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106 Cards in this Set

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A typical prokaryote cell contains how many chromosomes?
The basic building block of a DNA molecule is the...
The observable physical traits of an organism are collectively referred to as its ....
Physical starts with "PH".
An organism's genetic makeup is it's ....
There are four nitrogenous bases found in DNA. What are they?
Adenine, thymine, Cytosine, and Guanine.
In a DNA molecule thymine is always paired with ______ and guanine is always paired with ______.
thymine is always paired with ADENINE and guanine is always paired with CYTOSINE.
When DNA molecules are replicated, each strand serves as a _____ for the synthesis of the other.
the point at which the two DNA strands separate to allow replication of DNA on a prokaryotic chromosome are known as _______.
The replication forks.
The enzyme ______ moves behind replication forks, synthesizing new DNA strands complementary to the parent strands.
DNA polymerase.
space aged ____.
hint: what is it synthesizing?
It doesn't do it in fragments. It is continuous like creating a zipper to the parent strand.
New DNA molecules contain one half old material and one half new. Their synthesis is therefore called ______.
The three forms of RNA are ____, ____, and ____.
mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA.
The smallest of the RNA molecules is _____, each of which transports a single type of ______ for protein synthesis.
tRNA -
amino acid.
___ molecules combine with specific amino acids and bring them to the ____ during translation.
tRNA -
keyword = bring
The genes of prokaryotes (bacteria) do NOT contain ____, whereas those of eukaryotes almost always do. When these noncoding regions are removed from the precursor mRNA, the remaining _____ form the mature or final mRNA molecule.
EXONS form the mature/final mRNA molecule.
no interns.
Exit is final.
In the overall protein synthesis process, the formation of mRNA from a DNA template is called ______.
RX drug = mRNA
perscription = DNA
Synthesizing sheet music.
the synthesis of a protein molecule from information in mRNA from a DNA template is called _____.
Messenger "writes" a messege.
A ______ is one set of three nucleotides on "mRNA" that codes for a particular amino acid. A(n) _____ is the complementary set of nucleotides on "tRNA".
Remember that the bottom carrier part of mRNA displays three letters which is called a ___.
Only complements the process.
In eukaryotes transcription takes place in the _____, and translation generally occurs in the ______.
cytoplasm at the ribosome.
The initiator (start) codon is what three letters and which codon? Which amino acid does it codes for?
AUG, Missense
The initiator starts in what month?
The last codon in a mRNA molecule that specifies the end of a protein molecule is known as a _____ codon.
Enzymes that are always produced by the cell under all conditions are called ____.
keyword = always.
Justice for "ALL" conditions.
Enzymes that are produced only when certain conditions exist are called ____.
inducible enzymes.
keyword - "Certain" conditions. NOT "ALL" conditions. Need a super hero only under certain conditions.
A permanent change in a DNA molecule is called a ____.
A ____ mutation affects a single nitrogenous base, and ____ mutation can affect more than one base in DNA.
base constitution (point mutation),
Frameshift. Think of the ladder. A point mutation effects one rung (nitrogen base) whereas a Frameshift effects multple rungs (nitrogenous bases).
The substitution of one nitrogenous base for another at a specific location in a gene occurs in a ____ mutation. Three types of point mutations are ____, ____, and ____.
Base or Point mutation,
missense, nonsense, and silent.
keywords = "SPECIFIC" Keyword = nitro. "BASE"
In frameshift mutation there is either a ____ or an ____ of one or more bases.
Frameshifting positions to place it inside.
Wild-type strains that often have the ability to grow on a minimal medium are called ____. If this ability is lost, the organism becomes an_____.
Wild type = proto types
Ability = "A" =
____ mutations occur in the absence of any agent known to cause mutations.
keyword - absence.
The absence of anything causing a mutation. It just suddenly happens for no reason. Like a person catching fire.
Substances that increase mutation rates are called ____.
Could be chemical or radiation.
Cancer causing compounds are referred to as ____.
Notice all the letter "C's".
Car go beep-beep.
The Ames test identifies substances as mutagenic by their ability to induce mutations in certain bacteria that are unable to synthesize the amino acid _____.
Ames is historic.
Keyword - Historic is word similar to ??
What is the function of the PCR procedure?
.. to make multiple copies of DNA.
____ is the combining of genes (DNA) from two different cells.
The first method of genetic transfer between bacteria is called ____.
transformation - because a parent creates daughter cells.
keyword = transfer
It is the first process.
Two methods of genetic transfer between bacteria are ____, which requires cell-to-cell contact, and ____ which involves bacteriophages being mixed with a host bacteria.
a prison visit
and to be pulled underground.
A bacterial virus that does not cause the death of its host but becomes incorporated into the host's DNA is called a ____ phage.
Lysogenic - prophage.
Phage DNA that is incorporated into a baterial host's DNA is known as a ____.
in-corporation =
____ is the state in which a prophage persists within a bacterial host without replication or without host cell destruction.
Lysogeny. When the host is NOT destroyed as is the case in a Lytic cycle.
keyword = "state"
____ is the genetic transfer in which much larger DNA quantities can be transferred than in transduction.

Transduction transfers smaller DNA quantities.
Generally circular, self-replicating, small extra-chromosomal DNA molecules are known as ____.
Circular = vinyl record
Going platnum.
These are called "jumping genes" ____.
Trampoline jumping.
A segment of DNA that encodes a funtional product, usually a protein.
encodes "funtional" wear.
Here is my product I want to mass produce.
DNA basically consists of ___, ___, and ___.
Sugar, phosphate, and nitogen base held together with a hydrogen bond.
DNA is copied by ____.
DNA polymerase which moves along the Parent side just after the replication forks.
a spaced aged ___.
The joining of DNA fragments by DNA polymerase is called ___.
DNA Ligase. Okazaki fragments.
This enzyme copies RNA from a DNA template.
RNA polymerase.
The template is made of spaced age polymers with RNA.
Keyword = "copies"
RNA enzyme that removes introns and splices exons together.
what do you get when you cross ribosome with an enzyme
The synthesis of a strand of RNA from DNA is a process called ____.
sythesis of RNA always occurs with mRNA in mind.
It goes hand-in-hand with "rewriting".
Transcription occurs in the ___ of Eukaryotes and ___ or prokaryotes.
Protein synthesis is called ___ because it involves decoding the language of nucleic acids and converting that information into the language of proteins.
Keywords = decoding the "language"
Coding regions that code for protein; expressed.
intervening Noncoding regions of DNA that don't encode protein; inhibited (cut-out).
Keyword = cut-out like an intern who is not really part of the company.
Bacteria only have ____ not ____.
Introns. Bacteria do not have introns.
bacteria have gas.
____ are a three-nucleotide sequence that encodes an amino acid or signifies a start signal or stop signal.
Three ply so she can't get pregnant.
Translation of mRNA begins or initializes from a _____. It is the beginning of translation.
START condon: AUG; Missense
Keyword: "begins" synonomys with ___.
Summer month.
Tranlation ENDS at the ____.
NONSENSE (stop) codon:
Oh, that's a bunch of ___.
Remove introns and splice the exons together.
When two tRNA are near one another inside a ribosome a ____ forms.
Peptide bond forms.
A long chain called a ___ is pieced together as each tRNA assembles amino acids then enters/departs.
Polypeptide chain. Like knitting a sweater.
A stop codon/nonsense mutation releases the newly formed polypeptide chain.
keyword = chain
Agents such as chemicals and radiation that directly or indirectly bring about mutations is called.
what is a catalyst for any mutation?
Base substitutions or point mutation:
A mutation that will result in a change of the amino acid is called.
Missense mutation. It's not a nonsense (stop) mutation nor a silent mutation so it's obviously the only one left, a missense mutation.
"change" is a mistake.
This mutation results for a stop codon.
Nonsense mutation.
keyword = nonsense.
Mutation that doesn't effect amino acids also the most common as it occurs in all of us.
Silent mutation.
The most severe mutation causing the production of an inactive protein.
Frameshift mutation.
Similar to text:
the cat ate the rat.
theatatetherat... is missing a piece of information.
Causes the formation of ions that can react with nucleotides and the deoxyribose-phosphate backbone.
Ionizing radiation:
X-rays and Gamma rays.
Ions is the keyword.
UV light is nonionizing (260nm) yet cause ___. Although cell can usually repair it.
Thymines in a DNA strand to cross-link to form Thymine Dimers.
linking Coins.
Mutant having a nutritional requirement "absent" of Parent that must be "synthesized" in order to grow is called a ____.
Keyword - synthesized (synthesizer makes sound).
Nutritional sound. It lives on sound.
The exchange of genes between two DNA molecules to form new combinations on a chromosome.
Gentic recombination.
keyword = Genes
keyword = combinations
keyword = exchange
Encapsulated bacteria mixed with noncapsulated shared DNA. Dead, heat-killed encapsulated bacteria, although dead, may release their DNA while a live noncapsulated bacteria may utilize pieces of it's chromosome resulting in the live bacteria's ____.
Gentic transformation.
What transforms?
The dead bacteria no longer need their pair of genes so the live bacteria wears their genes.
1- Cell to cell contact
2- Opposite mating type; donor must carry plasmid while recipient does not.
These are requirements for ___.
Conjugation requirements.
Circular piece of DNA that replicates independently from cell's chromosome and not typically essential for cell growth.
F+ = plasmid donor/carrier
F- = recipient
keyword = circular = vinyl record
going platnum.
Bacteria DNA is transferred from a donor cell to a recipient cell with a virus that only infects bacteria is a called ____.
Keywords = bacteria DNA
Self replicating extra-chromosomal DNA are called ____.
Self replicating like validating.
Hey Blood.
Carrier genes for sex pili. Also transfer of the plasmid.
Conjugative plasmid.
Carries jeans following a physical visit in platnum prison.
These encode enzymes for catabolism of unusual compounds; unusual sugars.
Dissimilation plasmids.
Unusual; not similar.
Encode antibiotic resistance - plasmids
keyword - resistance starts with "R".
Reilly factor.
Jumping genes; Cutting and reseating; may move from one site on a chromosome to another or to another plasmid. Segments of DNA that can move from one region of DNA to another.
Keyword - jumping genes.
A strand of DNA is a long string of ____.
A nucleotide consists of a sugar, Phosphate, and nitrogen.
Long tsunami
The place through which protein is assembled (protein assembly line) or where mRNA is fed is the ____.
Each group of three bases in mRNA that code for the production of an _____ is called a codon.
Amino acid.
mRNA = "m" stands for meaty as in protein as in =
In a DNA strand, the rungs of the 'ladder' are made of ____.
nitrogen bases
Sugar, Phosphate, and ____.
In a DNA strand, the sides of backbone of the 'ladder' are made up of _____ and ____.
sugar and phosphate
What materials make up each nucleotide in a DNA molecule?
nitrogen bases, sugar, phosphate
A ___ is a set of instructions for each trait, instructions on how to make a protein and a portion of a strand of DNA
Instructions on how to strut that stuff. Now that's a trait.
The organism's appearance is known as its ____.
Ph for physical appearance.
The inherited combination of basic attritibutes is known as the offspring's ___.
basic attributes are keywords.
The set of instructions for each characteristic donated by the parent to the offspring is called __.
Parent's characteristics. You have your mother's ____. Not a physical trait.
Self replicating DNA that is used to carry the desired gene to a new cell.
Vector. A plasmid is a Vector.
The population of cells arising from one cell; each carries the new gene. The new cells are a ___ of the original cell.
What two organisms are used the most in genetic engineering?
E. Coli
Sacharomyces Cerevisiae.
What do restriction enzymes do?
1-cut specific sequences of DNA.
2-Protect cell by hydrolyzing phage DNA.
3-Cuts or digests one articular sequence of nucleotide bases in DNA and cuts it the same way each time.
4-Destroy bacteriophage DNA in bacterial cells.
5-They cannot digest hosts DNA with methylated cytosines.
What is the purpose of PCR?
To make multiple copies of of a piece of DNA.
electrical current forms pores in cell's membranes.
Exons are ___.
introns are ___.
DNA that code for protein
DNA that don't code for protein
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is commonly used as ____.
bakers yeast.
In Eukaryotes translation generally occurs in the ______.
cytoplasma at the ribosome.
Mutation that doesn't effect amino acids.
Silent mutation. It occurs in all of us.
Transferring process of DNA from a donor to a recipient cell by a bacteriophage.
"Transfer" of DNA from a donor to a recipient as naked DNA in solution.
Feedback inhibition differs from repression because feedback inhibition....
Stops the action of preexisting enzymes.
Bacteria can acquire antibiotic resistance by all of the following except ____.
snRNPs or ribozymes.

But It can through R-factors.
Plasmids differ from Transposons because plasmids .....
are self replicated outside the chromosome.
Restriction enzymes were first discovered with the observation that .....
phage DNA is destroyed in a host cell.
Which is the forth basic step to genetically modify a cell?
Self-replicating DNA for "transmitting" a gene from one organism to another.
A population of cells carrying a desired plasmid.