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145 Cards in this Set

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prokaryotic cells - genetic material
usually found in single circular chromosome
prokaryotic cells - location of genetic information
nuclear region (nucleoid)
prokaryotic cells - nucleolus
prokaryotic cells - histones
prokaryotic cells - extrachromosomal dna
in plasmids
prokaryotic cells - mitotic spindle
prokaryotic cells - plasma membrane
fluid mosaic structure lacking sterols
prokaryotic cells - internal membranes
only in photosynthetic organisms
prokaryotic cells - endoplasmic reticulum
prokaryotic cells - respiratory enzymes
cell membrane
prokaryotic cells - chromatophores
present in photosynthetic bacteria
prokaryotic cells - chloroplasts
prokaryotic cells - golgi apparatus
prokaryotic cells - lysosomes
prokaryotic cells - peroxisomes
prokaryotic cells - ribosomes
prokaryotic cells - cytoskeleton
prokaryotic cells - cell wall
peptidoglycan found on most cells
prokaryotic cells - external layer
capsule or slime player
prokaryotic cells - flagella
when present, consist of fibrils of flagellin
prokaryotic cells - cilia
prokaryotic cells - pili
present as attachment or conjugation pili in some prokaryotic cells
prokaryotic cells - cell division
binary fission
prokaryotic cells - sexual exchange of genetic material
not part of reproduction
prokaryotic cells - sexual or asexual reproduction
only asexual reproduction
eukaryotic cells - genetic material
typically found in paired chromosomes
eukaryotic cells - location of genetic information
membrane-enclosed nucleus
eukaryotic cells - nucleolus
eukaryotic cells - histones
eukaryotic cells - extrachromosomal dna
in organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts, and in plasmids
eukaryotic cells - mitotic spindle
present during cell division
eukaryotic cells - plasma membrane
fluid mosaic structure containing sterols
eukaryotic cells - internal membranes
numerous membrane-enclosed organelles
eukaryotic cells - endoplasmic reticulum
eukaryotic cells - respiratory enzymes
eukaryotic cells - chromatophores
eukaryotic cells - chloroplasts
present in some
eukaryotic cells - golgi apparatus
eukaryotic cells - lysosomes
eukaryotic cells - peroxisomes
eukaryotic cells - ribosomes
80S in cytoplasm and on endoplasmic reticulum, 70S in organelles
eukaryotic cells - cytoskeleton
eukaryotic cells - cell wall
cellulose, chitin, or both found on plant and fungal cells
eukaryotic cells - external layer
pellicle, test, or shell in certain protists
eukaryotic cells - flagella
when present, consist of complex membrane-enclosed structure with "9+2" microtubule arrangement
eukaryotic cells - cilia
present as structures shorter than, but similar to, flagella in some eukaryotic cells
eukaryotic cells - pili
eukaryotic cells - cell division
mitosis and/or meiosis
eukaryotic cells - sexual exchange of genetic material
eukaryotic cells - sexual or asexual reproduction
sexual or asexual reproduction
all prokaryotes are
eukaryotes include
all plants, animals, fungi, and protists
name of two prokaryotic domains
arachea and bacteria
do arachea cause disease?
not as far as we know at this point
average range of size of prokaryotes
0.5 to 2.0 micrometers in diameter
bacteria, surface-to-volume ratio
three basic shapes of bacteria
spherical, rodlike, and spiral
rigid, wavy shape
corkscrew shaped
division in one plane; cells in pairs
division in one plane; cells in chains
division in two planes; four cells arranged in a cube
division in three planes; eight cells arranged in a cube
division in random planes; grapelike clusters
purpose of cell wall
maintains characteristic shape and prevents cell from bursting when fluids flow into the cell via osmosis
peptidoglycan is also called
most important component of bacterial cell wall
teichoic acid
outer membrane
bilayer membrane found on outermost layer of cell wall in gram-negative bacteria
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) aka
important part of outer membrane that is not released until cell walls of dead bacteria are broken down
LPS composition
polysaccharaides and lipid A (lipid A conveys toxic properties)
periplasmic space
gap between cell membrane and cell wall
periplasmic space is active area of
cell metabolism
petidoglycan, protein constituents, and metabolites found in the periplasmic space
peptidoglycan (murein) comprised of
two alternating sugar units: (1) n-acetylglucosamine (NAG) and (2) n-acetylmuramic acid (NAM)
peptidoglycan (murein) sugars are joined by
short peptide chains that consist of four amino acids (tetrapeptides)
outer membrane is attached to peptidogycan by
a continuous layer of lipoprotein molecules
proteins called _____ form channels through the OM
the outer membrane contains _______ and ______
surface antigens and receptors
periplasmic space contains
the cell wall, digestive enzymes and transport proteins
gram-positive bacteria lack both _____ and _____
an OM and a periplasmic space
gram-positive bacteria have a relatively thick layer of
peptidoglycan (60-90%)
gram-negative bacteria have
a more complex cell wall with a thin layer of peptidogycan (10-20%)
acid-fast bacteria, characteristics
thick, like that of gram-positive bacteria, but has much less peptidoglycan and about 60% lipid
acid-fast bacteria are found in the genus
Mycobacterium sp.
cell wall of acid-fast bacteria is mainly composed of
the lipid component of acid-fast bacteria is
mycolic acid
acid-fast bacteria stain
antibiotic penicillin blocks what to damage cell walls?
the final stages of peptidogycan synthesis
enzyme lysozyme digests what?
lysozyme is found
in tears and other human body secretions
bacterial cells typically contain in their cytoplasm
ribosomes, nucleoid region, vacuoles, and (some) endospores
ribosomes consist of
ribonucleic acid (rna) & protein
ribosomes serve as sites of
protein synthesis
ribosomes are abundant in
the cytoplasm of bacteria
# of ribosomes in bacteria and eukaryotes
70S in bacteria; 80S in eukaryotes
long chains of ribosomes are called
streptomycin & erythromycin function against bacteria by
binding specifically to 70S ribosomes and disrupting bacterial protein synthesis
nuclear region/nucleoid consists of
dna, rna, & protein
dna in bacteria is structured as
usually one large, circular chromosome
vibrio cholerae nuclei contain
two chromosomes, one large and one small
plasmids are
extrachromosomal pieces of smaller, circular dna
photosynthetic bacteria and cyanobacteria contain
internal membrane systems, aka chromatophores
chromatophores are derived from
the cell membrane and contain the photosynthetic pigments
nitrifying bacteria also have
internal membranes
small bodies inside the bacterial cytoplasm
not membrane bound and contain densely compacted substances (glycogen or polyphosphate)
specialized membrane-enclosed structures that contain gas or poly-B-hydroxybutyrate (lipid)
centralized resting structure found in bacteria such as Bacillus sp. and Clostridium sp.
endospores function to
help the bacterial cells survive when conditions become unfavorable
endospores are highly resistant to
heat, drying, acids, bases, certain disinfectants and radiation
external structure of bacteria
bacteria may have structures that extend beyond or surround the cell wall
types of external bacterial structures
flagella and pili (which extend from the cell membrane through the cell wall and beyond) and capsules and slime layers (which surround the cell wall)
bacterial flagella - monotrichous
bacteria with a single polar flagellum located at one end (pole)
bacterial flagella - amphitrichous
bacteria with two flagella, one at each end
bacterial flagella - peritrichous
bacteria with flagella all over the surface
bacterial flagella - atrichous
bacteria without flagella
bacterial flagella - lophotrichous
two or more flagella
endosymbiotic theory
organelles of eukaryotic cells arose from prokaryotic cells that had developed a symbiotic relationship with the eukaryote-to-be
relationship between two different kinds of organisms that live in close contect
two different kinds of organisms living in close contact, where one lives inside the other
simple diffusion
the net movement of particles from a region of higher to lower concentration
facilitated diffusion
diffusion down a concentration gradient and across a membrane with the assistance of special pores or carrier molecules
the diffusion of water from an area of higher water concentration to an area of lower water concentration through a semipermiable membrane
active transport
movemebt of molecules and ions against concentration gradients from regions of lower concentration to ones of higher conecntration; requires ATP
osmotic pressure
pressure required to prevent the net flow of water by osmosis; the least amount of hydrostatic pressure req'd to prevent movement of water from solution into pure water is the osmotic pressure of the solution
positive chemotaxis
net result is movement towards the attractant (nutrients)
negative chemotaxis
net result is movement away from the repellent
pilus, pili
tiny, hollow projections used to attach bacteria to surfaces; not involved in movement
long conjugation pili, "sex" pili
short attachment pili
all polysaccharide/polypeptide-containg substances found external to cell wall, including capsules, slime layers
all bacteria have at least ________ layer
a thin slime layer
protective structure outside the cell wall of the organism from which it is secreted
capsules found in
only certain bacteria
chemical composition of capsules
unique to the strain of bacteria that secreted it
encapsulated bacteria are able to
evade host defense mechanisms (phagocytosis)
slime layer
less tightly bound to cell wall; thinner than a capsule
slime layer, function of
protects cell against drying; traps nutrients and binds cells together (biofilm)
moving substance by forming an invagination and surrounding substances from outside the cell
vesicles inside cell fuse with plasma membrane and extrude contents from the cell