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62 Cards in this Set

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is the scientific study of disease.
is the invasion or colonization of the body by pathogenic microorganisms.
occurs when an infection results in any change from a state of health.
Normal Microbiota
Micoorganisms that we need.
Distribution and composition of Normal Microbiota.
Nutrients, physical, and chemical factors, defenses of the host, and mechanical factors.
Microbial Antagonism
Normal Microbiota can benefit the host bypreventing the overgrowthof harmful microorganisms.
The relationship between normal microbiota and the host.
Relationship between two organisms in which at least one organism is dependent on the other. one benefits and the other is unaffected.
Type of symbiosis that benefits both organisms.
Type of symbiosis, one organism benefits by deriving nutirents at the expense of the other.
(many disease-causing bacteria are parasites.)
The cause of the disease.
The manner in which the disease develops.
Koch's Postulates
1. The same pathogen must be present in every case of the disease.
2.The pathogen must be isolated from the diseased host and grown in a pure culture.
3.The pathogen from the pure culture must cause the disease when it is inoculated into a healthy, susceptible laboratory animal.
4. The pathogen must be isolated from the inoculated animal and must be shown to be the original organism.
Exceptions to Koch's Postulates
Some bacteria have unique culture requirements. So can't grow on a artifical media.
Use of alternative methods of culturing and detecting certain microbes.
Infectious Disease:Symptoms
Subjective-Change in body function such as pain.
Infectious Disease:Signs
Objective: lesions, swelling, fever, and paralysis.
Communicable Disease
Spread from one host to another directly or indirectly
Contagious Disease
Easily spread from one person to another.
NonCommunicable Disease
Not spread from one host to another.
Number of people contract the disease.
Number of people in a population who develop a disease at a specific time regardless of when it first appeared.
Disease that occurs only occasionally.
Constantly present in a population
Alot of people are affected in a short period of time
Occurs world wide
Develops rapidly but lasts for a short time (FLU)
inbetween rapid & slow
Develops slowly and lasts a long time.
Causative agent remains inactive for a time but then becomes active to produce symptoms of the disease
Local infection
Small area
Spread through out the whole body.
Toxic inflammatory condition arising from spread of microbes, ecspecially basteria or their toxins from a focus of infection.
Blood poisoning, is a systemis infection arising from the multiplication of pathogens in the blood.
The presence of bacteria in the blood.
Presence of toxins in the blood.
Refers to viruses in the blood.
Primary Infection
is an acute infection that causes the inital illness.
Secondary Infection
is one caused by an opportunistic pathogen after the primary infection has weakened the body defense.
Predisposing factor
makes the body more susceptible to a disease and may alter the course of the disease.
Incubation period
is the interval between the intial infection and the first apperance of any signs or symptoms.
Prodromal Period
is a relatvely short period that ollows the period of incubation in some diseases.
Period of Illness
The disease is most severe. The person exhinits overt signs and symptoms of disease, such as fever, chills, muscle pain
Period of Decline
The sign and symptoms subside
Period of Covalescence
the person regains strength and the body returns to its prediseaed state.
Reservoir of infection
Source that is living or inanimate object that pr\ovides a pathogen with adequate conditions for survival and multiplication and a opprotuinity for transmission.
Human Reservoirs
People harbor pathogens and transmit them directly or indirectly. Carriers
Animal Reservoirs
Zoonoses- Disease that occur primarly in the wild and domestic animals and cna be transmitted to humans
Non Living Reservoirs
Soil & Water.
Contact Transmission
is the spread of an agent of disease by direct contact, indirect contact or droplet transmission.
Direct contact transmission
Person to Person transmission, direct transmission of an agent by physical contact between its source ans a suceptiable host
Indirect contact transmission
occurs when the agent of disease is transmitted from its reservoir to a suceptible host by means of a non living object.
Droplet Transmission
is a third type of contact transmission in which microbes are spread in droplet nuclei that travel only short distances.
Vechile Transmission
is the transmission of disease agents by a medium such as water, food, or air. Other media include blood and bodily fluids, drugs, and intravenous fluids.
Arthpods-animals that carry pathogens from one host to another.(Insects
Mechanical Transmission
is the passive transport of the pathogen on the insect's feet or other body part's.
Biological transmission
is an active process more complex. Bites infected person or animal and injects some of the infected blood.
Nosocomial Infections
Does not show any evidence of being present or incubating at the time of admission to a hospital; aquired as a hosptial stay.
Microorganisms in the Hospital
Nosocomial infections do not cause disease in healthy people but are pathogenis for individuals whose defenses have been weakened by illness and therapy.
Compromised Host
is one whose resistance to infection is impared by diseases, therapy, or burns.
Chain of Transmission
Directly-Patient to Patient, Indirectly-(equipment)
Emerging Infestious Diseases
are ones that are new or changing
The science that studies when and where diseases occur and how they are transmittedin populations.