommend min. overall count of 600 cells
Indirect Count Advantages
1.Works well for cells that separate in a short amt of time after they divide
Indirect Count Disadvantage
1. Doesn't work well for cells that stick together after cell division
2. Mixed samples have diff. nutritional needs
3. Sample error = uneven distribution of the sample on the agar
Direct Count Advantages
Direct Count Disadvantages
There must be a certain # of organisms b/f there are enough to be seen (both viable & nonviable count)
Spread plate technique
method of isolation in which a diluted microbial sample is deposited on an agar plate & spread uniformly across the surface with a glass rod
How to tell if a sample it properly diluted?
With a properly diluted sample, cells (CFUs) will be deposited far enough apart on the agar to grow individual colonies
Consequences of not spreading the inoculum adequately?
*uneven distribution, so
what try to grow/inhibit = no isolated colonies
Separate a mixed culture
separate, isolate, & harvest out = streak method
Optical Density
*Used to measure the bacteria concentration in a suspension
by measuring the amt of light scatter
What is the correlation b/w the OD & cell # for your culture?
*Greater the scatter = more bacteria present
*Greater the dilution = the smaller amt of light scatter occurs
Why do you plate count (viable) & OD measure?
data will give us exact measurements of bacteria concentration in our culture for graphing
Determining the Growth by Optical Density uses what? quantify what?
Quantify the microbial population in a sample
Viruses that attack bacteria
How do phages kill bacteria?
1. Some viruses attach to the bacterial cell wall
2. inject viral DNA into the cytoplasm
3. Viral genome commands the cell to produce more viral DNA & viral proteins, used to assemble more phages
4. Phage assembly completed, the cell lyses & releases the phages
5. Phages attack other bac. cells
Lytic cycle
1. Some viruses attach to the bacterial cell wall
2. inject viral DNA into the cytoplasm
3. Viral genome commands the cell to produce more viral DNA & viral proteins, used to assemble more phages
4. Phage assembly completed, the cell lyses & releases the phages
5. Phages attack other bac. cells
Lysis of bacterial cells on agar plate produce what?
A clearing
Areas where virus has killed bacteria
Plaque assay used for what?
Means of calculating the phage concentration in a given sample
Plaque assay
1. Sample of bacteriophage (diluted by serial dil'n) added to a plate inoculated with bacterial host to produce a lawn of growth
2. # of plaques formed used to calculate the original phage titer (density)
Phage titer
phage density
Plaque assay technique
1. serial dil'n to produce countable plates
Plaque assay uses what technique
Pour-plate technique
Pour-plate technique
bacterial cells and viruses are first added to molten agar and then poured into the plate
What does the pour-plate technique do for the plaque assay?
*diluted phages added to exposure time to bacteria = preadsporption period
*Then this phage-host mix is added to a tube of soft agar, mixed, & poured onto prep Nutrient Agar plates as an agar overlay
Preadsporption period allows for what?
allows the virus to attach to the bacterial cells
Agar overlay
This technique allows you to produce a homogeneous lawn of bacteria within a thin layer of agar across the surface of a plate. Bacteria are added to a soft top agar (0.75% agar, as opposed to the usual 1.5% for agar plates) which has been melted at 100°C and cooled to 45°C. This is warm enough so the agar remains liquid, but cool enough so that the bacteria are not killed (for a period of time). The melted agar/bacterial suspension is mixed and poured evenly across the top of an agar plate and allowed to solidify.
Why is agar overlay used in plaque assay?
To produce a homogenous mixture of phages and bacteria;
Allow bacteria exposure to phages to occur
*when solidifies, the agar immobliizes the bacteria while allowing the smaller phages to diffuse short distances & infect surrounding cells
Plaques appearing on a plate is an indication of what?
Bacteria infected with viruses;
the bacteria cells have been lysed by the virus
Countable plates
30 -300 plaques
Same as standard plate count
plaque forming units
Phage titer
original phage density
Phage titer calculation
Phage titer = (PFU) / (Volume plated x Dilution)
*PFU / Original sample volume
What bacteriophage was used to kill Escherichia coli?
T4 coli-phage
T4 phage lytic cycle
1. Attachment
2. Penetration
3. Uncoating
4. Synthesis
5. Assembly
6. Generalized Transduction
7. Release
Cycle can take 25 minutes
Can release a few hundred phage progeny
T4 phage lytic cycle

Phage attaches by its legs to specific receptors on E. coli
T4 phage lytic cycle

T4 process of injecting its DNA into E.coli
*Virus condenses
Entire phage genome is in the host
T4 phage lytic cycle

Removal of virus genome from its capsid
Phage DNA is being replicated
T4 phage lytic cycle

Phage DNA replicated in bacteria host
Synthesis of Virus proteins (to form virus parts)
Degrades host DNA (sometimes host DNA incorporated into phage DNA)
T4 phage lytic cycle

Synthesis leads to assembly of the phage progeny, where capsid subunits come together to form the capsid into which the genome is inserted
& tail comes together & attaches to the capsid
T4 phage lytic cycle

Generalized Transduction
Host DNA is incorporated into new T4 phage DNA, giving it new genes
Genetic diversity increased
T4 phage lytic cycle

Fully assembled phages are released as the cell bursts
Why must there be enough bacteria inoculated to produce a lawn of growth?
Plaque assays ID the presence of viruses by the absence of growing bacteria.
If not enough bac. on plate then there will be regions of no growth = false phage assay
How might results be altered if skip preadsorption phase?
False absence of phage, due to low plaque count.
Preadsorption allows time for the phages to attach to the bacterial cells (not time to kill them, just start the process)
Why is the water bath set at 50*C?
50*C = 122* F (shower, hot food)
Over 130*F (tissue damage)
Lower Temp. might be to cold for growth or slow growth (chemical rxns slower)
High temp. will denature proteins & kills speciment
Zone of inhibition
Phage kill zone of bacteria
Cardinal Temperatures
Each species is characterized by a minimum, maximum, and optimum temperature of growth
*Below min. the organism will not survive
Optimum Temperature
Temperature an organism shows the greatest growth over time
Highest growth rate
Grow only below 20*C
Common in ocean, Arctic, Antarctic habitats (permeant cold)
No fluctuation
Adapted to cold habitats that fluctuate
0* - 30*C
15* - 45*C
Above 40*C
Composting organic material & in hot springs
Obligate Thermophiles
Will not grow below 40*C
Facultative thermophiles
Grow below 40*C
Extreme thermophiles
65* - 110*C
Bacteria isolated from hot ocean floor ridges
Grow best above 80*C
Optimal Temperature of
Serratia marcescens
(Mesophiles range 25-45)
At optimal Temp. produces a red pigment
At what temperature will Serratia marcescens stop producing a red pigment?
42*C (off-white)
The enzyme is beginning to b/m denatured and no longer works
Why do different temperatures produce different growth rates?
Enzyme activities are temp. dependent.
Higher temp. means higher activity (dentures/unravels the protein)
Lower temp. means lower activity (stops synthesis)
concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution
*"pondus hydrogenii" = hydrogen power or hydrogen potential
Soren Peter Lauritz Sorensen
Danish biochemist
invented pH range (0-14) based on logarithmic scale
pH calculation
pH = -log [H+]
Pure water pH
10^-7 moles of hydrogen ions per liter
organisms adapted to grow well in environments below pH 5.5
pH 5.5-8.5
pH 8.5
Bacteria under normal circumstances
maintain a near-neutral internal environment regardless of their habitat
pH outside the normal range of the organism, what happens?
destroy necessary membrane potential (in the production of ATP) and damage vital enzymes beyond repair
Denaturing proteins/enzymes
*conformational changes in the proteins' tertiary structure
Lethal to the ell
Acids form from what fermentation?
carbohydrate fermentation
Alkaline products from from what?
protein metabolism
Hydrogen phosphate
In solution can alternate b/w WA (H2PO4-) & conjugate base (HPO4-2)
Maintains H+/OH- equilibrium
Why should you not connect data points on a graph?
Indicates a continuous and that there is data inbetween the points are valid; they may not be
*only connect data points if the data is continuous, but it is changing all the time
Water is the principal component of what part of the cell? Essential for what
cellular cytoplasm
* Essential source of E+ & H+ions
Turgor pressure
Internal cellular pressure
Important in prokaryotes, like plants
Separation from the cell wall
*Prokaryotes require water to prevent shrinking of cell membrane resulting in separation from the cell wall
Bacteria control their turgor pressure how?
transporting in & maintaining high K+ & Na+ ion concentration
creating a [ ] gradient that promotes diffusion of water into cell
movement of water from an are of low solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration
Osmotic pressure
the pressure which needs to be applied to a solution to prevent the inward flow of water across a semipermeable membrane.[1] It is also defined as the minimum pressure needed to nullify osmosis.
Osmotic pressure refers to what?
The ability of a solution to pull water toward itself through a semipermeable membrane
solution having low osmotic pressure
low solute concentration
hyperosmotic solution
solution having high osmotic pressure
high solute concentration
a solution having osmotic pressure equal to that of the cell
Water will tend to move in both directions
grow optimally in [NaCl] of 3% or higher
Extreme halophiles
specialized cell membranes and enzymes that require salt concentrations from
15% - 25%
Will not survive in lower salinity
grow over wide range of salinities
Most bacteria live in [NaCl] less than 3%
Substances/systems used to prevent the spread of pathogens
*specific in nature & typically include the name of the target pathogen ("tuberculocide," "virucide," "sporocide")
Most germicides are broad-spectrum
2 categories (decontamination, disinfection, sterilization)
germicides lowest level of control
"reduction of pathogenic microorganisms to a level at which items are safe to handle without protective attire"
*physical agents used, removal, cleaning
*sterlize must come in direct contact with pathogens
Next level of control
3 sublevels (low, medium, high)
Based on effectiveness against specific control pathogens (kill targeted pathogens, not spores)
*chemical sterilants (kill all vegetative cells & spores)
*Methods: dry heat, moist heat, & UV
*reduce/eliminate pathogens on/in living tissue = antiseptics
*Complete elimination of viable organisms, including spores
*highest level of pathogen control
*chemicals, gases, incineration, dry heat, moist heat, ethylene oxide gas, radiation, low-temperature plasm
Electromagnetic energy
X-rays, UV, Visible light, Infrared
Wavelengths of light
UV light
UV-A longest wavelength 315-400 nm
UV-B 280-315 nm
UV-C 100-280 nm
the distance b/w adjacent wave crests and is typically measured in nanometers
Which UV is detrimental to bacteria? why?
UV-C (100-280nm)
Results in irreparable DNA damage & death of the organism
*Mutagenic effects of UV & DNA repair
Shortest wavelength = highest energy
Why do endospores survive UV exposure?
Spore-forming bacteria such as Bacillus are able to survive much higher doses of UV and other types of radiation. Spores can survive very harsh conditions (high/low temperature, low water, radiation, antibiotics, osmotic pressure, etc.) for extended periods of time before becoming active again when conditions improve.
dormant, tough, and non-reproductive structure
It is a stripped-down, dormant form to which the bacterium can reduce itself. Endospore formation is usually triggered by a lack of nutrients, and usually occurs in Gram-positive bacteria. In endospore formation, the bacterium divides within its cell wall.
Endospores enable bacteria to lie dormant for extended periods, even centuries. Revival of spores millions of years old has been claimed.[2] When the environment becomes more favorable, the endospore can reactivate itself to the vegetative state
resistant to ultraviolet radiation, desiccation, high temperature, extreme freezing and chemical disinfectants.
The core contains the spore chromosomal DNA which is encased in chromatin-like proteins known as SASPs (small acid-soluble spore proteins), that protect the spore DNA from UV radiation and heat.
natural antimicrobal agents produced by microorganisms
Penicillium notatum
*treat bacteria infections
all substances used to treat bacterial infections that are synthetic
Kirby-Bauer Test
disk diffusion test
*valuable standart tool for measuring the effectiveness of antimicrobics against pathogenic microorganims
*Ab impregnated paper disks placed on plate inoculated to form bacterial lawn, incubated (to allow bac growth & time for Ab to diffuse into agar).
*as the drug moves through the agar, it established a [ ] gradient
*if an organism is susceptible to it = clear zone (around disk) of inhibited growth
Zone of inhibition
clear zone
If an organism is susceptible to it, growth will be inhibited
*depends on the sensitivity of the bacteria to specific Ab agent & MIC
Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
*important to confirm resistance
the min. amt. of Ab to get results
kill organism
stop growth
Muller-Hinton agar
pH 7.2-7.4
4mm depth (important b/c its effect on diffusion)
low levels of thymine & thymidine & controlled levels of Ca & Mg = required to produce a correct zone diameters with the Abs used
Store @ 2-8*C
Factors that influence disk diffusion susceptibility tests
Excess surface moisture on medium
Agar depth
Disc potency
Inoculum concentration
B-lactamase production by test organisms
Do not use plates if they show:
Microbe contamination
Excess shrinkage (desiccation) may lead to false suseptibility results
How does depth affect diffusion of Ab?
Thick agar = slows lateral diffusion & produces smaller zones than plates held to the 4mm standard
Inoculation for Kirby-Bauer test is made with a broth culture diluted to match what?
A 0.5 McFarland turbidity standard
McFarland Turbidity Standard
comparison of McFarland turbidity
Has a specific concentration of precipitated barium sulfate to produce turbidity
Reached b/f inoculating the plate
McFarland standard
0.5 McFarland
1.5 x 10^8 cells/mL
Disk dispenser
contains a specified amt of Ab agent (printed on disk) dispensed into plate
Kirby-Bauer test Advantages
Allows determination of the most effective Ab to disease
Kirby-Bauer test Disadvantages
takes 24 hr turn around
doesn't indicated the dose needed to kill/inhibit the pathogen long enough for the immune system to work
Resistance mechanisms
Break down in 3 main categories:
1. altered target such that the Ab no longer can interact with the cellular process
2. alteration in how the drug is taken into the cell
3. enzymatic destruction of the drug
Antibiotics affect on cells
1. attack cell wall
3. interfere with biosynthesis rxns
Cellular target
prevents peptide bond formation during translation
Resistance mechanism
1. poor uptake of drug
2. inactivation of drug
Cellular target
interferes with DNA replication
Resistance Mechanism
1. Altered target
2. Poor uptake of drug
Cellular Target
inhibits purine and pyrimidine synthesis
Resistance mechanism
1. altered target
S >16
I 11-15
R <10
Cellular target
inhibits cross-linking of the cell wall's peptidoglycan (b-lactam Ab)
Narrow spectrum
Resistance mechanism
1.altered target
2.poor uptake of drug
3.production of B-lactamases
S >29
R < 28
Chemical germicides
reduce # of pathogens on a surface, in a liquid, or on/in living tissue
designed for use on surfaces
germicides designed for use on surfaces
germicides designed for use on/in living tissue
Use-Dilution Test
standard procedure used to measure the effectiveness of disinfectants specifically against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enteric serovar Cholerasuis, & Pseidomonas aeruginosa
*Standard procedure: glass beads exposed to bacteria, then germicides and medium to grow (test effectiveness of germicide)
Sufficient germicide
prevents 95% microbial growth
*meets required standard
*considered usable dilution of that germicide for a specific application if 95%