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45 Cards in this Set

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What is the principle of the catalase test? 
 See if org has catalase enzyme which converts H2O2 into H2O + O2 (look for the O2 bubbles)
What is the principle of the tube coagulase test? 
 See if the bug has free coag. if yes
What is the principle of the slide coagulase test? 
 See if the bug has bound coag. If yes
What is the principle of the DNAse Toluidine blue method? 
 See if the bug has the enzyme. If yes
What is the principle of the HCL flood plate DNAse test? 
 intact DNA is cloudy. if bug has DNase
What is the principle of the CAMP test? 
 see if the bug has CAMP which interacts with staph hemolysin.
What is the principle of the latex agglutination acid method? 
 add acid
What is the principle of the latex agglutination enzyme extraction method? 
 use pronase B enzyme + test isolate. incubate
What is the principle of the PYR test? 
 look to see if bug has PYR enzyme which turns Sutter's reagent (cinnamaldehyde) into B-naphthylamine (pink)
What is the principle of the hippurate test? 
 see if the bug can use hippurate to form glycine which interacts with ninhydrin to form a purple complex.
What constitutes a positive result in the columbia agar deep test? what bug is positive for this test? 
 Orange pigment in the stab line (used the excess starch in the media); gr B strep
Where do you incubate the Optochin/Taxo P test? What result is considered 'S'? 'R'? 
 CO2 incubator; = 14 is susceptible
What is the principle of the bile solubility test? 
 see if the organism can dissolve in bile
What is the principle of the BEA test? how much bile is in this media? 
 see if the bug can withstand 40% bile; see if the bug can hydrolyze esculin to esculetin.
What is the principle of the NaCl test? 
 see if the bug can withstand salt.
What is the principle of the VP test? 
 see which path bug uses. looking for acetoin (neutral) from butylene glycol path. + = red
What are the 2 reagents for VP? 
 alpha naphthol & KOH
What specific indicator is used in the VP test? 
 methyl red
What is the principle of the decarboxylase test? which indicator is used? 
 see if the bug can remove the COOH group to form an amine (basic). uses bromcresol purple
What is the principle of the TSI test? 
 see if the bug can ferment glu + sucrose/lactose
What is the principle of the citrate test? 
 see if the bug can use citrate as its sole carbon source and ammonium as its sole nitrogen source.
what is the principle of the SIM test? 
 see if the bug produces sulfur
What reagent is used to detect indole production? 
What is the principle of the oxidase test? 
 see if the bug has cytochrome oxidase enzyme. if present
What is the principle of the adonitol test? what is considered pos? what indicator is used? 
 see if the bug can ferment adonitol. uses phenol red. yellow = pos
what is the principle of the PD test? what reagent must be added? 
 see if the bug can break down phenylalanine into phenylpyruvic keto acid; ferric chloride
what is the principle of the urease test? what is the indicator? 
 see if the bug has urease enzyme which hydrolzes urea into ammonia. phenol red indicator
what is the principle of the nitrate reduction test? what reagents are added? 
 see if the bug can reduce nitrate to nitrite or further. sulfanilic acid
What is the principle of using Tinsdale media? 
 see if the bug can use turn the potassium tellurite into metallic tellurite.
What temps do you set up motility tests for suspected Listeria? 
 25 & 37 degrees
What is the principle of the porphyrin test? what is it aka? 
 see if bug makes porphobilinogen or porphyrin. aka ALA test
How do you detect porphobilinogen in ALA test? how do you detect poryphrin? 
 porphyrin w/ wood's lamp. porphobilinogen w/ Kovac's
when do you use CTA sugars? 
 when you are dealing w/ more fastidious bugs and want to see what sugars they use (yellow = pos)
what is the principle of the butyrate esterase test? 
 see if the bug has the enzyme which hydrolyzes tributyrin to indoxyl
what is the principle of the OF media? what is the conc of peptones & carbs 
 see if ur bug is a fermenter or non-fermenter or asacchrolytic; peptones to carb in 1:5 ratio
What modification is made for NFBs for urease test? 
 use Christensens enriches urea media
What modification is made for indole test for NFBs? 
 use enrichmed media or add a thin layer of chloroform or xylene to the top.
What modification is made for the decarboxylation test for NFBs? 
 heavier inoculum
What modification is made for the esculin test for NFBs? 
 don't use BEA b/c bile kills NFBs. plant bug w/ esculin
Which bug do you do reverse CAMP test for? 
 Clostridium perfringens
Which bug shows DZBH on Bru media? 
 Clostridium perfringens
What does PEA media inhibit? 
 swarmers like proteus
What is the principle of the lecithinase test? which media is used? 
 EYA media. see if bug has enzyme which breaks lecithin down into insoluble diglycerides (ppt out)
What is the principle of the lipase test? which media is used? 
 EYA media. see if bug has enzyme which breaks fatty acids down into glycerol & insoluble free fatty acids
What Abx are used in HPOT? What zone is considered 'R'? 