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52 Cards in this Set

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Diagnostically useful fungal antigens:
Histoplasma capsulatum surface antigens
Candida albicans enolase
Diagnostically useful fungal antigens:
Galactoxylomannan: Cryptococcus neoformans
Histoplasma capsulatum surface antigens: Histoplasma capsulatum
Candida albicans enolase: Candida albicans
Galactomanna: Aspergillus fumigatus
Diagnostically useful fungal antigens:
Cryptococcus neoformans
Histoplasma capsulatum
Candida albicans
Aspergillus fumigatus
Diagnostically useful fungal antigens:
Cryptococcus neoformans: Galactoxylomannan
Histoplasma capsulatum: Histoplasma capsulatum surface antigens
Candida albicans: Candida albicans enolase
Aspergillus fumigatus: galactomannan
Name 3 pathogenic species of Aspergillus.
A. fumigatus
A. flavus
A. niger
Morphology of Aspergillus?
Narrow septate hyphae branching at acute angles.
This condition, in which Aspergillus mold colonizes the airway wihtout invasion, is characterized by marked allergic response (mucus impaction, peripheral eosinophilia, and reactive airways.) The inflammaotry response can be sufficiently severe to cause hemoptysis and eventaul bronchiectasis. This is often seen in patients with ectopic history or patients with cystic fibrosis. The diagnosis can be supported with tests for serum anti-Aspergillus IgE.
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis

NOTE: In addition to A. fumigatus, A flavus is a common cause of ABPA.
What is the colon color?
- A. fumigatus
- A. flavus
- A. niger
- A. fumigatus: dark green
- A. flavus: yellow
- A. niger: black (only on top, white on bottom)
Name 3 pathogenic Zygomycetes.

What are the common properties of Zygomycetes?
1. Rhizopus
2. Mucor
3. Absidia

Common properties: Broad, aseptate hyphae, branching at 90 degree angles
Name 3 major genera of dermatophytes.
This Aspergillus species has circumferential phialides and resembles a lollipop.
A. flavus
This Aspergillus species has a single row of phialides, each of which gives rise to a chain of coniia that cover only the top of the vesicle.
A. fumigatus
This Aspergillus species has heavily pigmented conidia.
A. niger
This Zygomycete produces rhizoids and sporangiophores that arise nodally (directly over the rhioids). Their sporangia are prominent shperical strucutres full of tiny spores which tend to colapse when mature resembling a collapsed umbrella.
This Zygomycete produces rhizoids but its sporangiophores arise internodally (between rhizoids). Their sporangia are prominent spherical structures.
This Zygomycete does not produce rhizoids. Their sporangia are large spherical structures that tend to fall apart, releasing their numerous spores.
What is the medical treatment for mucormycosis? (Infection with a Zygomycte)
Amphotericin B
This dermatophyte has macroconidia which are spindle-shaped structures with pointed and somewhat upturned ends and transverse septae.
Microsporum canis
This dermatophyte has oval macroconidia with plunt ends and transverse septae.
Microsporum gypseum
This dermatophyte has macroconidia which are club-shaped with transverse septae. Microconidia are never produced.
Epidermophyton flocosum
This dermatophyte has tear-shaped microconidia spaced along the hyphae, giving a birds-on-a-wire appearance.
Trichophyton rubrum
This dermatophyte has microconidia arranged in grape-like-clusters and occasional spiral hyphae.
Trichophyton mentagrophytes
This dermatophyte has marked size and shape variability in microconidia.
Trichophyton tonsurans.
Which Candida species is fluconazole susceptible?
Candida albicans. Most other Candidas are resistant to fluconazole.
This Candida species has characteristic blastoconidia and chlamydospores. The tight clusters of blastoconidia are arranged at set intervals along the length of pseudohyphae, and chlamydospores are found at the termini of pseudohyphae.
C. albicans
This Candida species does not produce pseudohyphae.
Candida glabrata
This Candida species has short, curving pseudohyphae with round to oval blastoconidia.
C. parapsilosis
This Candida species has multibranched pseudohyphae, blastoconidia borne singly or in chains form along pseudohyphae.
C. tropicalis
This Candida species has short, curved pseudohyphae with blastoconidia at or between septae.
C. lusitaniae
This Candida species has branching pseudohyphae with elongated blastoconidia.
C. krusei
Which Candida species is positive for the germ tube test?
C. albicans
What are the two main pathogens in the Cryptococcus genus?
C. neoformans
C. gattii
India ink is used to show the polysaccharide capsule of this organism.
Is Cryptococcus budding narrow or broad based?
Can be interpreted as either due to the polysaccharide capsule. The key feature to observe in tissues is the size variability of Crypotococci. Small ones can be as small as Histoplasma capsulatum and large ones can be as big as Blastomyces dermatitidis. In cultures the organisms grow as yeasts surrounded by even spaces (due to the capsule)
Which Cryptococcus is associated with pigeon droppings and soil?
Cryptococcus neoformans
Which Cryptococcus is associated with Eucalyptus trees in Australia, Southern California, and Pacific Northwest.
Cryptococcus gattii
Which fungus has a "spaghetti and meatballs" morphology?
Malassezia furfur
Name 6 clinically significant dimorphic fungi.
Coccidioides immitis
Blastomyces dermatitidis
Histoplasma capsulatum
Sporothrix schenckii
Paracoccidioides braziliensis
This dimorphic fungus has a worldwide distribution, most frequently found in gardens and plant material. Inoculation occurs via trauma resulting in local inflammation and spread via lymphatics.
Sporothrix schenckii
This dimorphic fungus grows as black mold. Microscopically the mold form is characterized by "florettes" of conidia. The yeast form is composed of 2-5 micrometer elongated cigar shaped forms with narrow-based budding.
Sporothrix schenckii
This dimorphic fungus can be seen as small intracellular organisms with narrow-based budding in histiocytes.
Histoplasma capsulatum
This dimorphic fungus is most commonly found in the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys where it is found in soil contaminated by feces from chickens, birds, and bats.
Histoplasma capsulatum
The geographic region for Histoplasma capsulatum?
Ohio and Mississippi River Valleys
The mold form of this dimorphic fungus has spiked macroconidia with mariner wheel morpholgoy.
Histoplasma capsulatum
This dimorphic fungus is found in dogs of the Eastern US, eastern Midwest, and Africa.
Blastomyces dermatitidis
This dimorphic fungus appears as fairly uniform, 8-12 micrometer yeasts with broad-based budding.
Blastomyces dermatitidis
This dimorphic fungus initially affects lungs, but can disseminate and preferentially involves skin and bone.
Blastomyces dermatitidis
Which is the most dangerous dimorphic to have in the lab?
Coccidioides immitis
This dimorphic fungus is found in California, Texas, and Arizona.
Coccidioides immitis
What is the geographic distribution of Coccidioides immitis?
California, Texas, and Arizona
People with what ABO blood group are more at risk for disseminated Coccidioides immitis infection?
Type B
This dimorphic fungus has a mariner's wheel appearance of yeast forms.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
This dimorphic fungus is endemic to Central and South America.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
What is the geographic distribution of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis?
Central and South America