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125 Cards in this Set

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Changes the distribution of genes in a population
RNA-containing structure found in cells, used in protein synthesis
Life’s extremists
Universal information carrier
Light gathering pigment in all photosynthetic eukaryotes
Chlorophyll A
It lives inside another organism
With a nucleus and organelles
Primitive protozoan without mitochondria
Site of eukaryote cell’s aerobic metabolism
Domain with peptidoglycan cell walls
Made Earth’s oxygen atmosphere
Requiring oxygen
Poisonous to many anaerobic organisms
Creates chemical energy from light
Graphic way to describe patterns of evolution
Tree of life
Explains the presence of bacteria-like DNA in the mitochondrion
Cilia and flagella
Locomotion organelles
Key to eukaryotic diversity
*What is Microbiology?
study of small living things
*What does one study in microbiology?
organisms that you need a microscope to see
What are some examples of what you see under a microscope?
viruses(electron microscope)
What is parasitology?
Identify and look at the eggs(ova) of worm under microscope
What is morphology?
What is Immunology?
Immune System
What is genetics?
Molecular Biology
What two themes does microbiology evolve around?
Understanding basic life processes
Application of that understanding to benefit of humans
What are microbes excellent models for understanding?
cellular processes in unicellular and multicellular organisms
What is an excellent model for understanding multicellular and unicellular organisms?
Microbes play an important role in _______, ________, and ________.
agriculture, industry and medicine
What is the importance of microorganisms?
1. Oldest form of life
2. Largest mass of living material on Earth
3. Carry out major processes for biogeochemical cycles
What is the cell?
A dynamic entity that forms the fundamental unit of life
Four classes of cellular macromolecules
Nucleic acids
Cytoplasmic (cell) membrane
Barrier that separates the inside of the cell from the outside environment
Fluid that fills cells
Nucleus or nucleoid and ribosomes
“Machinery” for cell growth and function
Cell wall
Present in most microbes, confers structural strength
How old are microorganisms?
3.5 billion years old
What is the biogeochemical cycle?
cycle enzymes from bacteria causes changes donate enzyme that changes one substrate to another
What is the cell membrane made of?
double phospholipid bilayer
What does the cell wall do for the cell?
1. give it shape
-round, rod, sprial
2. protects
-more protection from osmotic pressure
What is the cell wall of bacteria made of?
peptidoglycan (PG)
What is the cell wall of Fungi made of?
What is the cell wall of plants made of?
Peptidoglycan, Chitin, and Cellulose are derived from what?
*Do bacteria have a nucleus?
no, but they have chromosomes
*What type of cells have cell membranes?
all cells
*What are cell membranes made of?
phospholipid bilayer
*What is unique about bacterial cell walls?
Characteristics of Living Systems
1. Compartmentalization and Metabolism
2. Regeneration
4. Differentiation
5. Communication
6. Movement
7. Evolution
Compartmentalization and Metabolism
chemical transformation of nutrients
repair and replacement of components
generation of two cells from one
synthesis of new substances or structures that modify the cell (only in some microbes)
Generation of, and response to, chemical signals (only in some microbes)
Via self-propulsion, many forms in microbes
ex. cilia or flagella
Genetic changes in cells that are transferred to offspring
Cells can be considered ___________ that carry out _______ ________.
machines; chemical transformation
protein catalysts of this chemical machine; accelerate the rate of chemical reactions
Cells can also be considered _______ _______.
Coding devices
What do coding devices do?
store and process information that is eventually passed on to offspring during reproduction through DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and evolution
The link between cells as machines and cells as coding devices
replication in bacteria
copying DNA of chromosome then copying the cell
What is Binary Fission?
one orgin of replication goes to 2 cells.
Bidirection replication
FAST replication
What is an example of bidirectional replication?
E Coli in colon, G-rod--replicates every 20 minutes.
Microorganisms exist in nature in populations of interacting assemblages called ____________.
microbial communities
The environment in which a microbial population lives is its __________.
__________refers to all living organisms plus physical and chemical constituents of their environment
______________ is the study of microbes in their natural environments
Microbial Ecology
What controls the diversity and abundances of microbes?
resources (nutrients) and environmental conditions (e.g., temp, pH, O2)
The activities of microbial communities can affect the _________ and ________ of their habitats.
chemical and physical properties
In what ways do microbial communities interact?
Cooperation& Competition
Work together
fight for food
Microbes also interact with their ______ & _______ environment
Physical and Chemical
________ are greatly influenced by micobial activities
Microorganisms change the _______ and _________ properties of their ______.
physical and chemical
In what ways do microorganisms change the chemical and physical properties of their habitats?
1. removal of nutrients from the environment
2. excretion of waste products
Universal ancestor
common ancestral cell from which all cells descended
How old is the earth?
4.6 billion years old
When did the first cells appear?
3.8 and 3.9 billion years ago
The atmosphere was anoxic until __________ years ago
2 billion
Metabolisms were anaerobic until evolution of _______ ______ ________.
oxygen producing phototrophs
Life was exclusively _______ until 1 billion years ago.
Where are most microbial cells found?
oceanic and terrestrial subsurfaces
Microbes are found in almost every environment imaginable

True or False
Global estimate of _____________.
5x10^30 cells
Cells are key reservoirs of what essential nutrients?
C, P, and N
Microorganisms can be both _______ and ______ to humans
beneficial and harmful
More microorganisms in nature are beneficial than harmful
True or False
Antibiotics are against _______ and _______.
fungi and bacteria
What aspects of agriculture depend on microbial activities?
1. nitrogen-fixing bacteria
2. cellulose-degrading microbes in the rumen
3. regeneration of nutrients in soil and water
clean environment
What negative impacts do microorganisms have on food?
food spoilage by microorganisms requires specialized preservation of many foods
What positive impacts do microorganisms have on food?
microbial transformations(fermentations) make dairy products and other foods
What foods do microorganisms yield?
cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, pickles, beer, sauerkraut
Microbes make biofuels like....
methane, ethanol, hydrogen
What is the role of microbes in cleaning up pollutants?
Do bacteria have a nucleus?
Bacteria have a circular _______ made of ____ carrying genes that code for mRNA for protein.
chromosome; DNA
Exploitation of microbes for production of ________, _________, and __________.
antibiotics, enzymes, and various chemicals
Genetic engineering of microbes to generate products of value to humans, such as insulin
What careers can one have in Microbiology?
1. Clinical Medicine
2. Research and Development
3. Microbial monitoring in food and beverage industries, public, health and govt.
"The role of infinitely small in nature is infinitely large"
Louis Pasteur
What are the four class of cellular macromolecules?
nucleic acids
What are the importance of lipids in the cell
cell membrane and energy source
What is the importance of protein to the cell?
enzymes and structurally
What is the importance of carbs to the cell?
ATP, cell walls, and storage
What is the importance of nucleic acids in the cell?
DNA=genetic code for everything
RNA=protein synthesis
code for amino acids
carries amino acids
binds to mRNA to hold it at ribosome for translation to occur
What is the function of the cytoplasmic membrane of the cell?
phospholipid bilayer separates inside from outside and controls transport in and out.
What is the function of the cytoplasm?
inside the cytoplasmic membrane, fluid holds the stuff.
What is the function of the nucleus/nucleotoid/chromosome?
What is the function of the ribosome?
site of translation
cell wall
What makes bacteria motile?
*Do bacteria have cilia?
*What are enzymes and what do they do?
enzymes are proteins that speed up reaction and get reused
*What is an example of an enzyme?
lipase, protease, catalase
*What does catalase do?
breaks hydrogen peroxide into water and hydrogen
*Do microorganisms typically live in pure culture?
*What factors influence the types of microorganisms present?
food, temperature, ph, water present
*What do microorganisms do to the environment they are in?
Live and grow to produce acids, drop pH, use nutrients