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88 Cards in this Set

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Five parts of compound light microscope

Ocular- eye piece- 10x

Revolving nose piece w objectives

Stage control levers

Fine and course adjustment knobs

Iris diaphragm lever


Scanning 5x

Low power 10x

High power 45 x

Oil immersion 100x

Total magnification of objectives

Scanning 50x

Low power 100x

High power 450x

Oil immersion 1000 x

Par focal definition

If the microscope is in focus one 1 objective it should stay in focus for all objectives

Three bacterial morphologies

Cocci, bacilli, spiral

Bacterial arrangements

Strepto- chains

Staphylo- grape like clusters

Diplo -2


Sarcinae-cube like pack of 8

Study the genus and species names of a given bacteria and be able to define them

Staphylococcus aureus means cluster of cocci that are gold in color

Study the genus and species names of a given bacteria and be able to define them

Staphylococcus aureus means cluster of cocci that are gold in color

Why do we use pure culture in the lab

If you're studying one specific bacteria you don't want other types of bacteria invading your culture. If you're looking at a disease you need a pure culture to determine what best antibiotic could fight that organism.

Why do we use a septic techniques in the lab

Done to protect ourselves. To protect the environment. To not contaminate the bacteria with other bacteria. To maintain a pure culture

Aseptic definition

Absence of organisms that may cause contamination or disease. Sterile means completely devoid of life

What would we use for a septic a transfer from a salad?

And inoculating needle

What would we use for a septic a transfer from a liquid

An. Inoculating loop

Know the difference between a graduated pipettes and a pipette pump

graduated pipettes is marked for measurements. The pump is the blue thing used to suck the liquid up


Trypticase soy broth


Means it's cloudy with bacteria

Estimate 10 million bacterial cells per ml

Alcohol a flaming a tech nique

Apply alcohol on the forceps, run it through the flame horizontally, keep alcohol away from the burner, let it burn off and repeat three times

Algae, kingdom Protista

Genera, spirogyra, ulothrix, oedogonium, chlamydomonas, volvox


Filamentous green algae commonly found in water. Chloroplasts are spirally arranged.


Filamentous algae found in fresh and marine water. Thrive in low temps and spring and winter


Filamentous green algae found in freshwater


Fresh and marine water algae, unicellular, two flagella


Freshwater Algae found and ponds and ditches. Adult colonies and daughter colonies

Algae, kingdom Protista

Genus to know

Spirigrya, ulothrix, oedogonium, chlamydomonas, volvox


Kingdom Protista

Single or multicellular organisms w cell wall. Live in water, undergo photosynthesis

Brownian movement

Just moving randomly

True motility

Moves towards something or in one direction


Positive or negative, moving towards or away from light


Moving towards or away from chemicals


Moving towards or away from oxygen

Cyanobacteria, monera

Prokaryotic photosynthetic

Know oscillatoria





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Nitrogen fixation

Gas vacuole

Natural flotation

Pathogenic Bacteria to know

Treponema Pallidum-syphilis

Neisseria Gonnorheae- gonorrhea

Clostridium sp- tetani, botulinum, perfingens, difficle (Tetanus, botulism, gangrene, pseudomembranous colitis


Treponema Pallidum

Primary, secondary, tertiary, and neurosyphilis


Clostridium Botulinum

food poisoning. muscle paralysis



Clostridium tetani

tetanospasm is neurotoxin


muscle spasms

from rusty nail

gas gangrene

clostridium perfringens

damages tissues, blood cells, and blood vessels

need for amputation

c diff (pseudomembranous colitis)

Antibiotic associated diarrhea

clostridium diffcile

spore locations to know



terminal with an enlarged sporangium


are within chain

for nitrogen fixation

gas vacuoles

are at end of chain, for flotation

Protozoans -protista

single celled eukaryotic organisms

no cell wall

most are motile


obtain energy and carbon from organic matter


cell eating


cell drinking


free living, feeding, motile form of protozoan


dormant resistant form of protozoan

found during periods of environmental stress

4 taxonomic groups based on motility

sarcodina- amoeboid motion. sends out psuedopods (false foot)

Mastogophora- travel by flagella (long slender fillamentous strands)

Ciliata-move by cilia (short and numerous strands)

Sporozoa-non motile

protozoans to know

Stentor-tornado shaped, whirl of cilia around the top, king of the ciliates.

Chaos chaos- ameoba- sarcodina

Euglena- long slender-each have flagella-only green one

paramecium- long, oblong, ciliated, move fast

blepharisma- similar to paramecium but with a bie taken out, its mouth

actinosepharium- sun animal. spikes are pseudopods. used to catch prey. Sarcodina

pathogenic protozoans to know and disease they cause Giardia Lamblia

giardiasis, water born diarrhea, cell shaped like light bulb w 2 nuclei

4 pairs of flagella

giardiasis, water born diarrhea, cell shaped like light bulb w 2 nuclei

4 pairs of flagella

Entameoba histolytica

amoebic dysentary, lysis of tissues, bloody diarrhea,

trichamonas vaginalis

vaginitis turnip shaped cell w large nucleus and 2 flagella

trypansoma gambiensa

long protozoans with flagella

vector is the tse tse fly

causes trypansomiasis

african sleeping sickness

plasmodium vivox


lives inside rbcs

looks like a diamond ring


bacterial are ________ charged


principle of staining

unlike charges attract and like charges repel. would use a basic stain for bacteria since it is positively charged

simple stain

crystal violet or methylane blue

rinse with water

can identify morphology and arrangement

gram stain

hans christian gram

most important in bacteriology

gram + has thick peptidoglycan cell wall

gram - has thin peptidoglycan cell wall

process of gram staining

crystal violet

grams iodine is mordant

alcohol for 1 sec and then 3 secs


gram postive is purple

gram negative is red

acid fast stain

used for genus mycobacterium bc they have wax and lipid in cell wall (mycolic acid)


the ionic component of a dye that imparts color to the cell

can be positive or negative

bacterial stains are positively charged to attract to negatively charged bacteria

two basic smple dyes we use

crystal violet and methylane blue

simple stains identify?

morphology and arrangement

differential stains?

gram stain

acid fast stain

mycobacterium and nocardia genera are

acid fast

acid fast can help diagnose?

tb and leprosy

acid fast cell walls contain

lipoidal mycolic acid

spore forming bacteria?

clostridium and bacillus

reagents used in acid fast staining

carbolfuchsin, acid alcohol, methylane blue

study stuudy study

gotta get an A


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Chaos chaos

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Giardia lamlia-giardiasis

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Entamoeba histolytica- amoebic dystentary

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Trypanosoma gambiensa

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Trypanosomiasis African sleeping sickness tsetse fly

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Trichamonas vaginalis

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