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77 Cards in this Set

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an organism that lives at the expense of another organism (host)
parasites that cause disease
study of parasites
live on the surface of other organisms
live within the bodies of other organisms
obligate parasites
must spend at least some of their life cycle in or on a host
facultative parasites
normally free-living, but can obtain nutrients from a host
permanent parasites
remain in or on a host once they've invaded it; eg tapeworms
temporary parasites
feed on and then leave their hosts; eg biting insects
accidental parasites
invade an organism other than their normal host; eg ticks
refers to a parasite itself having parasites; eg malaria
agent of transmission
biological vector
vector in which the parasite goes through part of its life cycle
mechanical vector
vector in which the parasite does not go through any part of its life cycle during transit
definitive hosts
harbor a parasite while it reproduces sexually
intermediate hosts
harbor the parasite during some other developmental stages
reservoir hosts
infected organisms that make parasites available for transmission to other hosts
outer covering that protects against the environment, function in transmission and attachment to host
parasite mechanisms for evading host defense
(1) encystment; (2) change surface antigens; (3) cause host immune sys to make antibodies that cannot react w/parasites antigens; (4) invade host cells
characteristics of protists
kingdom Protista; diverse; unicellular, eukaryotic; true nuclei & membrane-enclosed organelles; diameter range 5um-5mm
pigmented eyespot on representative algae/plantlike protists
calcium carbonate shells
water mold
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flagellated spores
animal-like protists
heterotrophic, mostly unicellular; free living or commensals
have flagella, few are free-living, but most live in symbiotic relationships; eg Trypanosoma, Leishmania, Giardia, Trichomonas
usually amoeboid & move by means of pseupodia, a few have flagella at some stage; eg Entamoeba, Endolimax
parasitic & immobile; include sporozoites, merozoites, trophozoites, and gametocytes; eg Plasmodium
largest group of protozoans; have cilia over most of their surfaces for movement & assistance in food gathering
cilia, specialized structures
(1) contractile vacuole to regulate fluids; (2) Trichocysts tentacles to capture prey; (3) conjugation structure for genetic exchange
characteristics of fungi
diverse group of heterotrophs; many are saprophytes; some are parasites; most fungi, such as molds & shrooms, are multicellular, but yeasts are unicellular
structural components of fungi
thallus, mycelium, chitin
body of a fungus
loosely organized mass of threadlike structures called hyphae; cells release enzymes that digest substratum
cell wall composition, fungi
most contain chitin (a few cellulose)
a polysaccharide also found in the exoskeletons of arthropods
asexual reproduction in fungi
always involves mitotic cell division; occurs by budding
sexual reproduction in fungi
(1) plasmogamy; (2) dikaryotic; (3) karyogamy
haploid gametes unite and their cytoplasm mingles
if nuclei fail to unite, a "two-nucleus" cell forms
eventually nuclei fuse in this process to produce diploid cell
parasitic fungi, requirements of invasion
(1) proximity to the host; (2) ability to penetrate the host; (3) ability to digest and absorb nutrients from host cells
classification of fungi
fungi are classified according to the nature of the sexual stage in their life cycles
problems with classification of fungi
(1) no sexual cycle has been observed for some fungi; (2) it is often difficult to match the sexual and asexual stages of some fungi
the ability of an organism to alter its structure when it changes habitats
sac fungi that are human pathogens
(1) candida albicans; (2) trichophyton; (3) aspergillus; (4) blastomyces; (5) histoplasma
pathology caused by Candida albicans
yeast infections
pathology caused by Trichophyton
athlete's foot
pathology caused by Aspergillus
opportunistic respiratory infections
pathology caused by Blastomyces
respiratory infections & possibly systemic infections
pathology caused by Histoplasma
respiratory infections & possibly systemic infections
Cryptococcus neoformans
yeast that causes opportunistic infections of the respiratory tract and meningitis; AIDS is most common risk factor
characteristics of Helminths
bilaterally symmetrical; have L & R halves that are mirror images; have head & tail ends; tissues differentiated into three distinct layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
Helminths that parasitize humans
flatworms and roundworms
Flatworms (Platyhelminthes)
primitive worms which lack a coelom & have a simple digestive tract with a single opening; most are hermaphroditic
Roundworms (nematodes)
share many characteristcs with flatworms, but they have a pseudocoelom; they have cylindrical bodies with tapered ends and are covered with a thick, protective cuticle
Parasitic Helminths
(1) flukes; (2) tapeworms; (3) adult roundworms of the intestine; (4) roundworm larvae
Clonorchis sinensis, the Chinese liver fluke
infests the gallbladder, bile ducts, and pancreatic ducts, where it causes biliary cirrhosis and jaundice
Tapeworms, characteristics
consist of a scolex, or head end with suckers that attach to intestinal wall; long chain of hermaphroditic proglottids
body components that contain mainly reproductive organs of both sexes
1st stage, tapeworm life cycle
embryos develop inside eggs and are released from proglottids
2nd stage, tapeworm life cycle
proglottids and eggs leave the host's body with the feces
3rd stage, tapeworm life cycle
another animal ingests vegetation or water contaminated with eggs and eggs hatch into larvae, which invade the intestinal wall
4th stage, tapeworm life cycle
a larvae can develop into a cysticerus (bladder worm), r it can form a cyst
5th stage, tapeworm life cycle
a cyst can enlarge and develop many tapeworm heads within it (hydatid cyst) and if an animal eats flesh containing this, each scolex can develop into a new tapeworm
pork tapeworm
adult roundworms that parasitize humans live
most of life cycle in digestive tract
adult roundworms enter body by
ingestion with food or water, but some penetrate the skin (e.g. hookworm)
life cycles of intestinal roundworms show
considerable variation
characteristics of arthropods, general
constitute the largest group of living organisms; 80% of all animal species belong to phylum Arthropoda
specific characteristics of arthropods
(1) jointed chitinous exoskeletons; (2) segmented bodies; (3) jointed appendages; (4) have true coelom; (5) small brain & extensive network of nerves; (6) sexes are distinct & females lay many eggs
classification of arthropods
(1) arachnids; (2) insects; (3) crustaceans
wood tick, Dermacentor andersoni
characterized by four pairs of legs & two body regions (cephalothorax & abdomen)
insects, body type
three body regions (1) head, (2) thorax, (3) abdomen; three pairs of legs; highly specialized mouth parts
generally aquatic arthropods; typically have a pair of appendages associated with each segment
crustacean appendages include
(1) mouthparts; (2) claws; (3) walking legs; (4) appendages that aid in swimming or copulation