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15 Cards in this Set

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The domain of life that contains prokaryotic cells with cell walls that lack peptidoglycan;

They have unique lipids in their membranes and archaeal rRna (among many differences)
The domain of life that contains prokaryotic cells with cell walls that contain the structural molecule peptidoglycan

They have bacterial rRna
The domain of life that features organisms made of cells that have a membrane-delimited nucleus and differ in many other ways from prokaryotic cells.

Includes protists, fungi, plants and animals
A diverse group of microorganisms that range from unicellular forms (yeasts) to multicellular molds and mushrooms
Koch's postulates
a set of rules of proving that a specific microorganism causes a particular disease
Study of organisms that are usually to small to be seen with the naked eye; special techniques are required to isolate and grow them.
An organism that is too small to be seen clearly with the naked eye and lacks highly differentiated cells and distinct tissues.
infectious agents that cause spongiform encephalopathies such as scrapie in sheep

Composed of only protein
Prokaryotic cell
cells that lack a true, membrane-enclosed nucleus; Bacteria and Archaea are prokaryotic and have their genetic material located in a nuceleoid
Mostly unicellular eukaryotic organisms that lack cellular differentiation into tissues; cell differentiation is limited to cells involved in sexual reproduction, alternate vegetative morphology, or resting states such as cysts, includes organisms often referred to as algae and protozoa.
spontaneous generation
An early belief, now discredited, that living organisms could develop from non-living matter
infectious agents composed of only single-stranded, circular RNA, they cause numerous plant diseases
Infectious agents having a simple acellular organization with a protein coat and a nucleic acid genome, lacking independent metabolism, and reproducing only within living host cells
Infectious agents composed only of single-stranded RNA; they are unable to replicate without the aid of specific viruses that connect the host cell.
Koch's Postulates
1) The microorganism must be present in every case of the disease but absent from healthy individuals.

2) The suspected microorganism must be isolated and grown in pure culture

3) The same disease must result when the isolated organism is inoculated into a healthy host
4) The same organism must be isolated again from the diseased host