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60 Cards in this Set

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Acid fast positive, such as tuberculosis, is colored
non acid fast is colored
total magnification =
objective lens x ocular lens
the ability of the lenses to distinguish between two points
shorter wavelengths of light provide
greater resolution
refractive index
a measure of the light-bending ability of a medium
immersion oil is used to...
keep light from bending
brightfield illumination
light reflected off the specimen does not enter the objective lens
darkfield illumination
light reflected off the specimen enters the objective lens
phase-contrast microscopy
accentuates diffraction o the light that passes through a specimen, good for viewing internal structures of unstained specimens
differential interference contrast microscopy
accentuates diffraction of the light that passes through a specimen, uses two beams of light
flourescence microscopy
uses UV light, fluorescent substances absorb UV light and emit visible light; cell may be stained with fluorescent dyes, useful to specifically id pathogens in specimens
fluorescent dyes
confocal microscopy
can create a 3D image
cells tained with flurochrome dyes, the short wavelength (blue) light is used to excite the dyes, and the light illuminates each plane in a specimen to produce a 3D image up to 100 um deep
two-photon microscopy
used to study cells attached to a surface; cells are stained with fluorochrome dyes; thwo photons of long-wavelength (red) light are used to excite the dyes;
scanning acoustic microscopy
used to study cells attached to a surface (such as a catheter tip); measures sound waves that are reflected back from an object
electron microscopy
uses electrons instead of light;
the shorter wavelength of electrons gives greater resolution
transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
uses ultrathin section of specimen;
light passes through specimen, through an electromagnetic lens, to a screen or film;
specimens may be stained with heavy metal salts
scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
produces 3D images;
an electron gun produces a beam of electrons that scans the surface of a whole specimen;
secondary electrons emitted from the specimen produce the image
scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)
uses a metal probe to scan a specimen
scanned-probe microscopy aka atomic force microscopy (AFM)
uses a metal-and diamond probe inserted into the specimen to new 3D images
coloring the microbe with a dye that emphasizes certain structures
a thin film of a solution of microbes on a slide
purpose of fixing a smear
to attach the microbes to the slide and kill the microbes
in a basic dye, the chromophore is a
in an acidic dye, the chromophore is a
negative staining
staining the background instead of the cell
simple stain
use of a single basic dye
may be used to hold the stain or coat the specimen to enlarge it
differential stains
are used to distinguish between bacteria;
include the gram stain and acid-fast stains
gram positive bacteria tend to be killed by
penicillin and detergents
gram negative bacteria are more or less resistent to antibiotics
more resistant
why is gram negative more resistant to antibiotics?
the cell wall has more lipids and is more water insoluble
what is the #1 nosocomial infection
E. coli
gram stain primary stain
crystal violent
gram stain mordant
gram stain decolorizing agent
gram stain counterstain
color of gram positive cells after safranin
color of gram negative cells after safranin
what is different about an acid-fast cell
the stained waxy cell wall is not decolorized bhy acid-alcohol
what are two acid-fast cells
Mycobacterium (TB)
acid-fast stain primary stain
acid-fast stain decolorizing agent
3% acid 97% alcohol
acid-fast stain counterstain
methylene blue
color of acid-fast cell after methylene blue
color of non-acid-fast cell after methylene blue
capsule staining
negative stain and cells also stained; capsule appears as white halo around cell
endospore stain primary stain
malachite green, usually with heat
endospore stain decolorizing agent
endospore stain counterstain
flagella staining uses
mordant on flagella;
carbolfuchsin simple stain
a micrometer is equal to
10-6 m or .000001 m
a nanometer is equal to
10-9 m
first simple microscope
by van Leeuwenhoek, single lens, 300x
most ocular lens magnify by
quorum sensing
the ability of bacteria to communicate and coordinate behavior. bacteria that use quorum sensing produce and secrete a signaling chemical called an inducer
example of a gram positive bacteria
Staphylococcus epidermis
Bacillus subtilis
example of a gram negative bactera
E. coli